View Full Version : Moving Logon Screen Buttons?

April 11th, 2015, 11:35 PM
Anyone know of any application to move around the buttons on Win7 login screen?

I have a 1280x800 max res screen and using a 1920x1280 image as login background lol 16:10 vs 16:9

Any other advanced login screen editors are welcome. (With more than just change and/or rotate login wallpapers?)

April 11th, 2015, 11:39 PM
Anyone know of any application to move around the buttons on Win7 login screen?

I have a 1280x800 max res screen and using a 1920x1280 image as login background lol 16:10 vs 16:9

Any other advanced login screen editors are welcome. (With more than just change and/or rotate login wallpapers?)

Try Logon Studio: https://www.stardock.com/products/logonstudio/

It isn't free, though...Or, you could do it manually, but you'll have to study-up on editing the authui.dll. Just Google around, there are plenty of tutorials you can find.

April 12th, 2015, 12:08 AM
Ewww... Stardock lol

I'm starting to compare Stardock with manufacturer laptops pre-loaded with Vista. Comes with free useless software that you probably will never use and will most likely bog your system down to the speed of a snail!

But it sure looks nice XD

I'll see if it can do what I'm looking for tho. Thanks!

April 12th, 2015, 12:12 AM
Here's a link I found to an app referenced in a similar thread. Haven't tested it yet to see what it's capable of.

Windows 7 Logon Workshop:

EDIT: Be careful utilizing this program. It might have been because I didn't run it as an administrator, but it screwed my logon screen big time. If you get a black screen when you try to Switch Users, go into WinPE (F8 on boot or Windows Installation DVD > Repair Tools) and do Startup Repair once or twice.

I got a blank logon screen and was unable to open Task Manager or anything. Complete system crash as far as I know, but it's fixable. I'll try to edit my login screen again using Administrator Priveledges and report back.

April 13th, 2015, 01:19 AM
if you are going to do it manually through the authui.dll make sure that the logon screen wallpaper you are gonna use is a JPG and is equal or less than 245Kb a single byte over and you will get a black screen.

another manual way to change your system's logonscreen is going to this hidden folder - c:\windows\system32\oobe\info\backgrounds - the background will be in that folder but again if you are to replace it make sure your file is a jpg & 245kb or less, have the same image size and named the same as the file your are replacing (i think its backgrounddefault.jpg, you will see it) . its a system folder so you might have to turn off your user account control settings.
btw you cannot replace the image by pasting your image to overwrite it, you have to either delete the file being replaced, or rename it to something else first and then u can paste your image

April 14th, 2015, 06:00 AM
Yeah, came up with a black screen / system crash at login screen using Logon Workshop. Tried using it a few times, a few different ways and still can't get it to work. Shame too, there were some pretty neat looking login previews in the program. I posted the old "WinPE > Repair > Startup Repair x2" on the Deviant Art page where I found it in case anyone else ran into trouble. Can't access Task Manager or anything in that state.

I don't trust myself messing w the dll's after that. Too much time and effort just to move my Account Button up a few hundred pixels

Hoping to come across some other program that will allow it, but there are so many basic logon screen editors.