View Full Version : Windows 8.1 / Mr Grim HUD (red) Help Please

May 30th, 2015, 04:31 PM
Some windows I have no text in the window at the op.
Some I do like teamspeak for example.
And when I do have text I have this ugly background behind the text as displayed in the photo.
can someone please help me fix this?

May 31st, 2015, 07:51 AM
Some windows I have no text in the window at the op.
Some I do like teamspeak for example.
And when I do have text I have this ugly background behind the text as displayed in the photo.
can someone please help me fix this?

Do you have AeroGlass installed. If not try installing AeroGlass by BigMucle and that should fix it. Here's the link.

AeroGlass by BigMuscle (http://www.glass8.eu)

As for the windows that don't have any text, if you have OldNewExplorer downloaded, then that's more than likely whats doing that. OldNewExplorer has the ability to remove text in windows that open via explorer.exe.

May 31st, 2015, 01:11 PM
Do you have AeroGlass installed. If not try installing AeroGlass by BigMucle and that should fix it. Here's the link.

AeroGlass by BigMuscle (http://www.glass8.eu)

As for the windows that don't have any text, if you have OldNewExplorer downloaded, then that's more than likely whats doing that. OldNewExplorer has the ability to remove text in windows that open via explorer.exe.

Yup aeroglass is installed.
Everything is done exactly as needed for this theme to work, just a few titles show up like on notepad and teamspeak, having noticed any other yet but i use both those programs very very frequently.

May 31st, 2015, 11:55 PM
Yup aeroglass is installed.
Everything is done exactly as needed for this theme to work, just a few titles show up like on notepad and teamspeak, having noticed any other yet but i use both those programs very very frequently.

Hmmm... odd.. might be a bad download then. Try redownloading the theme and see if that helps. If it doesn't, then Mr.GRiM might know more about it.

June 1st, 2015, 02:45 AM
Hmmm... odd.. might be a bad download then. Try redownloading the theme and see if that helps. If it doesn't, then Mr.GRiM might know more about it.

Redownloaded and still same thing.

June 1st, 2015, 03:05 AM
Redownloaded and still same thing.

Definitely strange.. All I can say from here is to see if Mr.GRiM may know what's happening. My computer recently had to be reset so I'm not to eager to risk putting another theme on it just yet. Mine is known for messing up when having too many themes on it at a time, and I have a fair few already. Sorry about that. If I figure it out somehow I'll let ya know. Otherwise, I'd say Mr.GRiM or one of the more knowledgeable people here at VC may be more helpful. :sad:

June 2nd, 2015, 05:55 AM
Definitely strange.. All I can say from here is to see if Mr.GRiM may know what's happening. My computer recently had to be reset so I'm not to eager to risk putting another theme on it just yet. Mine is known for messing up when having too many themes on it at a time, and I have a fair few already. Sorry about that. If I figure it out somehow I'll let ya know. Otherwise, I'd say Mr.GRiM or one of the more knowledgeable people here at VC may be more helpful. :sad:

Thanks, Sent him a PM.

June 2nd, 2015, 07:40 AM
Some windows I have no text in the window at the op.
Some I do like teamspeak for example.
And when I do have text I have this ugly background behind the text as displayed in the photo.
can someone please help me fix this?

This is one of Lamia's ports. Looks like he didn't set CAPTIONFONT and SMALLCAPTIONFONT (in WSB) to Blank font. Easy to fix!

Try this .msstyle I modified (drop it in the HUD Red folder, replacing the .msstyle that's there)....apply the Blank font, the Blank caption font registry file...then restart your computer. If the caption is still there, apply the registry fix again and restart once more; sometimes it doesn't stick the first time....


Download This: 70245

(edited...I forgot to include the actual Blank font. Fixed now)

June 2nd, 2015, 08:05 AM
This is one of Lamia's ports. Looks like he didn't set CAPTIONFONT and SMALLCAPTIONFONT (in WSB) to Blank font. Easy to fix!
It's not about CAPTIONFONT issue here at all YourNumbr1Fan (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/289123-YourNumbr1Fan), your statement is more about personal taste of customization this theme, then current issue with user PC, me & Mr.GRiM decide to leave fonts here with this theme not setting it to blank.
About this issue on your PC MongerVog (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/207344-MongerVog), here is few pointers that i'm sure one will fix the issue:
1. Uninstall Aero Glass and restart PC, on return Install Aero Glass the way it's explained here: http://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/65613-How-to-install-and-setup-your-customization-applications-on-Windows-8-1-1, other words make sure you UNCHECK this 2 boxes: Install Shinny atlas resources and Protect Aero Glass by adjusting access permissions during the install of aero glass,
2. If that don't work, there must be corrupted file or system, so then i suggest uninstall all customization software from your PC, and make sure you run SFC /SCANNOW in cmd as admin, to make sure you reset everything to default state on your PC, then update all your drivers and windows update, after that carefully follow tutorial about installing customization software on your end and you should be good to go, enjoy! :Peace:

June 2nd, 2015, 08:29 AM
It's not about CAPTIONFONT issue here at all YourNumbr1Fan (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/289123-YourNumbr1Fan), your statement is more about personal taste of customization this theme, then current issue with user PC, me & Mr.GRiM decide to leave fonts here with this theme not setting it to blank.
About this issue on your PC MongerVog (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/207344-MongerVog), here is few pointers that i'm sure one will fix the issue:
1. Uninstall Aero Glass and restart PC, on return Install Aero Glass the way it's explained here: http://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/65613-How-to-install-and-setup-your-customization-applications-on-Windows-8-1-1, other words make sure you UNCHECK this 2 boxes: Install Shinny atlas resources and Protect Aero Glass by adjusting access permissions during the install of aero glass,
2. If that don't work, there must be corrupted file or system, so then i suggest uninstall all customization software from your PC, and make sure you run SFC /SCANNOW in cmd as admin, to make sure you reset everything to default state on your PC, then update all your drivers and windows update, after that carefully follow tutorial about installing customization software on your end and you should be good to go, enjoy! :Peace:

Well, the Blank font is the most common issue, so I'm just trying to help the guy. If he wants the caption there, then your way will be his best fix....if not, then he'll use my fix. Doesn't matter to me, just trying to help like I said.

June 12th, 2015, 06:03 PM
Thanks for the replies, Ill start with fans fix and if that dont help then Ill try the next. Ill let you know what works or if it dont work.

June 12th, 2015, 06:16 PM
Okay, Just applied YourNumbr1Fan (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/289123-YourNumbr1Fan)'s fix and that solved the issue.
Thanks :D

YourNumbr1Fan (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/289123-YourNumbr1Fan) if you could there is one other small thing I could use some help with please, You can visit THIS POST (http://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/69422-Windows-Style-Builder-Free-or-Help-With-an-Edit?p=304535#post304535) or contact me on facebook

June 13th, 2015, 07:47 PM
Okay, Just applied YourNumbr1Fan (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/289123-YourNumbr1Fan)'s fix and that solved the issue.
Thanks :D

YourNumbr1Fan (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/289123-YourNumbr1Fan) if you could there is one other small thing I could use some help with please, You can visit THIS POST (http://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/69422-Windows-Style-Builder-Free-or-Help-With-an-Edit?p=304535#post304535) or contact me on facebook

Glad you are happy with that fix, mate. If you ever want the title bar caption text back, you'll have to re-install Lamia's un-edited .msstyle for this theme and follow his directions about Aero Glass. I personally prefer no text on the title bar, in any theme.

Gonna answer your other post now (I don't have a FB) :Peace: