View Full Version : Just partitioned my drive.

October 15th, 2014, 04:24 AM

I just finished partitioning my drive so as to make an actual drive D: went well in a way. but i think i overdid the storage on it rofl. Tried to split the space evenly half way between main drive C: and the new partition D: But i didn't realise how much space was already used in the main drive rofl. Now my main drive has 188GB free while my D: drive has 220GB free rofl XD I'll probably have to fix that later rofl. In the mean time I'll just leave it as it is. lol

October 15th, 2014, 04:59 AM
Fixed. Brought it down to 100GB for drive D:

Yoink! XD

[no idea what that means. got it from a Deadpool Game vid on YouTube rofl]

October 15th, 2014, 08:36 AM
I feel your pain ...


This new laptop has one flaw that I could see from the day I got it - it has 2x 128GB SSDs. The plus side, it makes it speedy, and for a laptop this machine is fast. But storage space? Sadly very lacking. I've been weighing up since I got it whether to ditch the SSD altogether and grab a nice Samsung 1TB drive as a replacement. Already my C: drive is getting full and that's just a few programs, games will be going to the other part of the SSD F: drive. Then there's 1.5TB storage of D: and E: which I have no problems with. But the C: is too small, I don't have Office installed, Photoshop, and a host of programs that I could install and already its filling up too quickly, I've only had this thing a week ...

But a 1TB Samsung SSD ain't cheap. The 840 EVO series is over $400 and the new 850 Pro is closer to $800 big ones. Its tempting, so tempting to just splurge on an 1TB 850 Pro and be done with it. But I know that's not going to happen lol

October 15th, 2014, 12:05 PM
idle (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/243562-idle) i'm not a gamer and i currently use 46 gigs on c. personally i would never partition c, nor would i never have less that 128 gigs available for c(which you before you partitioned. i find it hard to believe that they put in two seprate ssd's. it just does not make sense. get yourself a copy of partition wizard, install it, run it, take a screenshot, then post it.

October 15th, 2014, 01:07 PM
Whoa dude! I didn't partition shit mate. That's how the bloody laptop comes. Like I said from day one it was the only flaw I could find wrong with it.

Here is an image of the actual SSD:

And here the screenshot you requested from Partition Wizard:

October 15th, 2014, 02:00 PM
if both of those are ssd's i personally would completely wipe the smaller of the two and make the WHOLE thing c(simply forget the preinstalled os). looks like the second one is a 1.5 tetabyte drive. unless e is a exact duplicat of d i would of never splite that drive. my main rule of thumb is NEVER keep anything on c i can't afford to loose, and daily back backup of those files that do have to be on c. when i fix up laptops for people i insist they get external storage just to be safe.

October 15th, 2014, 11:21 PM
I used partition assistant standard edition to partition my C: drive. I also added a drive number to the Recovery drive of which was already there. As for a external drive, I have no way of getting the money for one atm. And tbh, I'm still saving up for a new 2GB RAM card. Curently my comp has one $GB RAM card and one empty RAM slot. I need a minimum of at least 2GB more RAM than what I currently have so that's why I'm saving up for that one.

October 15th, 2014, 11:26 PM
Here's a screenshot of what I have now.