View Full Version : Explorer and applications white background... how can I change it?

July 22nd, 2015, 05:44 PM
Hello everyone, this is my first post. I have never created a visual style and my first goal is to change the background of Explorer and the work area of applications like Notepad, Word, etc... from white to a less blinding color (such as a very light orange). My questions are:

1) There is a good freeware utility to make these changes?

2) If not, what is the best software to edit my aero msstyles file?

Thank you in advance!

My O.S. is Windows 8.1 and I am able to install custom themes like Toxic by Mr. GRiM and other found on this forum.

Harvey Sewdin
July 25th, 2015, 02:40 AM
On Windows 7 there was this program called "Windows7 Folder Background Changer"(http://www.door2windows.com/windows-7-folder-background-changer-change-any-folders-background-text-color-in-windows-7vista/). I used to use that way in the beginning, it worked. Now I just edit the .msstyles in Vista Style Builder, it's much better.
If you don't want to buy the Style Builder than you can post your msstyles here, maybe I can help you out with editing.

July 25th, 2015, 10:23 PM
So, the only way to edit Windows 8.1 msstyles files is to use Windows Style Builder... :unhappy:

Thank you Harvey for your offer to edit my aero msstyles, you are very kind! :happy: I attach the file to this post. The color that I would like for the Explorer's background and the software's working area is a light orange, such as R=255 G=210 B=166.

Thanks again!!!


Harvey Sewdin
July 27th, 2015, 12:29 AM
Ok so I forgot that we were talking about Windows 8 here and I'm using Windows 7 now. So I modified your .msstyles but I couldn't test it.
Not sure if it will work correctly, so you'll have to check it yourself.
If there's a problem I will try to contact someone here to help you out.

July 27th, 2015, 05:23 PM
Hello Harvey, unfortunately your file does not work... :sad: but in the meantime I found an old beta version and I did some tests on a virtual machine. And finally, after many, many attempts, I found a way to change the backgrounds of Explorer and applications!!! :Smile: For those who are interested the items to change are:

1) Fonts, Colors, & System Metrics -> Fonts & System Metrics = WINDOW:COLOR (change the color of the application's work area).

2) Explorer & Shell -> Explorer -> Items View -> ItemsView = FILLCOLOR:COLOR (change the color of the right side of Explorer).

3) Explorer & Shell -> Explorer -> ProperTree -> Background = FILLCOLOR:COLOR (change the color of the left side of Explorer).

For those who want to create various styles with different backgrounds, I recommend creating a folder for each style (aero2, aero3, aero4, etc ...).

Thanks for the support and good customization to all of you!!! :peace: