View Full Version : Windows 8.1 Theme Request

Jody Thornton
October 21st, 2014, 01:23 AM
Hi Folks:

I would love to find a theme that adheres to the following features. I posted a similar thread on this on here previously, but I'll make this a formal request.

matching colours (preferably blue) for the active and inactive title bars (again, I don't mind if the inactive window is slightly lighter)
same colour (preferably darker blue) for all active and inactive close buttons
shrink the width of the close button. I would like all close buttons to share the same width as the lone close button (like in "System Properties"). I attached a sample image below.

I like the theme called "aeromod 2" on DeviantArt because it has the colour scheme I like, but it whitens the borders, so it looks a bit like Windows 10. I actually like the thicker borders, so I'd restore those. Also I want to shrink the width of the close button.

Here's a link to the visual style "aeromod 2":

And here's a mockup image I created to show how I'd like to change the close button:

http://virtualcustoms.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=68970&d=1413823447 (http://virtualcustoms.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=68970&d=1413823447)

Thanks for helping.

Jody Thornton
October 22nd, 2014, 10:49 AM
I was able to obtain permission from neiio on DeviantArt to get this theme converted to one with the features that I like. Here is the quote below from neiio:

neiio said the following:

Yeah mate go ahead, most of my themes are open source now anyway. If you could link back to me as the original author that'd be nice.

Thanks everyone for your help.