View Full Version : System32 / SysWOW64

May 25th, 2015, 05:00 PM
Does anyone have a list of all the files that need to be replaced in both the System32 and the SysWOW64 Folder when running a Windows 7 64bit System?
Thanks in advance.

May 26th, 2015, 12:59 AM
Does anyone have a list of all the files that need to be replaced in both the System32 and the SysWOW64 Folder when running a Windows 7 64bit System?
Thanks in advance.

It depends on how complete the theme and/or icon-pack is; some modify more files than others. For instance, most themers here at VC (especially MrGrim) create themes that have a lot of extras, requiring more system-files to be patched than, say, the themes you'll typically download from places like deviantART.

Another thing to understand is that your System32 folder contains 64-bit versions of system-files, while SysWOW64 actually contains 32-bit versions of system-files....completely opposite of what you'd expect given the names!

1- Read THIS ARTICLE (http://www.askvg.com/why-64-bit-windows-users-face-login-or-other-problems-after-modifying-system-files-using-resource-hacker/) that covers a few things to know about modifying system-files on a x64 version of Windows.

2- Look at the list HERE (http://www.askvg.com/list-of-windows-7-system-files-to-be-hacked-using-resource-hacker/) of the most common system-files to modify in 7.

3- For a more in-depth understanding, use 7zip to extract a 7tsp "icons and extras" pack that someone like MrGrim created for one of his major themes...like the HUD themes, or Blade, etc. Then, after extracting the pack, look into the folders and discover which files he set to patch (and which files require both the 32-bit and 64-bit versions to be modified).

I know that 3 of the most common that require both the System32 and SysWOW64 editions to be patched are imageres.dll, timedate.cpl and shell32.dll....but there are others. Sorry I can't help you more than that, because, like I stated above, it depends on how complete the theme and extras are as to which files get modified/patched. Examining some of MrGrim's themes and extras (extracting the 7tsp packs with 7zip) is a good start. His more recent setup installers for his newer themes have been inno, so you'll need a software like InnoExtractor (http://www.havysoft.cl/innoextractor.html) to open them. After extracting those, look for any .res files and/or respatch files, check out the file names, etc.



Hope this helps get you started. :peace:

May 26th, 2015, 08:26 PM
First of all, thanks for the detailed answer, your links are a great help! I'd like to modify as much files as possible with my own icons to get a unique Windows. Is it correct that the iPack Builder for example will replace them automatically in both Folders when needed? if yes then that's the solution. By the way, i always replaced the timedate.cpl only in the System32 Folder and never had any problem! What should happen when you do that, any idea?