View Full Version : Has anyone tried SkinPack Creator?

April 3rd, 2015, 07:35 PM
Hi folks,

Has anyone here tried the SkinPack Creator? http://skinpacks.com/download/skin-pack-installer-system/#comment-36681

I downloaded it, but I couldn't figure out how to start the program. Here's a screenshot of what I'm seeing.



April 3rd, 2015, 07:44 PM
You need to rename "setup.ex_" to "setup.exe", then run the setup by double-clicking it.

Some sites/servers don't allow .exe files to be inside compressed files, so apparently the creator replaced the last "e" with an underscore....so that the end-user would somehow know to rename it. He or she should have included a 'readme' text-file with instructions, but, considering the source, I am not surprised. Skinpacks are pretty buggy and shady.....

Use at your own risk.

April 3rd, 2015, 07:47 PM
You need to rename "setup.ex_" to "setup.exe", then run the setup by double-clicking it.
Well, that's not very user friendly... :tongue: (No offense meant to you, JMB.)

Thanks for the help, JMB. :)

April 3rd, 2015, 07:52 PM
Well, that's not very user friendly... :sarc: (No offense meant to you, JMB.)

Thanks for the help, JMB. :)

Was editing my original comment as you were posting this one. I agree. Not user-friendly. Half-a**ed.

Because it's half-a**ed software. Just my opinion, but shared by a lot of others.

April 3rd, 2015, 08:09 PM
Was editing my original comment as you were posting this one. I agree. Not user-friendly. Half-a**ed.

Because it's half-a**ed software. Just my opinion, but shared by a lot of others.
Yea.. I've enjoy some of they're earlier Windows 10 skins. I'd much rather use a theme from here. But then again, most of the themes I find here are basically a complete remake of the desktop. Mostly a bunch of ROG's and stuff.

I would prefer a simple theme that slightly changes the taskbar. Maybe give it a bit of a 3D look. Since Windows 10 is so flat... Just my opinion, though.