View Full Version : Windows 10 - Whatcha gonna do?

October 2nd, 2014, 03:35 AM
Now that Windows 10 preview is out, and to those who have downloaded it, what are your plans?

Do you plan on installing it outright and use it as your main OS?
Do you plan on running it on a virtual drive?
Dual boot configuration?
Spare PC or laptop set up?
Install it on your best friends PC just for giggles?

Personally I wouldn't mind running it on my laptop in dual boot with Windows 8.1 and switch between the two as needed. Haven't read anything as yet from anyone who's done it that way, but am eager to see what other have done, or are deciding to do.

October 2nd, 2014, 07:06 AM
j'ai installé sur un pc, ressemble beaucoup Ã* Windows 8, toujours pas aéro J'espère que ça va venir dans la version officielle plus tard


I installed on a pc, very similar to Windows 8, still no aero I hope it will come in the official version later

October 2nd, 2014, 07:19 AM
j'ai installé sur un pc, ressemble beaucoup Ã* Windows 8, toujours pas aéro J'espère que ça va venir dans la version officielle plus tard
Use english only in forum and threads mate!

October 2nd, 2014, 12:29 PM
well i stuck the enterprise version in vm and i really think i would of been happier with a steaming pile of dog shit. no control panel to speak of. if it's there it's buried much deeper than it is in 8-8.1.1. they did remove the charm bar as they said they would. i personally use it. it does make for faster navigation on some items. windows update is that stupid fullscreen pile of crap that you can't do anything else while it's running. if it's that way you can bet the other startscreen apps are the same way. what happened to the windowed mode for them that we we suppose to get with 9(10)? as for that wallpaper you see the first time you land on the desktop i would of rather seen a image of justin bieber's anus.

Lamia (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/231164-Lamia) in the future besides letting them know to use only english in the forums please also translate their post. thanks

October 2nd, 2014, 12:35 PM
Ray061630 (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/199397-Ray061630) aero will have to be by a third party. as for looking like 8 sure it does once you land on the desktop IF you don actually touch anything. dressing up a turd doesn't hide the fact that it's a turd. it still smells to high heaven.

October 2nd, 2014, 01:49 PM
well i stuck the enterprise version in vm and i really think i would of been happier with a steaming pile of dog shit. no control panel to speak of. if it's there it's buried much deeper than it is in 8-8.1.1. they did remove the charm bar as they said they would. i personally use it. it does make for faster navigation on some items. windows update is that stupid fullscreen pile of crap that you can't do anything else while it's running. if it's that way you can bet the other startscreen apps are the same way. what happened to the windowed mode for them that we we suppose to get with 9(10)? as for that wallpaper you see the first time you land on the desktop i would of rather seen a image of justin bieber's anus.

Lamia (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/231164-Lamia) in the future besides letting them know to use only english in the forums please also translate their post. thanks

Hahahahahahahahhaha!! Hilarious take on the new OS I should say :laughing:
So Windows 10 = Smelly Turd, and default desktop wallpaper < Justin Bieber's anus?


October 2nd, 2014, 02:55 PM
Im dual booting it alongside windows 8.1. I like it better then win8 for sure but i think if i had to choose between win8.1.1 and win10.. id choose win8.1.1. I guess we should keep in mind that this isnt final product either

October 2nd, 2014, 05:19 PM
I am on my VM right now and that's where it will stay until final release and maybe a little while longer depending on if I am happy with how it turns out.

Here is where I am at now with Windows 10, some of the old stuff is partly working but it gives you an idea of what will happen on 10 as far as themeing goes, not much different from 8.

October 2nd, 2014, 05:55 PM
I am on my VM right now and that's where it will stay until final release and maybe a little while longer depending on if I am happy with how it turns out.

Here is where I am at now with Windows 10, some of the old stuff is partly working but it gives you an idea of what will happen on 10 as far as themeing goes, not much different from 8.

How did you get vmware tools to work?? didnt work for me. I take it that uxstyle is working on it??

October 2nd, 2014, 07:18 PM
My WCP Watermark Editor works on it as well

October 2nd, 2014, 07:23 PM
freak69ize (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/201075-freak69ize) i clicked to install the tools but no love here either. i haven't tried uxstyle on it yet, thought about it though before shutting it down. like i said in the other thread from what i saw while in the os i would rather have a heaping pile of steaming dog shit than win 10.

October 2nd, 2014, 07:26 PM
Im dual booting it alongside windows 8.1. I like it better then win8 for sure but i think if i had to choose between win8.1.1 and win10.. id choose win8.1.1. I guess we should keep in mind that this isnt final product either

true but now we're missing tools we use again. f'in microsoft never f'in learns.

October 2nd, 2014, 07:33 PM
true but now we're missing tools we use again. f'in microsoft never f'in learns.

Try reinstalling vm tools again.. click modify.. then go down the entire tree and click " entire feature will be installed on local hard drive.. reboot.. then click the full screen icon. Worked for me

October 3rd, 2014, 05:08 AM
How did you get vmware tools to work?? didnt work for me. I take it that uxstyle is working on it??

I upgraded from 8.1 but still reinstalled VM tools, seemed to have no issues, are you using enterprise?

October 3rd, 2014, 07:59 AM
Aww man everyone is having fun playing with Windows 10 and my laptop is still at the ASUS repair center. Now I've been told I have to wait another bloody week for it. Until then, I'm on the wife's MacBook ...

Woe is me :crying:

BTW love what you've done to the desktop in the scrennie dude. Looks like custom themes will be a goer with Windows 10. :happy:

October 3rd, 2014, 08:24 AM
I upgraded from 8.1 but still reinstalled VM tools, seemed to have no issues, are you using enterprise?

No im not. I got it to work finally though. Got any plans to release a theme soon??

October 3rd, 2014, 11:34 AM
Dual booting with Win 7 .. my Win 10 desktop wall by me :)


October 3rd, 2014, 12:46 PM
I am on my VM right now and that's where it will stay until final release and maybe a little while longer depending on if I am happy with how it turns out.

Here is where I am at now with Windows 10, some of the old stuff is partly working but it gives you an idea of what will happen on 10 as far as themeing goes, not much different from 8.

so startosback will will take over from that thing microsour is calling a startmenu?

October 3rd, 2014, 04:12 PM
so startosback will will take over from that thing microsour is calling a startmenu?

Yeah I am pretty sure it will mate, I know Tihiy doesn't like Windows 10 and is calling it an abomination, said to give feedback to MS and tell them how crap it is lol

October 3rd, 2014, 05:01 PM
I think i will wait until MS release RTM version of it, till then chilling with 8.1.1! :Smile:

October 3rd, 2014, 05:41 PM
Yeah I am pretty sure it will mate, I know Tihiy doesn't like Windows 10 and is calling it an abomination, said to give feedback to MS and tell them how crap it is lol

well to be fair calling it an "abomination" is a slight bit better than what i called it more than one here. lol
if you're not using start is back what are you using then? or did your statrmenu just carry over like that from 8.1.1 during the upgrade?

October 4th, 2014, 05:45 PM
well, I decided to try out the Windows 10 Technical Preview. Personally, I'm enjoying it. At first glance from the screenshots in some other topics, I was a slight bit against the Metro Tiles in the Start Menu. Then I saw a vid of it in action and became a bit unsure. Then a few days after getting a message from a few of VC's best to try it on VM i decide to give it a go. Now, I'm glad I did. This is a major improvement over Windows 8/8.1/8.1.1 in my opinion. And the Start Menu has actually turned out to be fairly enjoyable as well. I have pretty much made my decision. If the upgrade to it is free to people with at least Windows 8 and above when the official release finally comes out, I will definitely be upgrading. I really like how Windows 10 has turned out. Thanks to all of the people who suggested to use it on VM and thanks to One Man Army for all his help and support. This truly is my all time favorite Windows OS now.

October 4th, 2014, 06:20 PM
well i stuck the enterprise version in vm and i really think i would of been happier with a steaming pile of dog shit. no control panel to speak of. if it's there it's buried much deeper than it is in 8-8.1.1. they did remove the charm bar as they said they would. i personally use it. it does make for faster navigation on some items. windows update is that stupid fullscreen pile of crap that you can't do anything else while it's running. if it's that way you can bet the other startscreen apps are the same way. what happened to the windowed mode for them that we we suppose to get with 9(10)? as for that wallpaper you see the first time you land on the desktop i would of rather seen a image of justin bieber's anus.Lamia (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/231164-Lamia) in the future besides letting them know to use only english in the forums please also translate their post. thanksI just found the Control Panel. Right Click the start button and click Control Panel. Once in it you can right click the Control Panel text in the address bar, click copy address and the past a shortcut onto your desktop. I hope this helps. =)

October 4th, 2014, 08:59 PM
Here's a screenshot showing that I have a shortcut for it on my desktop in the Windows 10 Tech Preview. Also, the metro apps open fine in windowed mode for me. They were simply set to maximise by default at first. I just had to clic the restore button and it went to the smaller size from then on. [not sure if I used the right word lol. it's the button with the square(s) on it.]

October 12th, 2014, 04:04 PM
I will not install windows 10 . I thank it made to prosses the poeple

October 18th, 2014, 08:55 AM
if you use VMWare v10.0.0.3 then it installs tools np
In virtualbox during the windows install process click on the machine tab, then network tab and uncheck the tickbox for"cable connected" once you get beyond the sign in options ect re-tick the box to turn internet access back on( this gives you the local account not your M$ account)you can do similar in VMWare .
i am using all three versions TP,ENT,Server(converted to workstation) and i must say server is the better one ...lol ENT is has been said a POS so many errors/bugs but then it is very early on but i would have hoped it tobe better oldnewexplorer did not work for me themepatcher 2.3 did to a point had to restore a snapshot. startisback,classicshell do workand you can remove the apps easy and slim it down quiet a bit if prepaired to get dirty...lol(reg work)

as a whole it will not be used in this state as a main OS also it reports almost everything back to M$ ie key/process logger. Some can be removed and or stopped but not all YET.

Dark Knight
October 18th, 2014, 09:47 PM
I will not install windows 10 . I thank it made to prosses the poeple
That is just total and utter nonsense.

Aren't your efforts better concentrated on fighting Isis? If anyone wants to process anything it would be them. Don't worry about Microsoft, you got bigger problems in your own backyard.

i am using all three versions TP,ENT,Server(converted to workstation) and i must say server is the better one ...
You wouldn't happen to have download links?
Especially for Server, I'd really like to try it out.

October 18th, 2014, 11:18 PM
You wouldn't happen to have download links?
Especially for Server, I'd really like to try it out.

i'm with Dark Knight (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/199178-Dark-Knight) especially server.

October 19th, 2014, 01:49 AM
That is just total and utter nonsense.

Aren't your efforts better concentrated on fighting Isis? If anyone wants to process anything it would be them. Don't worry about Microsoft, you got bigger problems in your own backyard.

You wouldn't happen to have download links?
Especially for Server, I'd really like to try it out.

Enjoy :smile:

Windows Server Technical Preview

English 64-bit (x64) only


October 19th, 2014, 09:53 AM
i am uploading the workstation version now i will post the links later.

it will be a mega link and in 7z format split into 700Mb files as it is 3.9Gb

October 19th, 2014, 11:29 AM
Enjoy :smile:

Windows Server Technical Preview

English 64-bit (x64) only


we meant he tweaked version.

i am uploading the workstation version now i will post the links later.

it will be a mega link and in 7z format split into 700Mb files as it is 3.9Gb

thanks a lot chenzen666 (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/170803-chenzen666) it's very much appreciated. chenzen666 (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/170803-chenzen666) i'd suggest rar cause with winrar you can add a recovery file, and with at least 6 files at 700mb you are going tro want recovery files in them.

October 19th, 2014, 07:40 PM
when i post the links they will have been tested and i do not have winrar i only use 7z sry.

links will be tomorrow as im getting ready to work overseas now will post then tomorrow night as long as i have internet...lol

not always a guarantee in some parts of romania

October 20th, 2014, 09:07 AM
That is just total and utter nonsense.

Aren't your efforts better concentrated on fighting Isis? If anyone wants to process anything it would be them. Don't worry about Microsoft, you got bigger problems in your own backyard.

Lol, you should probably rethink that one. Simply stating that a bunch of empty threats, and retards capable of close to nothing is actually worrisome to the U.S. government is laughable.

That aside, I still can't figure out why anyone has downgraded from windows 7.

October 25th, 2014, 01:11 PM
Windows 10 Server TP workstation edition

W10TPServer P1 (https://mega.co.nz/#!TBojwLCA!I_HVl3PxlR7PHkCM73-QRZgUCM3S4TCupz6AZNCcu_A)

W10TPServer P2 (https://mega.co.nz/#!DFYjDSob!N838a3krS622gXqJX_2YrRfSjGHqQnN9G8FYfKOEFSE)

W10TPServer P3 (https://mega.co.nz/#!7ZAVHBYZ!lfLfnCOcsJoFxvH9m-eyL7hEgxU1mS3YgOs93L0qc4o)

W10TPServer P4 (https://mega.co.nz/#!SURGiJYY!t_AHF6mSGNOdO4SYZYCSCciu14RbWVB0PiOFLo5Maas)

W10TPServer P5 (https://mega.co.nz/#!uI4X2JaT!560paqmbbF3Y0HO0y8Weo38GTS1pEZT7M7qk-zLk1hk)

W10TPServer P6 (https://mega.co.nz/#!WVAUDTZQ!gEr67obHg5qL6KVCrpb00TyxNn8-ay_YkbamS7woi6k)

This is for the Server edition converted to Workstation for testing purposes only

October 25th, 2014, 02:19 PM
chenzen666 (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/170803-chenzen666) thanks for posting the server version, it's very much appreciated. now is this tweaked out like you did yours? if not can you let us know what you did and how we do it ourselves? thanks again for posting this.

October 25th, 2014, 10:52 PM
this version has been modified by an $OEM$ folder same as has been used on server 2012R2

do not post on open forums keep this here only please

November 2nd, 2014, 06:23 AM
haere are some links to the update to get you to v6.4.9860.3 these are available to most but if you can not find it ..lol there is no status bar telling you how far it is but it works takes upto an houror more for me it was about 2.5Gb

Windows Technical Preview October Update (KB3010668)

http://download.wind...6efc1d966c9.msu (http://download.windowsupdate.com/d/msdownload/update/software/crup/2014/10/windows6.4-kb3010668-x86_61753215fa02817007a257a6669856efc1d966c9.msu)




November 2nd, 2014, 08:16 AM
If you want cleaninstallation of build 9860 here you can download the iso

goo.gl/LHorUk (http://goo.gl/LHorUk)

goo.gl/N2miy8 (http://goo.gl/N2miy8)

Dark Knight
November 2nd, 2014, 02:48 PM
If you want cleaninstallation of build 9860 here you can download the iso

goo.gl/LHorUk (http://goo.gl/LHorUk)

goo.gl/N2miy8 (http://goo.gl/N2miy8)

Thanks so much, I've been looking for this !

November 2nd, 2014, 04:06 PM
If you want cleaninstallation of build 9860 here you can download the iso

goo.gl/LHorUk (http://goo.gl/LHorUk)

goo.gl/N2miy8 (http://goo.gl/N2miy8)

thanks very much appreciated. just downloaded, extracted the 64 bit version, scanned with both bitdefender 2015 and the latest malwarebytes and all clean. thanks again

November 3rd, 2014, 07:54 AM
How is this "clean installation" different from the "vanilla" Windows 10 Preview offered by MicroSoft? Has anyone installed it yet, care to add your thoughts?

November 3rd, 2014, 11:19 AM
How is this "clean installation" different from the "vanilla" Windows 10 Preview offered by MicroSoft? Has anyone installed it yet, care to add your thoughts?

when installing a os they both mean the same thing(but to be honest NO one uses the word vanilla). nothing has been added, removed, or tweak in the original os. idle (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/243562-idle) you should reread my post thought, cause i was referring to the fact that neither one of my security programs could find any thing in the iso's extracted files that shouldn't be there when i said it's clean.

now for the reason i actually came to the thread. for those that said simply install items for custom themes just like you would on 8.1 i don't think so. i have installed 10 twice in vm and each time i get the same thing. i'll make a video a little later to show what keeps happening. now from what i understand at least on person here did have problems and grim and company helped him, but didn't post the information here like it should of been. i ask that that information be posted here. thanks

@grim BUMP

if you're not using start is back what are you using then? or did your statrmenu just carry over like that from 8.1.1 during the upgrade?

November 3rd, 2014, 11:51 AM
Dont worry about it, found the info I wanted elsewhere.

November 3rd, 2014, 01:49 PM
Dont worry about it, found the info I wanted elsewhere.

i got the email on this post before you edited it. since it looks like you were looking for added features and bug fixes care to post a link to what you found for others to see. thanks

November 3rd, 2014, 05:28 PM
i have successfully used the upadte i posted X64 actually and found no problems with it in VMWare 10.0.3

it has changed a few things and i am going to start to modify it again by removing unwanted languages,a few moden ui apps(i dont fecking use them) then some other items poss IE

then i will try uxtheme 2.3 and then try an icon pack and extra themes

wish me luck

i always do a snapshot before i modify anything so i can always go back to what works...lol