View Full Version : 7TSP and the 'suicide bat' file

January 21st, 2015, 07:32 AM
Could someone please tell me if the suicide dot bat file temporarily deposited in user/appdata/local/temp by 7TSP during the patching is ok and normal or do I have a bad copy of 7TSP?

January 21st, 2015, 01:46 PM
are you having any problems? if not then i don't think i'd be concerned about it, plus once you clean your temp files it's be gone anyway.

January 21st, 2015, 06:47 PM
@icekool (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/275475-icekool)
does the suicide.bat remain in the temp folder after the reboot?
cus that would be strange since the suicide.bat is made to clean up temp files made by 7tsp, delete itself, and invoke a reboot.

January 22nd, 2015, 08:08 AM
does the suicidebat remain in the temp folder after the reboot?
cus that would be strange since the suicidebat is made to clean up temp files made by 7tsp, delete itself, and invoke a reboot. If that is the case then I am relieved, do you know this to definitely be the case Fixit?.

Also, what is the main recommended site for downloading the 7tsp app?

Thanks for replies above.

January 22nd, 2015, 09:20 AM
I know because i have written the 7tsp script (and suicide.bat) myself :icon_wink:

You can download it right here at VC! There is a direct Download button in this topic [Tool] 7tsp (http://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/28733-Tool-Se7en-Theme-Source-patcher-v0-3-Build-3003)

Home of 7tsp can be found here (http://www.xptsp.com/fixit/7tsp.php)

January 22nd, 2015, 03:31 PM
thanks again. I forgot to say above, no the bat file doesn't stay around, I also forgot to ask about the file c.i.c exe which my antivirus removed upon re-enabling it after 2nd reboot.

January 22nd, 2015, 03:46 PM
cic.exe runs after the first reboot to restore File permissions for files replaced at reboot, deletes the icon cache and applies the visual style if uxpatch has been used for the first time (a reboot is needed after patching uxtheme before a 3rd party theme can be applied)

it should have been deleted after its tasks though.. i will look into it.


January 22nd, 2015, 04:58 PM
Thank you very much for your replies. I really like what your program does. The length one has to go to in order to theme the Win OS is incredible. One of the good things about modern Linux distros is the ease with which theming/customization can be applied, especially with the KDE DE.

Anyway, I won't be taking up your time with any more questions on this, but while we are speaking here, I would like to ask you about the latest version 4 (RC), I noticed in your changelog mention of a fix for the IE bug in Win7 64bit, is this the one where IE11 will no longer open giving an error message?, I have deliberately kept IE 9 or 10 and not upgraded to 11 just to avoid this. I use Firefox & Chrome anyway, so don't need IE, but it would be good to know for 64bit users that we can finally apply all upgrades etc..

January 22nd, 2015, 05:13 PM
You're welcome.

that is exactly on of the things that are fixed in RC1..
reshacker was breaking x64 .dll files, version 0.4RC1 uses an other program to patch those files and now those are unharmed..