View Full Version : Customizing Windows 8.1 Visual Styles

Jody Thornton
October 20th, 2014, 04:45 PM
Hi there. I am seeking to customize some things about Windows 8.1 and it's look. What I'd like to be able to accomplish are the following:

* matching colours (preferably blue) for the active and inactive title bars (I don't mind if the inactive window is slightly lighter)
* Same colour (preferably blue) for all active and inactive close buttons
* retain the border width around the window
* shrink the width of the close button. I would like all close buttons to share the same width as the lone close button (like in "System Properties")
* left justify the window title (optional and not as necessary)

I found a couple themes that perform some of these items. One called "aeromod 2" has the colours I like, but whitens the borders, ala Windows 10 look. And I would like to shrink the width of the close button.

To illustrate, first here's a link to the visual style "aeromod 2":

And here's a mockup image I created to show how I'd like to change the close button:


Are there any themes that anyone knows of, that might accomplish my goals? Or does anyone know of a VS editor (I hope for free, since I'm only doing this once...lol) that I could use to remedy these issues myself?

I really appreciate everyone's input, and thank you for your help. Glad to be aboard the forums.


Jody Thornton
October 24th, 2014, 01:18 AM
Actually I was able to tackle almost every item and knock it off the list. The only one left is the narrowing of the close button. There must be a way to do it. I attempted to do it in WSB, by narrowing the width of the images under DWM -> Aero, Caption -> Normal Button (going by memory sorry...lol). But it just discolours the inactive title bar and does not narrow the close buttons.

Any ideas are still appreciated. This is a VERY hard answer to find, and I know some others have posted asking similar questions, but no go I suppose.

Jody Thornton
October 31st, 2014, 09:06 PM
I managed to finish this on my own.