View Full Version : Win 10 Tech Preview Love, Like, Hate, Dislike

October 16th, 2014, 02:26 PM
This Thread Is To Post If You Love, Hate, Like, Dislike
Win 10 Tech Preview, And Or Just Certain Features

I'll Start With The Following Post

October 16th, 2014, 02:38 PM
first thing i don't like is the missing charms bar. it does make some things far faster to do. the second thing i dislike you can see in the image below. it's pretty self-explanatory, but in a nutshell i went to the startmenu, clicked on the weather app and got that.


October 16th, 2014, 02:57 PM
I think the charms bar sucks. Its annoying and could be better served with a simple icon in the start menu or taskbar.

October 16th, 2014, 03:13 PM
idle (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/243562-idle) i'm editing your post. i'm not having this turn into a debate thread. you don't like the charm bar fine. post that, and the reasons why, but do not rant like in other threads. thanks

Aries (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/271997-Aries) your post is off topic and has been hidden so only staff can see it.

October 16th, 2014, 06:27 PM
you can open the charm bar with " win + C "

October 16th, 2014, 08:42 PM
Yes, the charms bar is still there. Like joderiz said, just press Win+C. :)

MS has it setup that way so you won't accidentally open it. Some people were complaining on the way it was opened. ;)


October 16th, 2014, 08:49 PM
I really like Windows 10.

Things I like! :)
1) I think it's a nice mix of both 7 and 8.
2) The thin borders on the windows.
3) The Start Menu.
4) I'm really glad to see that they are giving the option between Start Menu and Start Screen.
5) "Metro" Apps being run in windows.

Things I don't like. :(
1) I do wish that they would bring back the Areo look, I don't want to have install a third-party program for that, it should be built into the system.

2) I also hope that they make an option so that one can either use Win+C to open the charms bar or be able to use the way it was used in 8. :)

Just my thoughts,

October 16th, 2014, 10:12 PM
yeah i know about the keyboard shortcut for the charm bar, but i really don't use all that many keyboard short cuts. i prefer mousing to it cause i'm planning on getting a touch screen monitor and other than typing a reply to something i intend to use the touch features and the mouse, so for me it makes more sense to be able to mousr to it. i like the idea of having a choice of which way to launch it.

October 17th, 2014, 12:27 AM
yeah i know about the keyboard shortcut for the charm bar, but i really don't use all that many keyboard short cuts. i prefer mousing to it cause i'm planning on getting a touch screen monitor and other than typing a reply to something i intend to use the touch features and the mouse, so for me it makes more sense to be able to mousr to it. i like the idea of having a choice of which way to launch it.
I'm interested in a touchscreen monitor as well! Which one would you suggest?

Jody Thornton
October 20th, 2014, 10:40 PM
I'll use Chuck's format, and that way I stay on topic...lol

I like Windows 10, but so far I'm not wowed by it. I think one of its big selling features will be virtual desktops, which I have never utilized, so I don't expect to here either.

Things I like! :)
1) It runs quite responsively and it's quite stable (especially for alpha-grade software).
2) Windowed Metro applications (even though I don't use them much)

Things I don't like. :(
1) The particular implementation of the Start Menu used. I preferred the Vista/7 structure.

I'd like to say a couple things. I find that for the ways in which I use my system, I don't find a lot of improvements in v10 over Windows 8.1. I have Metro and Charms completely hidden and I use a Start Menu replacement. So for me, v8.1 Update 1 works the way I like it to.

October 21st, 2014, 11:54 AM
To me Win 10 TP looks like a mix of Win 7 and 8 and I sorta like it .. but it wont be long before Themes and Mods will be out so we can all make Win 10 look like XP or Win 7 lmao:flirt: