View Full Version : Remove/Change Colour of red close button on windows 8.1 Surface Pro 3?

July 28th, 2015, 07:53 PM

I have Asperger's syndrome and unfortunately some colours drive me nuts, red being one of them. I use a Surface Pro 3 and when I install custom themes it interferes with the functionality of the touch screen (get momentary black screen every time I touch). So, much as I hate giving up on custom themes, I could settle for some little tweak or fix which would either change the colour of the red cross which is the close button for windows, or replace it with a nicer icon. I've tried search engine, but can't find anything. Any suggestions from the talented folks here?



Harvey Sewdin
July 29th, 2015, 12:05 PM
The Surface Pro 3 will have the Windows 10 update, I think we should wait a bit and see how that goes. Maybe they're using neutral colored window buttons.
I haven't checked out Windows 10 yet, so I can't say much about it.

July 29th, 2015, 02:10 PM
Yes, I have thought about hanging on for Win10, but I doubt very much they'll change that ubiquitous red close button. Would be nice if they gave us more appearance choices within windows itself, but they probably like to stick with what's known and works.

I might look for a firefox theme which will change the buttons because I mainly use my Spro 3 for browsing.