View Full Version : Need the task manager skin for the windows 8.1 version of the theme A Thin White Line

September 24th, 2014, 01:30 PM

I have just noticed that the task manager skin for the windows 8.1 version of the theme A Thin White Line is missing. Is there any way someone can make a Windows 8.1 version of that skin for me? And if so, can you please post instructions on how to apply it? Here is a screenshot of what the task manager currently looks like in this version. Thanks in advance.


September 24th, 2014, 03:06 PM
This is how you get your theme mate from original author, any other modifications can't be published without his permission. If you want to modified it to your liking (in this case Task Manager part), you need customization application called Windows Style Builder and then in this paths change colors or values the way you like:

- Windows 8 (For Testing Purposes Only) > Task Manager > Task Manager
- Windows 8 (For Testing Purposes Only) > Task Manager > Performance Charts

Enjoy! :peace:

September 24th, 2014, 03:36 PM
Thanks. To be honest I was hoping he would see this and give permission since he did so for the Windows Media Player skin =p. I'll see if I can get permission from him. If not I'll try Windows Style Builder (Might mess up though, I've never used it before). Either way, thanks for the info. :peace: