View Full Version : Command & Conquer Nostalgia Fix

April 7th, 2015, 11:27 PM
*Establishing Battlefield Control...*
*Please Stand By*

Hey, been testing the waters on a few different Command & Conquer reboots lately. Gotta say, they're pretty nice! Not sure which one I would call better, but if I had to choose, my vote would go for Open RA vs. CnCnet. There are pros and cons to both that I can see though.

CnCnet's versions are, pixel for pixel, the original game as it was meant to be played. I think the only thing they left out was the nifty installers you got to see while installing Westwood Studios' many great games. They also added extra content like new/remixed music and new missions (technically old missions) from other games in the franchise that were released on different consoles. Now we can all play the RA: Sole Survivor missions (which came out on Playstation... many moons ago) on PC! And the remixes are pretty sweet as well.

OpenRA's version is still a little buggy, but the interface is delicious!! The only problems I had were with downloading music packs, it would hang and have to download again, and Tanya not auto-targetting, but that happened in CnCnet's version as well, so I guess it could just be in-game code? Aside from that, there are a few new juicy music tracks, new secondary objectives to complete for the perfectionist in us all, remapped and upgraded sidebar for unit/building creation (now you can add more units to the queue simultaneously), and it's an all-in-one go to for Tiberian Dawn, Red Alert, and Dune 2000. Which means you can switch back and forth between games without exiting the program. Also, the main menu is pretty knocked out as well.

Anyways, I'll stop yammering on with my review and get to the links!

OpenRA Homepage:

CnCnet Game Portal:

CnCnet comes pre-loaded with mods that I never knew existed as well, accessible from the configuration settings. Looks like a steady group of players online with CnCnet too.

*Battlefield Control Terminated*

Harvey Sewdin
April 9th, 2015, 04:23 PM
Man, it's been a while since I last played C&C. The last standalone version I played was C&C: Generals and after that I tried the online versions a bit(Tiberium Alliances I guess, I don't remember the name).
Thought this game was dead. It's nice to see that the community is still supporting it, cause C&C Generals was one of my favorite games.