View Full Version : New Laptop At Last

October 10th, 2014, 05:37 AM
As anyone knows the drama I've been through trying to get a new laptop. Anyway the PC store had to contact their supplier in another state for a THIRD replacement laptop because they have no more stock, which would take up too two weeks ...

Right now I'm on the misses MacBook Pro and she wants its back as its her work laptop that I've been using since this whole drama started.

So I bit the bullet today and went out and got me the ASUS ROG G750 Gaming Laptop :loving:

As I type this I've got it doing Windows updates, so I haven't even got to play with it as yet. Can't wait to see how it is in action. Yes I know there are new models just being released - partly the reason I got it. Scored me a really really good deal. Plus the fact that I had purchased TWO faulty laptops previously, they really wanted to look after me. So once the guy came back from seeing the owner of the place with the price, I just couldn't resist such a bargain.

Misses gets home in around half an hour. I have good news and bed news for her ...

The good news is her MacBook is her's again.
The bad news is I've just spent a lot of money.

If you don't hear from me for a while ... lol

Yay I survived! The misses isn't going to kill me lol
She must REALLY love that MacBook for her not to chuck a spaz over the money I just spent.

As for this laptop? What can I say, from the chicklet keyboard keys, to the massive realestate this screen gives, so far I'm completely stoked with it. Big plus just has to be the touchpad. I frigggin hate touchpads, never liked them at all. First thing I do when using a laptop is look for a mouse to plug in. The touchpad on this is near damn perfect, and I can't believe I'm saying that, but it is.
Besides its generous size, its got great feel and excellent responce, but the sweet spot is the left click / right click buttons at the front of the pad. These just work, they feel great too, giving off a somewhat spongy, rubbery kind of feel about them, and the actualy click is soft like, yet you can gently feel the click under your fingers. I dont know how they did it, but this is the first touchpad I've ever liked, and that's saying something.

No news on games, or anything really. I'm waiting on a return email from Macrium Support asking them if they can reset my license yet again. This is the third laptop in as many weeks and I've already asked them to reset it before. I hope they don't think I'm some kind of scam artist. I'm not doing anything but a bit of web browsing and forum posting until I get this thing backed up with a nice clean image and a UBS/DVD boot drive.

Its only been a few hours but I've grown quite attached to this laptop already lol

Once I get a nice clean image, test out the bootable drive works, then I'll go about installing all my stuff and see what this puppy can really do.

Oh and I've just been informed THIS is my Christmas present - I can live with that :laughing:

October 10th, 2014, 10:35 AM
Glad you are back up and running again mate, sounds like you have had quite the experience, a bit like me when I got my last monitor, ended up getting 3 before I was happy, I know what your saying about touch pads, I hate them with a passion as well, whenever my wife asks me for help on hers I get so frustrated and end up cracking a fit and the go find a mouse to plug in lol

October 10th, 2014, 12:22 PM
idle (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/243562-idle) first glad to here we won't be having to attend an online funeral, second it's about time you had some luck, third i'm with you on not buying the latest and greatest. i'd rather have tech that's a year out cause it's always at least half of what it was new. great on the touch pad. it is hard to find a laptop that does have a good one. enjoy bud.

October 10th, 2014, 01:32 PM
Macrium support just got back to me and I'm even happier than before :happy:

Besides having my license reset, I've been informed that the images I made on the other laptop that I saved can also be used on this new laptop. Its an advanced function in the imaging software called ReDeploy. Basically you can take any saved image from any machine and use it on new hardware. How cool is that!

I was spewing after all the work I'd put into making Windows 8.1 more to my liking, bloody hours and hours of online searching, downloading regedit hacks and whatnot, only to lose it all because I've changed machines.

Also seeing as this particular model has 2x 128GB SSDs in RAID 0 config, I was also thinking I'd be starting from scratch, no doubt. So I email back to support explaining the RAID config, and get a reply that as long as I add the RAID drivers to ReDeploy (it actually searches your system for the needed drivers) and also has the option to simply point to where the drivers are for use. It lists the drivers its has and needs with ticks and crosses, so its idiot proof at least, so you simply add the required drivers and it does its thing.

This to me is WELL worth the money. Change machines and STILL use your image from your last set up? Boomshanka! :laughing:

October 10th, 2014, 02:48 PM
well i just might have to give Macrium another look.

October 11th, 2014, 05:20 AM
All done! :-D

Reading over my praises for Macrium I sound like a bloody sales rep lol I swear I do not work for Macrium :cheeky:

A couple of things I've noticed since theming my OS. Firstly I noticed that for some strange reason once I install the theme (in this case is ZERO-G) the sound stops working from the right speaker channel. You have to go into sound properties and reset it to defaut to get the right channel functional again.

The other thing I've noticed is this:

The area is whited out for some reason. Only a small glitch ...

SO good to be back up and running. My new laptop looks the business now with Zero-G in all its glory on the desktop. The CharmsBar is GORN!!!!!! (does happy dance)

Got this behemoth gaming laptop and I haven't got a game installed yet. I know me too well, once the games get installed that will be the end of modding and fixing things, and I'll be "in the zone" so its better I get what I need done first and leave the gaming until last. Oh, and I want to bench this puppy before gaming too.

Just like eating dessert, I always save the best bit till last :laughing:

October 11th, 2014, 11:46 AM
All done! :-D

Reading over my praises for Macrium I sound like a bloody sales rep lol I swear I do not work for Macrium :cheeky:

A couple of things I've noticed since theming my OS. Firstly I noticed that for some strange reason once I install the theme (in this case is ZERO-G) the sound stops working from the right speaker channel. You have to go into sound properties and reset it to defaut to get the right channel functional again.

The other thing I've noticed is this:

The area is whited out for some reason. Only a small glitch ...

SO good to be back up and running. My new laptop looks the business now with Zero-G in all its glory on the desktop. The CharmsBar is GORN!!!!!! (does happy dance)

Got this behemoth gaming laptop and I haven't got a game installed yet. I know me too well, once the games get installed that will be the end of modding and fixing things, and I'll be "in the zone" so its better I get what I need done first and leave the gaming until last. Oh, and I want to bench this puppy before gaming too.

Just like eating dessert, I always save the best bit till last :laughing:

That looks like that because you are not using the default start menu for the theme, I just tested the theme with the menu you are using there and I get the same result, strange though as I didn't know that changing the menu in SIB also changed that context menu.

October 11th, 2014, 12:15 PM
Hey thanks for the reply. I didn't set anything that I'm aware of, just followed the instructions in the how to thread, could you tell me how to change this? Is it a setting in StartIsBack or something else?


October 11th, 2014, 03:10 PM
yeah just right click on the start menu and go to properties and change it to the theme start menu.

October 11th, 2014, 09:37 PM
lol goes to show being too quick off the mark doesn't pay ...

I was on the front page of the site and seen your reply. Right clicked the start menu and sat there for 5 minutes looking for the theme start menu tab, button, box, bloody hell where is this bloody thing! :crying:

Oh well I must be stupid or something, better come into the thread and ask where to find this use theme start menu thing ...

Come into the thread and see you've posted up a pic of what you meant and D'oh!

Cheers mate, I appreciate the pic, also copied the settings too. :tu:

October 12th, 2014, 01:31 AM
Trying to take shortcuts aye, I could have explained it more but I thought a picture would say it better lol