View Full Version : Windows 10 Pro Insider Preview Evaluation Copy Build 10130

June 21st, 2015, 11:09 PM
Well, I switched over to Windows 10 Pro Insider Preview Evaluation Copy Build 10130 upon finding out members of the Windows Insider Program will get free Windows 10 upgrade from it upon release. So far I'm definitely enjoying it. I do have one wierd issue though. I've noticed the start menu button doesn't seem to work properly. Basically when I click on it, the start menu simply refuses to open. Right click option still works fine but the start menu itself just doesn't open, lol. Even the Windows button on my keyboard doesn't open it, lol. As well as a slight glitch with the new search bar of which supposedly has Cortana built into it. That one simply closes out while you're typing. Those are basically the only issues i'm having with it. Anyone else having these issues? And if so, does anyone know what to do to get the start menu to actually open? I'm not worried about the glitch in the new search thing but the start menu is a necessity for me, lol.

June 22nd, 2015, 01:53 AM
I am SOOO staying away from 10 until maybe some months after it's released final! Since we have a year, starting July 29, to upgrade legit copies of 7 and 8/8.1, I think waiting until say maybe December will be prudent for those of us who don't want to deal with the worst of the bugs which will surely still be in the final release. I tried 10135 a while back, just for a few hours, and didn't want anything to do with the betas anymore. I'm a member of the Insider team, too, but decided to just let the other thousands of Insiders help MS. I don't have the patience or the time.

....And when I do make the switch, I can assure you that Cortana WON'T be my 'personal assistant', hell no. I'll disable 'her' pronto....and whatever other NSA/CIA/FBI/Corporate spyware I can disable.

Dark Knight
June 22nd, 2015, 02:43 PM
I am SOOO staying away from 10 until maybe some months after it's released final! Since we have a year, starting July 29, to upgrade legit copies of 7 and 8/8.1, I think waiting until say maybe December will be prudent for those of us who don't want to deal with the worst of the bugs which will surely still be in the final release. I tried 10135 a while back, just for a few hours, and didn't want anything to do with the betas anymore. I'm a member of the Insider team, too, but decided to just let the other thousands of Insiders help MS. I don't have the patience or the time.

....And when I do make the switch, I can assure you that Cortana WON'T be my 'personal assistant', hell no. I'll disable 'her' pronto....and whatever other NSA/CIA/FBI/Corporate spyware I can disable.

If you download and play with it in a VM you would be surprised at how little bugs there actually are. I am running build 10130 insider preview in a VM and have not ran into any major issues ( not any that aren't being addressed at the moment anyway ).

I am actually thinking of partitioning my drive and dual booting it now.

FYI ..... There are far worse NSA/CIA/FBI/Corporate spyware out there then Cortana my friend, if they really wanted anything on you they probably already have gotten it long ago. Take the aluminum foil hat off for a while and step outside for a few breaths.

June 22nd, 2015, 03:10 PM
I'l be jumping onto it soon as its released fully.....DX12 :money:

June 22nd, 2015, 06:47 PM
If you download and play with it in a VM you would be surprised at how little bugs there actually are. I am running build 10130 insider preview in a VM and have not ran into any major issues ( not any that aren't being addressed at the moment anyway ).

I am actually thinking of partitioning my drive and dual booting it now.

FYI ..... There are far worse NSA/CIA/FBI/Corporate spyware out there then Cortana my friend, if they really wanted anything on you they probably already have gotten it long ago. Take the aluminum foil hat off for a while and step outside for a few breaths.

Aluminum foil, I like that. Never tire of that one.....But I ain't mad. I know that it's difficult to accept the uncomfortable, easier to just go along with the hive.

FYI, I don't need to be told that there are other ways that the powers-that-be have to snoop on us. I'm pretty tech-savvy, very much so actually. In fact, Virtual Customs isn't my only online hangout. I'm a long-time member of some very solid anti-snooping and political organizations. I strive to keep my online activities and files on my computer as private as possible.....Not because I'm doing anything wrong, or have some bad things to hide, but for the same reason that I don't want to leave my curtains open and doors unlocked. The desire for privacy isn't something to be ashamed of, my complacent friend. You don't have to be a aluminum hat person to know that many things in the world of technology are just not as benevolent as are advertized. You just might find that out the hard way one day. Like I said, I've ran 10...a few times. Last time was build 10135, the one that comes after the one you're running. No matter what you say, I know better; it's chock-full of spyware. I'm savvy enough to adjust/disable much of it, but I'm under no delusions about the risks. Computers and other tech can be fun-and-games to an extent.....but SERIOUS BUSINESS beyond that, much more so than you seem to realize. Laughing and calling people who warn others about it 'aluminum hat' people is about as intelligent as calling a lifeguard an aluminum hat person because he tells you there are sharks nearby in the water you're splashing about in. I'm not trying to offend you or talk down to you, bro. But THINK before you dismiss someone as a conspiracy-theorist nutball. What were theories a few years ago that people laughed about are hard-core factual reality today, and each day more evil crap is coming out into the open. Calling someone a tinfoil hat person is code for "nothing to see here, move along"....which is total b.s.




June 22nd, 2015, 10:05 PM
I'm not going to be using Windows 10, but I've been keeping tabs on it. See if Sergey at Winaero's article fixes the start menu bug you're experiencing in Windows 10 build 10130: http://winaero.com/blog/fix-start-menu-does-not-open-in-windows-10-build-10130/

June 23rd, 2015, 01:46 PM
I'm not going to be using Windows 10, but I've been keeping tabs on it. See if Sergey at Winaero's article fixes the start menu bug you're experiencing in Windows 10 build 10130: http://winaero.com/blog/fix-start-menu-does-not-open-in-windows-10-build-10130/

Tried it, and it had no effect at all. However, I am one lucky sucker. I found a fix that actually works, lol. Here it is.

Disable New Xaml Start Menu and Enable Previous Start Menu

Microsoft has replaced previous Windows 10 Start Menu with a new one in the latest Windows 10 build 9926 which is a little bit buggy and can't be resized. Luckily, the old Start Menu still exists in the OS. Interested people can enable the old resizable Start Menu in Windows 10 using following method:

1. In Registry Editor, go to following key:

2. In right-side pane create a new DWORD EnableXamlStartMenu and leave its value to 0

3. Restart, log off or restart Explorer to take effect and enjoy the old Start Menu in Windows 10.
This tweak will also enable previous Start Screen and you'll also be able to switch between Start Menu and Start Screen again using Taskbar Properties.

To restore the new Start Menu, delete the new DWORD EnableXamlStartMenu.

This method worked perfectly, lol.


Scratch that, it worked for a bit then it stopped working. Looks like I may have to keep searching for a fix. :sigh:

June 23rd, 2015, 03:44 PM
I'm not sure what did it, but the start menu is working perfectly now, lol. I clicked on it to see if it would open and it did. Since doing so it has been working flawlessly. :peace:


Disabled blur in aero glass via regedit, and start menu stopped opening again, lol. apparently it has a bug that temporarily breaks the start menu when you attempt to customize it, lol.

June 23rd, 2015, 09:46 PM
That's good you fixed it. Apparently the issue is occurant accross a variety of the builds, so it's possible there isn't just one simple solution to fix the start menu for everyone. I read yesterday that if you want to upgrade to the RTM of Windows 10 from the technical preview, you will have to continue being a windows insider and receive builds from the "fast" or "slow" ring. So, you'll have to keep "testing" for them. The other route would be to have Win 10 consume your Win 8.xx license.

June 23rd, 2015, 09:49 PM
That's good you fixed it. Apparently the issue is occurant accross a variety of the builds, so it's possible there isn't just one simple solution to fix the start menu for everyone. I read yesterday that if you want to upgrade to the RTM of Windows 10 from the technical preview, you will have to continue being a windows insider and receive builds from the "fast" or "slow" ring. So, you'll have to keep "testing" for them. The other route would be to have Win 10 consume your Win 8.xx license.

