View Full Version : Calender images for the system clock interface request.

September 20th, 2014, 07:34 PM

I recently got amazing help from Lito and MrGRiM on some TimeDate.cpl images and am liking them so much that I was wondering if there might be some matching calendar images to go with them in the system clock interface thingy. Here is a screenshot for reference.


I would be very grateful if someone could let me know of any [or possibly if they have some that match it I would be grateful to have permission to use them]. Thanks in advance. Me and my 'cheeky' self am enjoying this setup big time and would love some matching calender images:cheeky:. lol soz, had to pull the 'cheeky' pun :laughing:


Also, if there is a registry code that can be used in place of the empty Quick Launch bar and empty Links bar for centering my taskbar icons, can someone please send it to me in a format that can allow me to add it without having to copy and/or paste it in place?