View Full Version : Pirates, MPAA, Google, corruption and more!

December 13th, 2014, 05:54 AM
As many would know there is something afoot with the interwebs of late, with PirateBay going offline after raids by Swedish authorities. Australia in the process of introducing the toughest anti-piracy laws in the world, and the MPAA preparing to bring site blocking to the United States.

(word of note)
I am not wanting this to be a piracy is good vs piracy is bad debate. There is MUCH more important issues here than piracy. Don't believe the media bs, this is about big business, big money, and even BIGGER power to the victors.

If you have a spare few minutes, grab a coffee and a snack and head on over for a eye opening read: https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20141212/12142629419/leaked-emails-reveal-mpaa-plans-to-pay-elected-officials-to-attack-google.shtml

You see the way the media portrays the "official" story is pirates are evil and bad. But I don't see pirates bribing public officials, abusing power and whats all this business about pirates breaking laws ...Pot/Kettle much ???

Thank God for hackers, bless their little socks. In this day and age if you want the truth, forget the 6 o'clock news, you've got to break in and steal the truth. Can you believe it? LOL

Also of interest, you may find the MPAA's Global Anti-Piracy Strategy a good read http://torrentfreak.com/leak-exposes-hollywoods-global-anti-piracy-strategy-141212/

There is plenty going on in the world of the interwebs that's for sure.

December 13th, 2014, 07:15 PM
Good post! what you wrote is very true. THANKS

I Hunt Demons
December 15th, 2014, 02:11 AM
Wow. This whole scheme boils down to controlling the freedom of speech, and what I personally like to call a derivative of free speech: freedom of accessible information. In this day and age, we have virtually all of recorded human achievements and history at a split second's notice. This tyrannical proposal by the MPAA is designed to obliterate any trace of that free access to information. They want a gatekeeper to be put into place; a digital censor so to speak. I will be calling my State Representative and Senator to inform them of this issue, and when the new Congress is in session, I'll call the new ones as well! I'll even call my local Conservative Talk Radio Station!

Tie this in with the Tech companies lobbying against Net Neutrality in the US, and we are looking at Good Ol' North Korean style of Internet; Nineteen-sixties hardware (since the "fast-lanes" will be physically praying for more bandwidth), and black-marked/inaccessible files, webpages, etc.

Matter of fact, I wonder if any of my 'friends and associates' have heard of this little plot... hmmm.... FYI, my 'friends and assoc.' may or may not be computer geniuses, tech wizards, security specialist, penetration testers, etc...

Thanks for the articles! I will definitely be voicing my heated opinion about this to my government representatives and any other appropriate audience as well!