Ya, I somehow got lucky and managed to get Windows 8.1 back via HP Recovery Managers Factory Default reset thing. So i'm waiting for the official windows 10 to be released before upgrading to it again, lol.

Dark Knight
June 23rd, 2015, 10:54 PM
Aluminum foil, I like that. Never tire of that one.....But I ain't mad. I know that it's difficult to accept the uncomfortable, easier to just go along with the hive.

FYI, I don't need to be told that there are other ways that the powers-that-be have to snoop on us. I'm pretty tech-savvy, very much so actually. In fact, Virtual Customs isn't my only online hangout. I'm a long-time member of some very solid anti-snooping and political organizations. I strive to keep my online activities and files on my computer as private as possible.....Not because I'm doing anything wrong, or have some bad things to hide, but for the same reason that I don't want to leave my curtains open and doors unlocked. The desire for privacy isn't something to be ashamed of, my complacent friend. You don't have to be a aluminum hat person to know that many things in the world of technology are just not as benevolent as are advertized. You just might find that out the hard way one day. Like I said, I've ran 10...a few times. Last time was build 10135, the one that comes after the one you're running. No matter what you say, I know better; it's chock-full of spyware. I'm savvy enough to adjust/disable much of it, but I'm under no delusions about the risks. Computers and other tech can be fun-and-games to an extent.....but SERIOUS BUSINESS beyond that, much more so than you seem to realize. Laughing and calling people who warn others about it 'aluminum hat' people is about as intelligent as calling a lifeguard an aluminum hat person because he tells you there are sharks nearby in the water you're splashing about in. I'm not trying to offend you or talk down to you, bro. But THINK before you dismiss someone as a conspiracy-theorist nutball. What were theories a few years ago that people laughed about are hard-core factual reality today, and each day more evil crap is coming out into the open. Calling someone a tinfoil hat person is code for "nothing to see here, move along"....which is total b.s.




Take a pill ......... really :sigh:

If I thought you were a conspiracy theorist aluminum hat wearing nutball I would just outright say it.

First, I was only joking around with you, I know how you are about things as such because I have seen previous posts by yourself not only here but other place too ..... I was only joking.

Second, I am totally aware of the evils that exist today and don't need to be made aware of them and yes one must do what they feel they need to do to protect themselves, I use Windows and all my systems are secure but the least of my worries is Microsoft, Windows or Cortana. Your worst evils exist outside the realm of the internet, like our current administration. Bill Gates and Microsoft are like #20 on my list of evils, Barack Obama is #1.

June 23rd, 2015, 11:55 PM
Take a pill ......... really :sigh:

If I thought you were a conspiracy theorist aluminum hat wearing nutball I would just outright say it.

First, I was only joking around with you, I know how you are about things as such because I have seen previous posts by yourself not only here but other place too ..... I was only joking.

Second, I am totally aware of the evils that exist today and don't need to be made aware of them and yes one must do what they feel they need to do to protect themselves, I use Windows and all my systems are secure but the least of my worries is Microsoft, Windows or Cortana. Your worst evils exist outside the realm of the internet, like our current administration. Bill Gates and Microsoft are like #20 on my list of evils, Barack Obama is #1.

I don't need to take a pill---I'd rather take a toke. Pills are for sissies, real men like to smoke! And we wear mustaches.
I told you, I ain't mad. I was just speaking my mind, just like you. And I can do that, so if YOU get mad that's on you! Every thing is cool with me.... I gotta jet; just saw your quote-comment so figured I'd respond. Later, gator. 70386 (haha, just joking!)

PS: Yep, Obama sucks. So does Congress and the Senate. TPP anyone?


June 25th, 2015, 11:10 PM
looks like after reading the last two post in this thead i see where hollywood got their idea for dumb and dumber.