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July 31st, 2015, 06:34 AM
Windows 10 Black Edition For Win 10 10240 Only


RGB Color Colection


Enjoy!! :happy:

Update September 19th 2015:

Fixed a bug with the context menu that could make it supper stretched out, added a bit of polish to the start menu plus an additional 2 styles to choose from, Windows Black Edition Glass and Windows Black Edition v3.

The Glass version is meant to be used with Black Glass Enhanced to avoid the color shift with the default style, v3 is pretty much the same as v2 with a slight change to the start menu, All Programs is now transparent instead of black (New Feature! only with latest version of SiB).

Update September 4th 2015:

Big update!!, more bug fixes and improvements plus an additional 7 Dark mix styles to choose from.

The new Mix Styles mix light and dark to give you a great balance for work and play, now you won't have to worry about office, browsers and programs using the wrong colors.

You will need to use OldNewExplorer (highly recommended), SiB and Aero Glass are supported but the theme looks great without them.

Tools you may need:

Updated: ONE version 1.1.7(OldNewExplorer) (http://tihiy.net/files/OldNewExplorer.rar)

- Fixed crashes

Previous version sucked, this one should be better

For best results use these settings.


Use this method file as an alternative to remove the extra folders.

SiB (StartIsBack) (http://startisback.com/)
SiB++ Windows 10 v1.0.3 (https://s3.amazonaws.com/startisback/StartIsBackPlusPlus_setup.exe)

UxStyle (http://uxstyle.com/)
For Windows 10 Technical Preview ( (https://github.com/riverar/uxstyle/releases/download/

StartIsBack ++1.2 (http://startisback.com/)

New: partial taskbar skinning! Windows 7 skin enhanced with taskbar skin
Improved start menu display performance
Critical fix: StartIsBack causing windows animations chopiness
Critical fix: Some items are not opening propertly from start menu search results
Minor changes:
Adjusted French language metrics
Fix start button orb going below start menu
You can create "StartPane_MinHeight" DWORD in registry to tweak minimal start menu height

Aero Glass for Win8.1+ v1.4.5 - change log (http://www.glass8.eu/out/changelog81.txt)
This version is for Win8.1 6.3.9600 and for Win10 up to 10.0.10586.

Installer (32-bit+64-bit Windows) (http://virtualcustoms.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=71754&d=1450737758)
32-bit Windows (http://virtualcustoms.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=71756&d=1450737758)
64-bit Windows (http://virtualcustoms.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=71755&d=1450737758)

My Custom Aero Glass Installer (Not Official)

Use this Reg file to make sure active and inactive window colors are set correctly.

UxTheme Signature Bypass (Use with caution and also install Uxstyle as a backup)

Use this reg file to get a Personalization Sub Menu to change themes and colors with ease.

Winaero Tweaker - universal tweaker software which supports Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10. (http://winaero.com/comment.php?comment.news.1836)
WinAero Tweaker v3.0.2 (http://winaero.com/request.php?1796)


I have uploaded Four (4) installation files which do everything automatically without the user needing to change permissions, edit the registry, or copy files on his own. The choices are 1) Paint it Black: Install Black Themes with Aeroglass; 2) Paint it Black No Aeroglass: Install Black Themes without Aeroglass; 3) Paint it Black and Clean: Install Black Themes with Aeroglass AND clean up Windows Explorer; and 4) Paint it Black and Clean no Aeroglass: Install Black Themes without Aeroglass AND clean up Windows Explorer.

All FOUR files can be downloaded from here individually:


I take no responsibility for anyone who bricks their system, Use these mods at your own risk!!

July 31st, 2015, 07:47 AM
Love it great stuff Mark thanks

July 31st, 2015, 08:02 AM
Looks very cool! Thanks!

July 31st, 2015, 09:52 AM
Wow, that is one sweet looking theme bro, digging the dark look of it :)

July 31st, 2015, 11:29 AM
Hey Mr grim,
How's it going?
Thank you for designing this 10 theme. Can't wait to get it installed. Just having a problem with the installation.
As I can't seem to find installation instructions, I'm a bit lost. In fact, I haven't a clue as to what OldNewExplorer actually means.
Anyone willing to give me some assistance with the installation of this theme will be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advanced.

July 31st, 2015, 12:12 PM
GRiM (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/1-Mr-GRiM) this really looks great just a couple of questions. first any chance of getting a copy with the computer/explorer pane in the same gray as the rest of the theme instead of being black? second can you link to the theme patcher that actually works with 10. third is there a decent icon pack made for 10 yet(prefer 7tsp over ipack)? and lastly can you link to the oldnewexplorer that works with 10?

July 31st, 2015, 12:29 PM
Yep will do mate, just heading back to work, will put some links and instructions when I get back.

July 31st, 2015, 01:31 PM
Yep will do mate, just heading back to work, will put some links and instructions when I get back.

cool thanks VERY much. enjoy your day, DON'T work too hard.

July 31st, 2015, 02:34 PM
Thanks Mark.. looks awesome. :)

July 31st, 2015, 04:04 PM
thank you. mr.grim.

July 31st, 2015, 04:07 PM
thank you so much sir

July 31st, 2015, 04:22 PM
Awesome, Thank you!

July 31st, 2015, 09:15 PM
Many thanks Mr GRiM (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/1-Mr-GRiM)

July 31st, 2015, 10:55 PM
Thanks. Big improvement on the Very bright standard windows 10 interface.

July 31st, 2015, 11:30 PM
First of all, thanks so much Grim... And to everyone else... When using UltraUXThemePatcher_3.0.0, if I rightclick, personalize, themes, Theme settings.... It just crashes. I can manually go to the windows/resources folder and select the theme, but I'm too picky about these types of things. Anyone successfully using another theme patcher and if so, maybe you could link me to the newest one? I used another one for 8.1 and I guess I deleted it because I can't find it.

August 1st, 2015, 03:07 AM
First of all, thanks so much Grim... And to everyone else... When using UltraUXThemePatcher_3.0.0, if I rightclick, personalize, themes, Theme settings.... It just crashes. I can manually go to the windows/resources folder and select the theme, but I'm too picky about these types of things. Anyone successfully using another theme patcher and if so, maybe you could link me to the newest one? I used another one for 8.1 and I guess I deleted it because I can't find it.

This one (http://uxstyle.com/)seems to be working for me.

August 1st, 2015, 03:14 AM
This one (http://uxstyle.com/)seems to be working for me.

Thanks for replying. I've installed that one. Seemed smooth... but eventually, when I go to theme setrings, it just closes the window I'm in as before. Blah. It could be a number of things, hard to trouble shoot on here

August 1st, 2015, 04:11 AM
Will I still need UxStyle for this? Because I messed my old comp up bad trying to use UltraUxThemePatcher. (Not enough knowledge on manually patching my system to get it done properly, lol)


Nevermind. I figured it out, lol.

August 1st, 2015, 04:35 AM
Awesome theme! just finished downloading and applying it! Would love to see a complete dark syste icon pack to go with this. Especially if the icons could be based off of the windows 10 icon style. Even so, this theme is badass! I'll probs add AeroGlass and BGE as soon as an official Windows 10 version of AeroGlass is released since the current testing version doesn't work on my laptop.

August 1st, 2015, 05:42 AM
Grim said he highly recommends OldNewExplorer and that's all I ever have used. And after many, many problems, I found out culprit was in fact the OldNewExplorer. Ribbon disabler works, because it doesn't install that shell file. That shell file in OldNewExplorer has caused problems for me, I wonder why no one else. I've been having the same issue on a laptop and a desktop.

August 1st, 2015, 06:48 AM
Will I still need UxStyle for this? Because I messed my old comp up bad trying to use UltraUxThemePatcher. (Not enough knowledge on manually patching my system to get it done properly, lol)


Nevermind. I figured it out, lol.
I don't really want to recommend a patcher as I haven't really tested any of them, I am currently only using Theme Signature Bypass from Big Muscle and while it works great it has always caused me some problems when trying to remove it, that said, best thing to do is not remove it.

August 1st, 2015, 07:24 AM
I don't really want to recommend a patcher as I haven't really tested any of them, I am currently only using Theme Signature Bypass from Big Muscle and while it works great it has always caused me some problems when trying to remove it, that said, best thing to do is not remove it.

Yeah, I've never been able to figure out how to manually patch my system, lol. Luckily, UxStyle seems to work fine. As for them signature bypass, I was under the belief that it required BigMuscle's AeroGlass to work since one of the files it uses is gained from installing AeroGlass. So I didn't use that. The only issue I have is that every so often OldNewExplorer glitches causing the ribbon (or whatever the menu bar things are called) to appear white again. Luckily closing the window and reopening it always fixes that.

August 1st, 2015, 07:29 AM
It can be installed on it own without aero glass but I also prefer UxStyle but had problems with it on some of the insider builds, as for ONE, yeah I have noticed that as well but only when opening a save or open window.

August 1st, 2015, 09:07 AM
That just screwed my computer up. Couldn't use Windows recovery. Had to use hp recovery. Gunna have to re upgrade all over again once it finishes restoring.

August 1st, 2015, 10:32 AM
That just screwed my computer up. Couldn't use Windows recovery. Had to use hp recovery. Gunna have to re upgrade all over again once it finishes restoring.

That's why I wasn't recommending it, I am only using it on a VM and I always make lots of Snapshots so I can restore quickly, I thought you were happy with Uxstyle, what made you try using Theme signature bypass?

August 1st, 2015, 10:33 AM
Figured I'd test it, lol.

August 1st, 2015, 10:51 AM
Figured I'd test it, lol.

No harm in that, just make sure testing is done on a Virtual Machine lol

August 1st, 2015, 01:06 PM
Darkwater409 (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/280551-Darkwater409) no offense meant but the default win 10 icons are hideous. i believe they will remain hideous no matter what color they are done in.

August 1st, 2015, 03:16 PM
Has anyone installed this using UxStyle Preview: For Windows 10 Technical Preview ( (https://github.com/riverar/uxstyle/releases/tag/ (http://uxstyle.com/)?

August 1st, 2015, 03:17 PM
hi guys. how did you guys really installed this theme? as far as i know there is no theme patcher available for win 10 right? i upgraded to win10 home... and explorer is still light colored :(

August 1st, 2015, 03:42 PM
Oh wow, someone already released the very first Windows 10 custom theme? That was fast, will 7stp work on Windows 10? I'd like to reinstall the HUD Evolution icon pack

August 1st, 2015, 03:46 PM
Yep I installed the theme using Uxstyle and no problems (I think) so far, would post a screenshot but yet to find out how on win 10, just getting used to it.

August 1st, 2015, 06:08 PM
Yep I installed the theme using Uxstyle and no problems (I think) so far, would post a screenshot but yet to find out how on win 10, just getting used to it.

Same as in 7 and 8... hit the print screen key at the top of your keyboard and paste in paint

August 1st, 2015, 06:28 PM
Same as in 7 and 8... hit the print screen key at the top of your keyboard and paste in paint

Thanks I managed to work it out just had a spot of bother finding paint, all sorted now. (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/201075-freak69ize)

August 1st, 2015, 06:33 PM
UxStyle for Windows 10 technical preview works with this theme. I'm using it myself.

August 1st, 2015, 06:34 PM
No offense taken lol.

August 1st, 2015, 07:37 PM
Great, thanks. I'll give it a try now.

mike 59
August 1st, 2015, 08:04 PM
thank you for sharing this awesome 10 theme mr grim:Peace::happy:

August 1st, 2015, 08:40 PM
Update: working fine, looks great. Thanks for the help xxx

Hmmm, spoke too soon. After restart went back to windows 10 default :(

August 1st, 2015, 11:15 PM
Awful:sigh: I agree

August 1st, 2015, 11:30 PM
I upgraded my son's PC (Windows Home Premium) and I've installed StartisBack and OldNewExplorer ... but I dare not patch till there is a safe patch

(I don't want any problem with my teenager son ... :worried:, so ... I'll wait ...)

August 1st, 2015, 11:48 PM
Update: working fine, looks great. Thanks for the help xxx

Hmmm, spoke too soon. After restart went back to windows 10 default :(

That's odd. It's working perfectly for me. :sad:

August 2nd, 2015, 02:48 PM
guys i cannot use the theme coz i have the old uxstyle.. anybody can share how to uninstall it? cannot uninstall.. i am having an error.. the uh oh error

August 2nd, 2015, 03:27 PM
I'm probably going to go back to Win 7 for now and wait until more Win 10 themes are available (I like to change fairly often) and the patches are tried and tested.

August 2nd, 2015, 03:29 PM
That's odd. It's working perfectly for me. :sad:

I used UXstyle for Windows 10 Technical Preview ( (https://github.com/riverar/uxstyle/releases/tag/ What did you use?

August 2nd, 2015, 07:14 PM
I used UXstyle for Windows 10 Technical Preview ( (https://github.com/riverar/uxstyle/releases/tag/ What did you use?

jayarte (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/176251-jayarte) thanks for the link

August 2nd, 2015, 07:40 PM
jayarte (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/176251-jayarte) thanks for the link

You're welcome. Good luck with patching and theme. I'm back to Win 7 64 bit for now, so I have more choice with themes.

August 2nd, 2015, 10:20 PM
I used UXstyle for Windows 10 Technical Preview ( (https://github.com/riverar/uxstyle/releases/tag/ What did you use?

That's what I'm using as well. However I got mine from UxStyle (http:\\www.UxStyle.com)

August 3rd, 2015, 01:49 AM
What's SiB, also can I get a download of the HUD Evolution sound pack? I just want the sounds, I don't want the theme itself

August 3rd, 2015, 06:42 AM
What's SiB, also can I get a download of the HUD Evolution sound pack? I just want the sounds, I don't want the theme itself

SiB = StartIsBack. I believe there are 3 versions now. StartIsBack (windows 8), StartIsBack+ (Windows 8.1), and StartIsBack++ (Windows 10). Personally I haven't tried the Windows 10 version.

August 3rd, 2015, 08:06 AM
because the first stable theme for Windows 8.1 have not seen one until now that fence well throughout at least the final version ..!

August 3rd, 2015, 12:01 PM
GRiM (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/1-Mr-GRiM) this really looks great just a couple of questions. first any chance of getting a copy with the computer/explorer pane in the same gray as the rest of the theme instead of being black? second can you link to the theme patcher that actually works with 10. third is there a decent icon pack made for 10 yet(prefer 7tsp over ipack)? and lastly can you link to the oldnewexplorer that works with 10?

Yep will do mate, just heading back to work, will put some links and instructions when I get back.

I'm BUMPING this

August 3rd, 2015, 02:56 PM
I love this color and mix, it looks so great. Just one thing , it's nothing major or anything. when your title bar is inactive, it shows gray box blocking the text out. Again it isn't major just fyi. Unless there is a way to fix that, let me know.

+1 for making this!!

August 3rd, 2015, 04:50 PM
I'm BUMPING this

Sorry mate, I do want to add some instructions but I also don't want to be responsible if it all goes wrong, I can link to some parts like ONE (OldNewExplorer) and SiB (StartIsBack) but I am not sure what the best Theme Patcher is, from what I have read using BM's Theme Signature Bypass requires you to disable secure boot, Uxstyle seems to be unstable for some and retyrns back to default theme, Ultra Uxtheme Patcher may work but then you always run the risk of it being broken by a Windows update, so very hard to say what you should use.

As for Icon packs, some have reported that Windows 8.1 7tsp packs are working fine, I have not tested any myself, I have tested with one of my custom packs but I had a few problems that I will need to look at.

I will update the first post with links to Sib and ONE at least for you.

Dark Knight
August 3rd, 2015, 05:01 PM
I will update the first post with links to Sib and ONE at least for you.

Actually, I'd really like to get the links too, I mean I could go wading around the muck at MSFN (their forums are so disorganized) but I really don't have the time for that right now.

BTW - I too am using Big Muscles UxThemeSignatureBypass on Windows 10 Pro for the past few days and have seen no adverse affects at all, I would highly recommend it, I'd be too scared to use any UxTheme Patcher at this point and time.

Is there any time frame on a stable release of Aero Glass yet?

August 3rd, 2015, 05:31 PM
Actually, I'd really like to get the links too, I mean I could go wading around the muck at MSFN (their forums are so disorganized) but I really don't have the time for that right now.

BTW - I too am using Big Muscles UxThemeSignatureBypass on Windows 10 Pro for the past few days and have seen no adverse affects at all, I would highly recommend it, I'd be too scared to use any UxTheme Patcher at this point and time.

Is there any time frame on a stable release of Aero Glass yet?

Links all in first post, no ETA on a release date for AeroGlass but the debug version seems fairly stable for me, multi monitor setups seems to be having some issues though.

August 3rd, 2015, 05:45 PM
i'd recommenced Big Muscles UxThemeSignatureBypass seems to work for peeps. as for secure boot i recommend turning it off anyway. other than Big Muscles UxThemeSignatureBypass and maybe a copy of your theme with a gray explorer window instead of black i have everything i need. i'll try Big Muscles UxThemeSignatureBypass first and if that doesn't work i'll try the other one i referenced UxStyle Win 10 Preview.exe. i'm actually thinking of not using sib cause i do like the new startmenu.

August 3rd, 2015, 06:05 PM
Dark Knight (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/199178-Dark-Knight) is right it a joke trying to find Big Muscles UxThemeSignatureBypass.

August 3rd, 2015, 06:07 PM
i'd recommenced Big Muscles UxThemeSignatureBypass seems to work for peeps. as for secure boot i recommend turning it off anyway. other than Big Muscles UxThemeSignatureBypass and maybe a copy of your theme with a gray explorer window instead of black i have everything i need. i'll try Big Muscles UxThemeSignatureBypass first and if that doesn't work i'll try the other one i referenced UxStyle Win 10 Preview.exe. i'm actually thinking of not using sib cause i do like the new startmenu.

If your going to use UxTheme Signature Bypass then I recommend using Uxstyle with it as well, I am testing on the VM and they seem to work well together and it leaves you with a backup if one of them happens to fail.

I agree with you about SiB, I also like the new start menu although Sib can be configured and used for free and still bring some extra features like taskbar color and transparency as well as options to enable/disable blur, also gives options for large taskbar icons like on Previous windows and also lets you have a custom start button, just set in the option to open start screen when you press the windows key and you can have the SiB start menu on Alt+Win key or just have them both to open the start screen/modern start menu.

August 3rd, 2015, 06:14 PM
Ok, I will test out 7stp with your Windows 8.1 HUD icon pack and see if it works for me on Windows 10

August 3rd, 2015, 06:15 PM
I have added 2 installers to first post, One for UxTheme Signature Bypass and one for the Aero Glass debug build, use at your own risk.

Dark Knight
August 3rd, 2015, 06:22 PM
I installed ONE on Windows 10 Pro, installed fine but I could not create any new folders, every time I tried to create a new folder and rename it I got an "file could not be found" error, as soon as I uninstalled ONE everything was back to normal ....... still a little buggy I guess.

August 3rd, 2015, 06:43 PM
I installed ONE on Windows 10 Pro, installed fine but I could not create any new folders, every time I tried to create a new folder and rename it I got an "file could not be found" error, as soon as I uninstalled ONE everything was back to normal ....... still a little buggy I guess.

You should report this bug to the developer, is this when you create a folder in file explorer only or does it happen on the desktop as well?

Edit: just found out the cause of this problem, his latest version was meant to fix the option to Hide the folders in This PC and use libraries but it has caused this new bug as well, disable that option and it should be OK.

Dark Knight
August 3rd, 2015, 07:05 PM
You should report this bug to the developer, is this when you create a folder in file explorer only or does it happen on the desktop as well?

Edit: just found out the cause of this problem, his latest version was meant to fix the option to Hide the folders in This PC and use libraries but it has caused this new bug as well, disable that option and it should be OK.

Ok, yes that worked, thanks Mark!

I think I'm going to hold off on AeroGlass though, I tried installing and the installer froze and would not complete, I had to force uninstall it.

August 3rd, 2015, 07:07 PM
Well I tried running 7stp and right now it's stuck on patching Windr-regedit.exe, should I let it go, restart my PC or restore it? (I did manually create a restore point before I patched it)

August 3rd, 2015, 07:15 PM
Yeah just updated the installer for Glass, it has a problem when it tries to create the desktop shortcut, this has also been reported as been linked to ONE, I have just updated the installer so it doesn't create any shortcuts for the GUI, there will be a right click context menu shortcut for it.

August 3rd, 2015, 07:32 PM
GRiM (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/1-Mr-GRiM) this really looks great just a couple of questions. first any chance of getting a copy with the computer/explorer pane in the same gray as the rest of the theme instead of being black? second can you link to the theme patcher that actually works with 10. third is there a decent icon pack made for 10 yet(prefer 7tsp over ipack)? and lastly can you link to the oldnewexplorer that works with 10?

Is this what you were after?


August 3rd, 2015, 07:46 PM
more like this. everything matches.


Dark Knight
August 3rd, 2015, 07:56 PM
Yeah just updated the installer for Glass, it has a problem when it tries to create the desktop shortcut, this has also been reported as been linked to ONE, I have just updated the installer so it doesn't create any shortcuts for the GUI, there will be a right click context menu shortcut for it.

Okay, but now how do you go about hiding the cmd window that cannot be closed? the option has been removed from the installer.

August 3rd, 2015, 08:00 PM
Ok, I will test out 7stp with your Windows 8.1 HUD icon pack and see if it works for me on Windows 10

archmage94 any chance of you testing token 7tsp gray8.1 token icon pack.7z? now when i just did i fresh install of 8.1 and installed them i had to use ctrl/alt/esc to bring up taskmanager and start explorer manually to get to the desktop after the first reboot after installing the pack, cause i got that famous black screen with the mouse. on 8.1 everything has worked perfectly since that.


August 3rd, 2015, 08:05 PM
GRiM (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/1-Mr-GRiM) lol i see you have been very busy. got the last few items from your updated post that i didn't have. thanks

August 3rd, 2015, 08:33 PM
archmage94 any chance of you testing token 7tsp gray8.1 token icon pack.7z? now when i just did i fresh install of 8.1 and installed them i had to use ctrl/alt/esc to bring up taskmanager and start explorer manually to get to the desktop after the first reboot after installing the pack, cause i got that famous black screen with the mouse. on 8.1 everything has worked perfectly since that.


When I tried running 7stp it got stuck on patching windr-regedit.exe and let's just say there was a system restore involved so I think I will wait till it will actually work on Windows 10 (That is if the creators are actually still working on 7stp)

August 3rd, 2015, 08:37 PM
When I tried running 7stp it got stuck on patching windr-regedit.exe and let's just say there was a system restore involved so I think I will wait till it will actually work on Windows 10 (That is if the creators are actually still working on 7stp)

actually 7stp doesn't need an update. all it does is shutdown processes, take ownership of files, then updates or replaces those files. it is the theme pack itself that needs to be created or updated for win 10.

