View Full Version : Help with Docks?

April 2nd, 2015, 10:14 AM
Hey! I might be putting this in the wrong forum category, but I figure it would be an easy place for people to find it.

I was mainly wondering which dock Razorsedge uses for his customizations. I didn't see anywhere to apply the *.ini files in ObjectDock2 and couldn't figure out where to place the picture files. In your themes it just says custom dock themes lol. Anyone else that uses custom docks can place their main program they use here too in order to help others if you feel like it.

:) Thanks! Loving all the intricate customizations here on VC!

April 2nd, 2015, 11:57 AM
even though i've had a major fallout with the creator i suggest winstep xtreme.


April 2nd, 2015, 01:53 PM
Hey! I might be putting this in the wrong forum category, but I figure it would be an easy place for people to find it.

I was mainly wondering which dock Razorsedge uses for his customizations. I didn't see anywhere to apply the *.ini files in ObjectDock2 and couldn't figure out where to place the picture files. In your themes it just says custom dock themes lol. Anyone else that uses custom docks can place their main program they use here too in order to help others if you feel like it.

:) Thanks! Loving all the intricate customizations here on VC!

Hi Bud :)

I use rocketdock is the one's you see in my screens. I used to use objectdock a while back but switched although you can port the docks over to objectdock. It's been a longtime since I did that but I could port them over for you if you let me know what ones you need :)

April 3rd, 2015, 03:58 AM
Hi Bud :)

I use rocketdock is the one's you see in my screens. I used to use objectdock a while back but switched although you can port the docks over to objectdock. It's been a longtime since I did that but I could port them over for you if you let me know what ones you need :)

Thanks! Why I used ObjectDock instead, idk. I remember installing it years ago and it was loaded with crapware and installed heavily into the system. Just found RocketDock's website and it's freeee! States it's not yet compatible with x64 based systems... but I'll be the judge of that! lol

I see it on your screens, so the answer seems obvious. Thanks again for all the content you've uploaded here. Truly amazing and inspiring! I've got a few basic wallpaper themes, but nothing like this! My desktop is now pimpin' haha