View Full Version : Those 2 programs to patch win 7

September 8th, 2014, 03:37 PM

ReCentLy My WiNdoWs DeciDed To Act Up AnD It CauSed DaTa To Be DeLeteD So Im AskINg YoU GuYs/GiRls , WhAts ThE ThE NamE Of ThOse TwO PrOGrams ThAt PaTcH WiN 7 , FoR ThE TheMes? :anger::crying:
IT HaD A BLuE UI anD GaVe ThE AbiLiTy To SeT ThE AlOt Of ThINgS.:greedy:

September 8th, 2014, 03:57 PM

ReCentLy My WiNdoWs DeciDed To Act Up AnD It CauSed DaTa To Be DeLeteD So Im AskINg YoU GuYs/GiRls , WhAts ThE ThE NamE Of ThOse TwO PrOGrams ThAt PaTcH WiN 7 , FoR ThE TheMes? :anger::crying:
IT HaD A BLuE UI anD GaVe ThE AbiLiTy To SeT ThE AlOt Of ThINgS.:greedy:

To patch your system you need a program called Universal Theme Patcher. Then you need to install a program called Theme Resource Changer. Both of these programs can be found on our site. Just do a search for them. You should be able to find them real easy.

September 8th, 2014, 11:55 PM
ThAnK You , ArMy DuDe ThoSe ArE The FilEs I WaS TalkiNg BoUt.:laughing: