View Full Version : Windows Threshold/Windows 10 News/rumors

September 21st, 2014, 12:24 AM
Just been over at MDL and seen a new screenshot of the upcoming OS from Microsoft, whats people thoughts and opinions on how this new OS is shaping up and let us know if you plan on making the switch or if you will be trying out the Consumer Preview on September 30th.


September 21st, 2014, 01:18 AM
personally, I don't like the metro tiles in the start menu. They look rather ugly in my opinion. I think I'll more than likely stick with my Windows 8.1.1 if Windows 9 actually implements the metro tiles into the start menu.:unhappy: At least Windows 8.1.1 lets me use Classic Shell to replace the Metro Start Screen.

September 21st, 2014, 05:48 AM
I'm hoping Microsoft will put out a RC1 of Windows (whatever) 9 as they did with Windows 7 :Smile:

September 21st, 2014, 08:29 AM
When I look at sites like Virtual Customs and see the amazing desktops this place produces, with its limited recources, money, time and so on, and then look at that abominal mess masqurading as a desktop, I cant help but think with all its resources, and unlimted funds, that's the best MicroSoft can serve up?

Are they taking the p*ss or what?

Sorry, but it really leaves me feeling like they treat their paying customers with contempt pushing what so obviously is TABLET based onto the desktop market. Come on MicroSoft LEARN!
Didn't the abomination that is windows 8 teach you anything about repecting the desktop market?

Well looking at the above ...

Obviously not.

September 21st, 2014, 08:45 AM
im waiting for it.

But i think isn't well for theming.

September 21st, 2014, 08:49 AM
I read about it and see all in details for upcoming OS, i dont like also that metro style in start menu, that menu looks very wide as usuall, but something tells me that we can customize it the way we want it, eather by removing the metro side or something, i'm sure there will be a way to make everything cool in the end, overall when the time is right i will move on to number 9 and import all this themes for it... lol.... yea lot's of work in front of me! :Smile:

September 21st, 2014, 08:57 AM
nice, that's cool.

September 21st, 2014, 09:08 AM
Is possible remove all app from right side


September 21st, 2014, 09:12 AM
From what I can see in the screen it looks like they have completely removed the windows frames but they have also increased the drop shadow, I just hope that there is still the option to have a frame or if it's been completely removed from the msstyles, I also hope that we can continue to use StartIsBack, OldNewExplorer and Glass8, I can also see they have added a home icon in explorer and even more clutter as well as a favorites button in the ribbon, I am looking forward to checking out the preview on the 30th and seeing what was removed and what can still be customized.

I am using Windows 8 at the moment and I never use any of the modern apps or anything else from the Metro interface, but now it looks like we may have it shoved in our faces even more on the desktop, at this rate I think we will have to wait for Windows 10 before we see another great Desktop OS like Windows 7.

September 21st, 2014, 09:18 AM
I have good feeling about windows 9 mate, even now when i see youtube link from joderiz (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/225377-joderiz), all that metro crap can be removed, but again i think that might broke base start menu design, or alternative SIB+ for Windows 9! :Peace:

September 21st, 2014, 09:37 AM
The windows 9 is like windows 8.1.1 you can choice start menu or start screen, So maybe you can use startisback instead start screen. But im not sure about the start menu with tiles.

September 21st, 2014, 10:02 AM
This is a leaked video of the desktop in action. (if the link works)


Harvey Sewdin
September 21st, 2014, 10:22 AM
This is a leaked video of the desktop in action. (if the link works)


:worried: I think my heart stopped for a couple of seconds when the calculator was launched, freaking ugly.
A good thing though, multitasking seems to be improved. Metro is windowed, which is good.

I don't think Microsoft will release a glorious product like Win 7 again. I'm fed up with all these "clean-modern-metro" sh*t. lol

September 21st, 2014, 11:34 AM
this is an pre-beta version so this is 5% of all new features, let's hope for better OS.

Now windows is like mac in UI
White inactive windows and no border in windows.

UxStyle is available for windows 9 now!

and here is first theme for windows 9 seems the start menu is recolored


September 21st, 2014, 12:32 PM
i plan on foing a fresh install of 8.1.1 cause it'sw the only way i can get this months updates with out hosing my system. i'm going to partition the drive and dual boot 8.1.1 and the 9 preview when it's released on the 30th. i'll need to find a toy to replace the charm bar on the desktop cause i've gotten use to it, and it does save a lot of time on certain things.

September 21st, 2014, 04:54 PM
At first when I saw the screenshot in the first post of this thread, I thought it was rather ugly, but having seen the leaked video of it in action, I'm not so sure anymore. It's actually starting to look fairly decent to me now. I might try the consumer preview [or whatever it's called] when it comes out. :cheeky:

September 30th, 2014, 09:51 PM

Let the journey begin!

http://live.theverge.com/microsoft-w...ent-live-blog/ (http://live.theverge.com/microsoft-windows-9-event-live-blog/)

http://blogs.windows.com/bloggingwin...ng-windows-10/ (http://blogs.windows.com/bloggingwindows/2014/09/30/announcing-windows-10/)

Well I was surprised when I woke up today and went over to MDL, looks like we have skipped 9 and gone straight to 10, the preview should be available on the 1st now as well instead of the 30th

September 30th, 2014, 11:21 PM
and there folks is why microsour is pushing 9 fast and as a free upgrade to 8 and up. they are over a year behind apple on the "one product, one platform, one store" model. as for the rumors that they are finally going to be going to the apple os release model they should of started that back when vist came out. i thank "OUTMODED" would be a better code name thab threshold is for 9.

September 30th, 2014, 11:47 PM
wait.. does this mean Windows 9 has been nuked? or will we still be able to upgrade to Windows 9 free if we have windows 8/8.1/8.1.1? Because I really want it and I don't have a second drive to use to test the Windows 10 preview.

September 30th, 2014, 11:59 PM
So far there has been no word on pricing from MS although it is expected that there will be an upgrade path for 8.1 users similar to update 1, I think it possible it will be free though as they already promised to bring back the start menu and then delayed it for Threshold, plus it makes sense for them to try and ditch support for Windows 8 as soon as possible.

Some useful links:



October 1st, 2014, 12:12 AM

Found a video for those who don't want to read about it :smile:

October 1st, 2014, 02:14 AM
When I look at sites like Virtual Customs and see the amazing desktops this place produces, with its limited recources, money, time and so on, and then look at that abominal mess masqurading as a desktop, I cant help but think with all its resources, and unlimted funds, that's the best MicroSoft can serve up?

Are they taking the p*ss or what?

Sorry, but it really leaves me feeling like they treat their paying customers with contempt pushing what so obviously is TABLET based onto the desktop market. Come on MicroSoft LEARN!
Didn't the abomination that is windows 8 teach you anything about repecting the desktop market?

Well looking at the above ...

Obviously not.

lol i hear ya. i think that they made it with a style thats kinda neutral since not everyone have the same likes. it actually avoids lawsuits lol

Found a video for those who don't want to read about it http://virtualcustoms.net/images/smilies/Smile.png
thats me. thanks Mr GRiM (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/1-Mr-GRiM)

October 1st, 2014, 02:27 AM
nice. i like that they are not leaving windows7 behind too much, or so they say. i wish they would collaborate with android or the iphone so at least we could have some of the features on our non windows devices too and not have to get a windows phone.
i was even planning on installing 8.1 but i will stick with my 7 til 10 comes out i guess.

October 1st, 2014, 03:43 AM
So far there has been no word on pricing from MS although it is expected that there will be an upgrade path for 8.1 users similar to update 1, I think it possible it will be free though as they already promised to bring back the start menu and then delayed it for Threshold, plus it makes sense for them to try and ditch support for Windows 8 as soon as possible.

Some useful links:



Awesome! Thanks! :greedy:

October 1st, 2014, 05:20 AM
I'm 2 minutes into the 39 minute presentation and already I don't like what I'm seeing.

Cloud OS? forget the OS part of it, I just want to say a couple of things about this push for "CLOUD" ...

Firstly I like having numerous terabyte drives to store MY DATA to do with as I please. Having said that, go grab your tin foil hat, because its conspiracy theory time ...

The theory goes something along the lines of this: (simplified version) A bunch of very powerful people got together with 2 goals in mind. One was control, and of coarse the other was money. The first goal was about taking control away from the user, ie. UEFI BIOS amongst other such nasties - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V2aq5M3Q76U&list=PLh5xONoTuBK7Uim6Gn2eRyfr8Cwk2XaD3 and a host of other implemented technologies (under the guise of "security" and other such catch-cries "usability" and so on) with the basic goal of taking control away from you. One of the goals was the control of your data. Microsoft, movie studios, software developers (not the free kind, the open source kind - those are the good guys) but the bad guys, the lock you in, no choice, they control it all, come up with the idea of "cloud" the wonderful world where your data, hell even your entire OS is stored ...somewhere on massive servers waiting for you at any time you please to access, and BEST of all? ITS FREE! Smell the rat yet?

Personally I remember when lots of things were free. Those same things are not anymore. Govts do it all the time, its called "privatization" you know, like when I was growing up you didn't get water bills for usage because it was Govt owned and your taxes payed for it. Then they said if they sold it off to private companies, the water "service" would be better for everyone! Oh it doesn't hurt for an intrim before hand to allow that "service" to deteriorate so as the idea sounds wonderful, PLUS the sale (and resulting taxes from the bills you'll pay, ie. GST) will mean the Govt will have lots of money to spend on YOU! with more services and better infrastructure like roads, schools, hospitals ...
Didn't quite work out that way huh? lol

Anyway back to the point - Cloud seems all innocent and good right? FREE data storage booyah! Mark my words, cloud and anything to do with it is anything but good. One day you might wake up to find ALL your data MUST be stored on cloud storage. Its against "name new agreement policy here" that in order t use Windows 13 you agree to store ALL data on the Microsoft cloud. I know, impossible right? Laptops without USB slots? Hell I remember when they sold storage devices in the good old days ...

You begin to rip latest movie to your HDD, no hang on, to the cloud, and get a pop up telling you that's illegal and against EUA #83645 because their latest fancy algorithm software (which scans ALL data) doesn't "see" your data, so your private nudie pics are safe, but scans it, and picks up your grabbing something unapproved - well we cant have that now can we lol

I mean one day, you might receive and email, or a pop up message telling you you cant access YOUR DATA because you haven't payed this months $29.95 access fee ...

Nah that could never happen.

Okay, you can take the tin foil hat off now lol

October 1st, 2014, 11:11 AM
Don't know if this has been posted yet, delete if it has been and sorry in advance, but for those interested in getting their hands on Windows 10 (as the "official" release is coined to be out late next year) you can grab it here: http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/preview-coming-soon before you get all excited, there is actually nothing available on that page YET.
Thanks for your excitement about the Windows Insider Program. We're prepping for the release, so please check back soon. But if your keen to give the new windows a test drive, the above link is the official channel to grab it according to Microsoft.

October 1st, 2014, 11:36 AM
Please It's Called Threshold Cause Once Installed And you Land On The Desktop
You Are Presented With What Seems Like A Picture Of Justin Bieber's Anus
(Mr. Bieber Did Actually Pose For The Picture)For Your Wallpaper.
You Drag Your Files To This Portal(AKA Known As The Anus)Hence
The Name Threshold. Once You Have Dragged To The "Portal" They Are Sucked Into
The Cloud Never To Be Seen Again.

October 1st, 2014, 05:03 PM
Anyone thats gonna install W10 on virtualbox.. guest additions wont work.... just tried it.

June 1st, 2015, 09:10 AM
It's official! Windows 10 release date has been released! July 29th. There is now already an icon that shows up in the notification tray of which allows you to upgrade, reserve a free upgrade, go to windows update, and get to know windows 10. However, since the official release is July 29th, I will wait. Because if I'm not mistaken, it is NOT free to upgrade from a TRIAL version, and chances are that's exactly what the currently available upgrade is. But I'm glad the release date has finally been released. :greedy:

June 1st, 2015, 12:12 PM
It's official! Windows 10 release date has been released! July 29th. There is now already an icon that shows up in the notification tray of which allows you to upgrade, reserve a free upgrade, go to windows update, and get to know windows 10. However, since the official release is July 29th, I will wait. Because if I'm not mistaken, it is NOT free to upgrade from a TRIAL version, and chances are that's exactly what the currently available upgrade is. But I'm glad the release date has finally been released. :greedy:

note to those with pirated versions of windows DO NOT do an in-place upgrade to 10. go get yourself a clean iso and wait for someone to release a good activator. i'm damn sure microsour is hoping that pirates will do an in-place upgrade so they can track them.

June 1st, 2015, 01:40 PM
...Once You Have Dragged To The "Portal" They Are Sucked Into
The Cloud Never To Be Seen Again...

...until your court-date. Because immediately after your files are sucked in to the JBAP, Cortana will inform you, very politely, that FBI agents are presently zeroing in on your exact position to ask you a few questions about those images of half-dressed minors, the ones that were in your 'Family Vacation 2010' folder, the ones that the JBAP/C service immediately shared with every alphabet agency and interested corporation on the planet...


The JBAP/C and Cortana: Just a few more awesome features that await you(!) from Microsoft.


June 1st, 2015, 09:44 PM
note to those with pirated versions of windows DO NOT do an in-place upgrade to 10. go get yourself a clean iso and wait for someone to release a good activator. i'm damn sure microsour is hoping that pirates will do an in-place upgrade so they can track them.

I read this on Mydigitallife, it is worth reading for those with a pirated version of windows.


June 2nd, 2015, 05:03 PM
Says free.. not a trial


June 2nd, 2015, 05:27 PM
Says free.. not a trial


free for those that have a paid version of 7, 8, 8.1, or 8.1.1. if your windows is pirated you will be able to upgrade but you will be bugged to become genuine according to the various articles i've read.

June 2nd, 2015, 05:35 PM
free for those that have a paid version of 7, 8, 8.1, or 8.1.1. if your windows is pirated you will be able to upgrade but you will be bugged to become genuine according to the various articles i've read.

I have 2 computers.. 1 is genuine... the other has the Win10 preview on it. I think im good. My thinking is they want ppl to get off Win7. There are so many die hard 7'ers out there

July 15th, 2015, 11:33 PM
Windows 10 RTM Build 10240

This Build have alot New Features like No TimeBomb and Watermark This Last Build Before The Final in july 29...

This is Info We have now:

Hi everyone, today we are releasing a new build to both the Fast and Slow rings. We’re just about two weeks away from beginning to offer Windows 10 to the world, as Terry detailed here. Over the past few days we’ve been preparing our release pipelines and processes, and this build is one step closer to what customers will start to receive on 7/29. For example, you’ll notice with this build that the desktop watermark is no longer there (you can still do Search > Winver to see your version number.

On Monday we announced that builds from here on will only be available through Windows Update, so to get this one you can either wait and it will be installed automatically (but who are we kidding, I know you want it now!) or go to Start > Settings > Update & Security > Windows Update > Check for updates. Remember that you’ll need to be logged in with your Microsoft Account in order to receive the build.

Besides builds, over the next 2 weeks you’ll also see some Windows Updates and app updates in the Store, so make sure to keep checking for updates daily to make sure you’re running the latest and greatest code.

Microsoft Edge is blazing fast!

The Edge team has been continuing to optimize performance since first adding the new browser to Windows 10. In this build, Microsoft Edge is even better and is beating Chrome and Safari on their own JavaScript benchmarks:

On WebKit Sunspider, Edge is 112% faster than Chrome
On Google Octane, Edge is 11% faster than Chrome
On Apple JetStream, Edge is 37% faster than Chrome
We’re really pleased with those performance gains and we hope that you’ll enjoy faster browsing with Microsoft Edge along with the many great features we’ve added over the last several builds.

Windows 10 App Development

Developers working on Windows 10 will have the first opportunity to upload Universal Windows Applications to the Windows Dev Center using production quality Windows 10 tools on July 29th. We appreciate all the time you’ve spent using flights of the tools and providing feedback and we are excited for you to begin sharing your applications with everyone running Windows 10. For more information on developing Universal Windows Apps, see the Building Apps For Windows blog.

Office on Windows 10

Thanks to all of you who have been using the new Office Word, Excel, and PowerPoint mobile apps on Windows 10. There are a few changes to the apps coming up that are part of helping them get ready for their release with Windows 10. You may have already noticed that on PCs and tablets we’ve added “Mobile” to the app names (to help distinguish them from the Office desktop suite), while on phones we simply call the apps Word, Excel and PowerPoint. We will also remove “Preview” from the app names and in about one week, you will need an Office 365 subscription to edit on Windows 10 PCs and larger tablets.

Similar to what we announced in March, viewing and most editing will remain free for non-commercial use on devices of 10.1” or less. Otherwise, you will need a qualifying Office 365 subscription. If you don’t have an Office 365 subscription, you can sign up for a free trial at www.office.com/try (http://www.office.com/try). You can also always edit your documents for free in Office Online at www.office.com (http://www.office.com/). The full featured OneNote Universal App will come installed with Windows 10 and similar to OneNote on all other devices, editing is free.

We’re getting close!

We’re all working super hard here to deliver the best Windows ever, and are preparing everything that needs to be in place for our public release. We cannot wait for all of you, and your friends and family who reserved their upgrade, to see the result.

This is going to be an exciting couple of weeks, but it is also only the beginning. Windows as a service means that we’ll continue to keep Windows up to date with improvements and features, and our Windows Insider Program will continue so you can get early builds and share your feedback with us.

Stay tuned for more news about our launch activities, and at least one fun surprise for Windows Insiders coming up!
