View Full Version : PC not starting after windows update

September 20th, 2014, 11:10 PM
Anyone having problems with your computer not starting after windows update??

September 20th, 2014, 11:40 PM
Anyone having problems with your computer not starting after windows update??

If your using Ultra Uxtheme Patcher or anything that relies on patching system files for custom themes on Windows 8 then that will be your problem, I do not recommend anyone using these patching programs as there is no fallback on Windows 8 if these files are replaced after a Windows Update, you will end up with a black screen after boot and will require you to go to safe mode and restore the aero theme or by going through recovery and doing a system restore.

The safest way to run custom themes on windows 8 is to use Uxstyle http://uxstyle.com that will run as a service to bypass the theme signature and is the only thing I will use on Windows 8 since it became available, I have had this black screen problem a couple of times already in the past before support for uxstyle became available so I will never try another patcher again, no matter what anyone else says about how safe they are.

September 20th, 2014, 11:51 PM
If your using Ultra Uxtheme Patcher or anything that relies on patching system files for custom themes on Windows 8 then that will be your problem, I do not recommend anyone using these patching programs as there is no fallback on Windows 8 if these files are replaced after a Windows Update, you will end up with a black screen after boot and will require you to go to safe mode and restore the aero theme or by going through recovery and doing a system restore.

The safest way to run custom themes on windows 8 is to use Uxstyle http://uxstyle.com that will run as a service to bypass the theme signature and is the only thing I will use on Windows 8 since it became available, I have had this black screen problem a couple of times already in the past before support for uxstyle became available so I will never try another patcher again, no matter what anyone else says about how safe they are.

Yeah thats the one i used to use... but for some reason or another i decided to go with ultraUX. Thanks Grim :)

September 21st, 2014, 08:44 AM
Eather UltraUXtheme patcher is problem or one of latest updates from microsoft makes pc's to crash in startup, at least i read about that update in one PC magazine this days, maybe they fix that update finally, overall Mark give you a right pointers mate! :Smile:

September 21st, 2014, 01:11 PM
GRiM (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/1-Mr-GRiM) the solution is to either rerun windows or make sure you have a point in time with whatever program you are using for archiving you c drive to before using the theme patcher then doing this months updates and repatching your system. i do not recommend using uxstyle to "relax your files". i used it in a vm test after i hosed my system after this months patch tuesday and got the old areoglass error message(luckily i was able to rollback to just before i patched cause i took a snapshot just before patching). i uninstalled aeroglass and uxstyle and then installed theme patcher and aero glass and no problem. the breaking of windows really has nothing to do with either patching program, it is all on microsoft. in windows 7 even after installing sp1 all i ever had to do was fix / reinstall a couple of customization tools and i was good to go again. EVERY patch tuesday since 8.1 at least a small percentage of people have had their systems broken. i personally would suggest peeps have either rollback rx or ax64 time machine installed if they are running 8.1/8.1.1.

September 21st, 2014, 02:06 PM
GRiM (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/1-Mr-GRiM) the solution is to either rerun windows or make sure you have a point in time with whatever program you are using for archiving you c drive to before using the theme patcher then doing this months updates and repatching your system. i do not recommend using uxstyle to "relax your files". i used it in a vm test after i hosed my system after this months patch tuesday and got the old areoglass error message(luckily i was able to rollback to just before i patched cause i took a snapshot just before patching). i uninstalled aeroglass and uxstyle and then installed theme patcher and aero glass and no problem. the breaking of windows really has nothing to do with either patching program, it is all on microsoft. in windows 7 even after installing sp1 all i ever had to do was fix / reinstall a couple of customization tools and i was good to go again. EVERY patch tuesday since 8.1 at least a small percentage of people have had their systems broken. i personally would suggest peeps have either rollback rx or ax64 time machine installed if they are running 8.1/8.1.1.

Personally I aways use UxStyles. Simply because I don't know enough about actually patching systems to use UltraUxThemePatcher. Last time I tried UltraUxThemePatcher it messed up my computer so bad I couldnt access it for quite a while. I had to figure out how to access root boot menu despite it having been disabed and run a factory default restore to fix the problems it caused. I always use UxStyles now and haven't had any problems wit it at all. Also, I am running Windows 8.1.1 so for me it runs fine.

September 21st, 2014, 04:51 PM
Ive tried Rollback RX before.. didnt like it... will try ax64 in a few. Anyways got it figured out on the laptop but had to run sfc /scannow on my tv computer. Trying to reset it right now.. so far so good... about 40% into it. I prolly wont install a theme patcher on it anymore since i only use it to watch movies. Thanks guys

September 21st, 2014, 05:33 PM
Personally I aways use UxStyles. Simply because I don't know enough about actually patching systems to use UltraUxThemePatcher. Last time I tried UltraUxThemePatcher it messed up my computer so bad I couldnt access it for quite a while. I had to figure out how to access root boot menu despite it having been disabed and run a factory default restore to fix the problems it caused. I always use UxStyles now and haven't had any problems wit it at all. Also, I am running Windows 8.1.1 so for me it runs fine.
Same here mate, I donated to the project so we could get uxstyle on 8, I have used it since it's first release and have never had a problem with black screens or not booting since, I'm on Windows8.1.1 with all Windows Updates installed.

July 6th, 2015, 11:44 PM
Well, if anyone is still wanting a decent way to get custom themes to work on their comp without UxStyle or UltraUxThemePatcher, Dark Knight showed me a way to use registry codes to do so. Here is the link to the board page it is on.

Post #13 of thread : Problem Unninstalling UxStyle (http://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/69585-Problem-Unninstalling-UxStyle)

He posted the method for me as a response to a problem I was having with UxStyle, and it is working perfectly. I hope this comes in helpful to whomever is interested.