View Full Version : TimeDate.cpl image request

September 17th, 2014, 07:20 PM
Hello, I have the White Line theme found on DevART but it doesn't come with it's own TimeDate.cpl images. I was wondering if anyone knows of one that would go well with it. If so, can someone please either post it for me or simply post a link to it. (if it has an auto applier so that I won't have to manually take ownership of the location it applies to I would greatly appreciate that). Here's some screenshots of my theme. (one with clock open, one with clock closed).

68656 68657

September 17th, 2014, 07:45 PM
So basicly you need a clock with black round edges color so it can match the rest of his window, don't know any clock for this case, good luck! :Peace:

Harvey Sewdin
September 17th, 2014, 08:04 PM
Check the HUD themes, Skyrim by Razorsedge. There are other themes with clocks too which are either square(so no need for a background) or do have a black background :smile:

September 17th, 2014, 09:39 PM
okay. will do. thanks Harvey. =)

Harvey Sewdin
September 17th, 2014, 10:27 PM
No problem, btw nice desktop :smile:

September 18th, 2014, 12:29 AM
thanks, lol. tbh I couldn't find any clocks that looked goo with it and was ready to just give in and leave it as was. But around that moment a found the AMD Experience the Revolution theme for Windows 8/8.1/8.1.1 and just 'had' to get it, lol. I'm now using it. Folder icons and such didnt change but I don't mind because the Token Black icon set goes pretty good with it for those. System icons however changed properly. I'll post some screenshots into the proper thread =)

Harvey Sewdin
September 18th, 2014, 01:38 AM
Yeah I'm using token icons too, matches every theme. And keep looking, you might find something you like :smile:

September 18th, 2014, 02:40 AM
Darkwater how does this work for you bro ?? let me know 68660 If its what you are looking for then i'll drop them in a folder and upload it for you bro :Smile:

September 18th, 2014, 02:59 AM
That ones actually pretty cool. =) I've already switched themes though. If you can put it in a folder of which will allow it to be applied only when the theme I was using is being used then I would love it. I've seen some themes in the past that only apply clocks and such when using the specific theme. So that wuld be great for me. I would however have to do the same for the datetime images for the AMD Experience the Revolution theme too though rofl. All in al though, that would go perfect with the theme I was needing one for. =) Luckily I still have that theme available. So I can still switch back to it anytime. I just figure it would be less of a hassle if it was set to only be used with the theme i needed it for so i woulndt have to manually change the datetime image every time i switch to another theme.

September 18th, 2014, 03:49 AM
That ones actually pretty cool. =) I've already switched themes though. If you can put it in a folder of which will allow it to be applied only when the theme I was using is being used then I would love it. I've seen some themes in the past that only apply clocks and such when using the specific theme. So that wuld be great for me. I would however have to do the same for the datetime images for the AMD Experience the Revolution theme too though rofl. All in al though, that would go perfect with the theme I was needing one for. =) Luckily I still have that theme available. So I can still switch back to it anytime. I just figure it would be less of a hassle if it was set to only be used with the theme i needed it for so i woulndt have to manually change the datetime image every time i switch to another theme.

Here is a folder with all the images bro................. The only thing i would sugeest is if you have restorator you can open it and edit 0ne of the timedate.cpl packs that Lamia prepared in any of the win 8.1.1 themes that way you can change it via the way he has them set up,me personally i change mine but i have some that i can use with every theme........ :Smile:


September 18th, 2014, 10:02 AM
ooohh, i see. thanks for the info. that should come in useful. Sadly though i don't have a mediafire pro account so I can't download those images. Can't afford much atm. I'll see what I can do about the restorator thing though. That might come in useful. =)

September 18th, 2014, 11:08 AM
ooohh, i see. thanks for the info. that should come in useful. Sadly though i don't have a mediafire pro account so I can't download those images. Can't afford much atm. I'll see what I can do about the restorator thing though. That might come in useful. =)

68680 This should work for you bro :Smile:

September 18th, 2014, 12:05 PM
sweet! got 'em. thanks. =)