View Full Version : Fury Road: Road Warrior Edition

March 10th, 2015, 05:05 AM
In A World of Fire and Blood

Stands One Man

The Only One That Can Save The World From The Madness

The Road Warrior who goes by the name Max...

Mad Max

Hey Everyone well I have wanted to redo this theme better since I put out the first version I rushed that a bit had so many themes to do at that time plus I was never fond of the colors in the first one.

I have to thank Harvey Sewdin for this getting remade, he posted a work in progress shot a while back that just inspired me so much I could not help myself but to redo this. I had to snag a small bit of that screen Harvey bud I hope that's ok but I could not get my head around those awesome red doors they really put the boots to my head for the remake so I thank you much bud :)

So Here it is please enjoy The special Road warrior edition of the Mad Max theme :)

Fury Road Trailer


Do You remember The Real Road Warrior here is the 1981 Trailer


The Best scenes with the Badass Interceptor 600 horses of power from the first 2 Mad max Movies









Theme Includes

custom sound pack
custom cursors
explorer frame images
start button
image res icons
shell32 images


Shellbrd Orb
Genuine Image
Dock and Icons
Time Date Clocks

Download Theme


March 10th, 2015, 05:50 AM
Wow Razor. You at it again. Amazing work my friend. You are the Theme GOD> Thanks for another masterpiece to add to my collection. :daman:

March 10th, 2015, 06:56 AM
Mad looking theme mate, going to try this one out for sure :smile:

March 10th, 2015, 08:39 AM
Another great job Paul, love the first version you did of this crazy design, but this one is also great, thank you for sharing mate, talk to you soon! :peace:

March 10th, 2015, 08:57 AM
Amazing work razorsedge (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/148478-razorsedge) got both now, many thanks for the work you do.

Harvey Sewdin
March 10th, 2015, 11:14 AM
Awesome outcome dude, you did a much better job than I could. :smile:

Great theme, I love those yellow/black warning stripes on the side.

And that taskbar looks dam good as well. lol

Amazing work Razor :)

March 10th, 2015, 11:55 AM
fantastic your themes just plain killer thanks

March 10th, 2015, 03:40 PM
very good theme

tema muy bueno

*Please post in English or include the translation, thanks.

mike 59
March 11th, 2015, 08:07 PM
thank you razersedge for anuther great theme and thank you for shareing you hard work :Peace::burns:

March 12th, 2015, 12:15 PM
awesome theme. really love the feel of it. well done.

March 12th, 2015, 02:32 PM
Awesome !!

My Son-in-Law will love this .........Nice work Mate..............:Smile:

March 13th, 2015, 05:13 PM
Awesome outcome dude, you did a much better job than I could. :smile:

Great theme, I love those yellow/black warning stripes on the side.

And that taskbar looks dam good as well. lol

Amazing work Razor :)

Thanks for the comments everyone I am glad you like the remake and thanks for the fast port to 8.1 as well Lamia I appreciate that :)

Harvey bud I don't think I can do better then what you were doing there just different I would still love to see you make that theme I nabbed the doors off ur screenie from and the other you posted as well. That one with the red doors though looks killer and if you have trouble finding time let me know I would take a crack at it if ur unable too lmao

Hope you find time though I am trying to make updates to older themes of mine yet I would like to get them finished :)

Thanks again for letting me snag those doors bud :)

Harvey Sewdin
March 13th, 2015, 11:17 PM
Thanks for the comments everyone I am glad you like the remake and thanks for the fast port to 8.1 as well Lamia I appreciate that :)

Harvey bud I don't think I can do better then what you were doing there just different I would still love to see you make that theme I nabbed the doors off ur screenie from and the other you posted as well. That one with the red doors though looks killer and if you have trouble finding time let me know I would take a crack at it if ur unable too lmao

Hope you find time though I am trying to make updates to older themes of mine yet I would like to get them finished :)

Thanks again for letting me snag those doors bud :)

lol no problem man, I'm gonna show you something I have in progress soon.

I hope to see an Event Horizon remake from you as well. That one was killer :smile:

April 7th, 2015, 05:48 AM
Nice Work :) thanks for sharinghttp://virtualcustoms.net/images/smilies/Animated%20Smilies_201.gif

April 11th, 2015, 07:23 PM
Thankyouuuu! :beaut:

April 21st, 2015, 05:51 PM
wow thanks dod :cheeky:

April 21st, 2015, 05:54 PM
thanks dod :peace2:

May 20th, 2015, 05:08 PM
really like this theme great work thanks for sharing

mike 59
May 20th, 2015, 05:48 PM
thank again for this awesome theme:peace::burns:

May 26th, 2015, 02:44 PM

May 28th, 2016, 05:53 AM
Wow. I don't care about Mad Max at all, but I freaking LOVE this theme. It embodies everything a theme should be. I just hope it doesn't have the problem where certain windows are too dark to read the forced black text on them, stupid Microsoft, making certain text colors all screwy. That usually makes me unable to use a theme & it bums me out especially when the theme is as awesome as this one! Thanks for making such wonderful themes for the rest of us. It makes Windows bearable. Especially yours.