August 3rd, 2015, 08:43 PM
I had to perform a system restore to fix it cause 7stp got stuck. Off-topic: My PC was custom built by me, would I need to re-install drivers (Like for my graphics card) from the disk or are those left alone when installing Windows 10? Also I had to do a clean installation

August 3rd, 2015, 09:04 PM
more like this. everything matches.


OK well that's more then I wanted to change the look of this theme, I was going for a very similar look to the unlocked Dark style of the modern UI but it's OK I think you will be happy with it now, if not then tough :P


August 3rd, 2015, 09:08 PM
Okay, but now how do you go about hiding the cmd window that cannot be closed? the option has been removed from the installer.
Sorry mate I removed that as it was causing other popup windows in my installers and uninstallers to close as well.

You can have it if you want though, just put it in your startup folder.

August 3rd, 2015, 10:17 PM
GRiM (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/1-Mr-GRiM) that looks perfect. thanks for the extra time you took on this it is truly appreciated. all one shade, again perfect.

August 4th, 2015, 12:21 AM
o.k. folks i think i'm ready to give everything ago. all i need now is suggested install order, and if you guys see anything i missed downloading. i probably won't use aeroglass cause i like the flat look and feel with the exception of the default win 10 theme. now i'll make a suggestion for others get yourself a copy of rollback rx home it's free. install windows then drivers then rollback rx. easy to use is an extreme understatement.


August 4th, 2015, 05:22 AM
o.k. folks i think i'm ready to give everything ago. all i need now is suggested install order, and if you guys see anything i missed downloading. i probably won't use aeroglass cause i like the flat look and feel with the exception of the default win 10 theme. now i'll make a suggestion for others get yourself a copy of rollback rx home it's free. install windows then drivers then rollback rx. easy to use is an extreme understatement.


I wouldnt think any order would matter but i may be wrong

Dark Knight
August 4th, 2015, 12:19 PM
Sorry mate I removed that as it was causing other popup windows in my installers and uninstallers to close as well.

You can have it if you want though, just put it in your startup folder.

Thanks Grim, got it all working nicely now!

I guess Big Muscle is looking for new donations for this version of Aero Glass? Just asking because I have a watermark again on my desktop even though I put the donation / license key in my Aero Glass folder.

August 4th, 2015, 12:44 PM
Dark Knight (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/199178-Dark-Knight) any chance of you posting the order you installed everything to get this up and running?

Dark Knight
August 4th, 2015, 12:53 PM
Dark Knight (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/199178-Dark-Knight) any chance of you posting the order you installed everything to get this up and running?

There really is no specific order that I can post, I'm learning just like everyone else right now but I will tell you the order that I did it in .........

1.) Installed aeroglass ( make sure you download the latest one that Grim updated last evening otherwise the installer will freeze on you )
2.) Put close glass.exe in startup folder and ran to close cmd prompt ( otherwise it will not close )
3.) Merged classic appearance settings for desktop.reg
4.) Installed ThemeSignatureBypass ( did this here because Aero Glass folder needs to be present for install )
5.) Installed Old New Explorer ( make sure that Use Libraries, Hide Folders from This PC is unchecked ) if you don't uncheck it a bug in the software will prevent you from renaming newly created folders, you will get a "folder cannot be found" error.

I did not install UxTheme patcher / styler , I don't trust any of them and I really don't want to have to do a clean install right now to fix whatever it may mess up.
I also did not install StartIsBack only because I don't mind the Windows 10 start menu all that much.

Beware : If you have a donation key or license key for AeroGlass, you are going to have a watermark on your desktop even though you put your license / donation key in the folder.

Also if you have Grims dark theme installed and use it, your going to find yourself flipping back and forth between the default Windows 10 theme and this dark theme because there are applications you are not going to be able to read because the black font on dark background thing going on, haven't noticed it in Windows yet, just on installed applications.

BTW, also something else I found not regarding this post but I am also using a logon image changer I found on Lifehacker that works very well, read about it here:

http://lifehacker.com/this-utility-can-change-your-windows-10-login-image-1721713560 (http://lifehacker.com/this-utility-can-change-your-windows-10-login-image-1721713560)

Just so you don't have to stick with the same logon image all the time.

August 4th, 2015, 01:34 PM
Thanks Grim, got it all working nicely now!

I guess Big Muscle is looking for new donations for this version of Aero Glass? Just asking because I have a watermark again on my desktop even though I put the donation / license key in my Aero Glass folder.

You can generate a new donation key from his website but it only removes the nag screen. The watermark is not removable and is there for code purposes for now.

Dark Knight
August 4th, 2015, 02:00 PM
You can generate a new donation key from his website but it only removes the nag screen. The watermark is not removable and is there for code purposes for now.

I haven't experienced any nag screen, not yet anyway, maybe my original donation key is working then seeing as it is generated from my machine code?
I can wait for the stable (final) version to get rid of the watermark.

August 4th, 2015, 02:25 PM
i hope somebody will reply to me now because i already made a clean install just to have the black theme due to the issue with uxstyle

anyway.. i had already the black theme..but now it went back to black theme after i applied my old theme just to have the mouse and sound themes on my previous theme

but now..re applying the black theme would still show the normal windows theme..please help

will i need to clean install again?

Dark Knight
August 4th, 2015, 02:39 PM
i hope somebody will reply to me now because i already made a clean install just to have the black theme due to the issue with uxstyle

anyway.. i had already the black theme..but now it went back to black theme after i applied my old theme just to have the mouse and sound themes on my previous theme

but now..re applying the black theme would still show the normal windows theme..please help

will i need to clean install again?

Your post is kind of confusing ..... did you perform a clean install or not after your problem?

In your previous post you mentioned you installed uxstyle which was not supported by Windows 10 and could not uninstall it, if that is still the case I would say that yes you will more than likely need to perform a clean install, after doing that only use modification tools that are supported by Windows 10, which means following the directions in this thread.

If you want my honest opinion, stay away from any uxtheme patchers and use the UxThemeSignatureBypass mentioned in this thread.

Dark Knight
August 4th, 2015, 02:57 PM
Getting that white area again in the Save As dialog , not sure which program is causing it,

Here is a screencap, couldn't upload it here because I am also having trouble with folders loading on the left side of the dialog box, and VC would not let me link to the screencap directly from photobucket ( don't know what that is about?).

Here is the screen cap

http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll112/edee2/Screenshot%201.png (http://s286.photobucket.com/user/edee2/media/Screenshot%201.png.html)

Obviously there are still a lot of bugs to be worked out in both AeroGlass and OldNewExplorer.

Actually, I think the problem is OldNewExplorer, because when I switch back to the Windows default theme I can access my folders in the left hand pane.

August 4th, 2015, 02:59 PM
Your post is kind of confusing ..... did you perform a clean install or not after your problem?

In your previous post you mentioned you installed uxstyle which was not supported by Windows 10 and could not uninstall it, if that is still the case I would say that yes you will more than likely need to perform a clean install, after doing that only use modification tools that are supported by Windows 10, which means following the directions in this thread.

If you want my honest opinion, stay away from any uxtheme patchers and use the UxThemeSignatureBypass mentioned in this thread.

many thanks for the reply

it got confusing because the latest post was after the clean install because i really could not have the dark theme

anyway let me explain again :D

1. i clean install windows 10
2. installed all needed files for the dark theme (except the theme bypass app)
3. applied dark theme --> it worked!
4. stupidly and lazily, i applied my old theme just to have the sounds and mouse themes
thene since it is unsupported on windows 10..it went back to normal windows 10 theme but with the sound and mouse installed
5. then i applied the dark theme..and yes after this,...it wont apply the dark theme of master grim :(
6. i installed theme bypass..but theme wont still apply
7. i uninstalled uxstyle...and still wont apply dark theme
8. am planning for a restore point..but it will uninstall my whole day installations of drivers and apps :(

any help sir as to what issue i have here?

thank you so much

August 4th, 2015, 03:02 PM
Hello Dark Knight,

do you think I can skip the point 1), 2) and 3) the you posted before and just begin with the point 4) ?


Dark Knight
August 4th, 2015, 03:12 PM
many thanks for the reply

it got confusing because the latest post was after the clean install because i really could not have the dark theme

anyway let me explain again :D

1. i clean install windows 10
2. installed all needed files for the dark theme (except the theme bypass app)
3. applied dark theme --> it worked!
4. stupidly and lazily, i applied my old theme just to have the sounds and mouse themes
thene since it is unsupported on windows 10..it went back to normal windows 10 theme but with the sound and mouse installed
5. then i applied the dark theme..and yes after this,...it wont apply the dark theme of master grim :(
6. i installed theme bypass..but theme wont still apply
7. i uninstalled uxstyle...and still wont apply dark theme
8. am planning for a restore point..but it will uninstall my whole day installations of drivers and apps :(

any help sir as to what issue i have here?

thank you so much

I would say to try and go back to a good restore point, if not a clean install may be in order again (if you don't have a system image).

You must understand, any customization tools you use for Windows 10 at this moment are going to have bugs so any customization tools you use right now until there are stable releases ready it would be prudent to set restore points or even better idea would be to make an image of your system before making any changes, this way in the event something does go wrong you have something to fall back on without having to reinstall the entire operating system

August 4th, 2015, 03:19 PM
hahaha..its all cool dude...thanks for replying... then looks like back to square one for me tonight :D

coz i really love dark theme... hidden dark theme of win10 plus Mr. Grim's Dark theme...Win 10 is awesome

so look like be doing it again :D

thanks sir Dark Knight

Dark Knight
August 4th, 2015, 03:41 PM
hahaha..its all cool dude...thanks for replying... then looks like back to square one for me tonight :D

coz i really love dark theme... hidden dark theme of win10 plus Mr. Grim's Dark theme...Win 10 is awesome

so look like be doing it again :D

thanks sir Dark Knight

No problem, BTW, on installation Windows 10 does not have system restore enabled by default you must enable it if you want to use it, not that I really think it's any good because most of the time it doesn't work like it should but for now I have to use it because the good folks at RollBack Rx have been sitting on their hands and will not have a Windows 10 compatible copy of RollBack Rx available until January of 2016.

August 4th, 2015, 04:09 PM
many thanks for the reply

it got confusing because the latest post was after the clean install because i really could not have the dark theme

anyway let me explain again :D

1. i clean install windows 10
2. installed all needed files for the dark theme (except the theme bypass app)
3. applied dark theme --> it worked!
4. stupidly and lazily, i applied my old theme just to have the sounds and mouse themes
thene since it is unsupported on windows 10..it went back to normal windows 10 theme but with the sound and mouse installed
5. then i applied the dark theme..and yes after this,...it wont apply the dark theme of master grim :(
6. i installed theme bypass..but theme wont still apply
7. i uninstalled uxstyle...and still wont apply dark theme
8. am planning for a restore point..but it will uninstall my whole day installations of drivers and apps :(

any help sir as to what issue i have here?

thank you so much

The problem with the theme not changing could be related with Uxstyle, I found that happened to me allot on Windows 8 and 10 if you change your theme a few times, a reboot would fix it again, UxthemeSiganatureBypass doesn't seem to have this problem, I would recommend just using them both and you shouldn't have any problems.

Getting that white area again in the Save As dialog , not sure which program is causing it,

Here is a screencap, couldn't upload it here because I am also having trouble with folders loading on the left side of the dialog box, and VC would not let me link to the screencap directly from photobucket ( don't know what that is about?).

Here is the screen cap

http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll112/edee2/Screenshot%201.png (http://s286.photobucket.com/user/edee2/media/Screenshot%201.png.html)

Obviously there are still a lot of bugs to be worked out in both AeroGlass and OldNewExplorer.

Actually, I think the problem is OldNewExplorer, because when I switch back to the Windows default theme I can access my folders in the left hand pane.

Not sure if this is the case or not but if you have put your PC to Sleep, Locked or Hibernate then Windows will load the Default Colors upon wake, to fix this delete the Default Colors Key.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


Dark Knight
August 4th, 2015, 04:12 PM
The problem with the theme not changing could be related with Uxstyle, I found that happened to me allot on Windows 8 and 10 if you change your theme a few times, a reboot would fix it again, UxthemeSiganatureBypass doesn't seem to have this problem, I would recommend just using them both and you shouldn't have any problems.

Not sure if this is the case or not but if you have put your PC to Sleep, Locked or Hibernate then Windows will load the Default Colors upon wake, to fix this delete the Default Colors Key.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


Ahhhh, yes the old registry hack from 8.1, wasn't sure it would work in 10, thanks!

The problem with the folders loading in the left hand pane still exisits tho, it's a roll of the dice when I right click to save an image, sometimes they will load other times all I get is the "waiting to load" circle but they never load.

August 4th, 2015, 04:24 PM
thank you thank you

but for now... i will just try another clean install then use reflect as back up.. coz i really love dark theme :D

August 4th, 2015, 06:05 PM
I haven't experienced any nag screen, not yet anyway, maybe my original donation key is working then seeing as it is generated from my machine code?
I can wait for the stable (final) version to get rid of the watermark.

He said it could be a couple of weeks or longer depending on people's requests and reported debug logs. You'll experience the nag screen if you are using different hardware componenets with a previously generated key. So it sounds like you're good with the one you've got.

August 4th, 2015, 07:01 PM
Ahhhh, yes the old registry hack from 8.1, wasn't sure it would work in 10, thanks!

The problem with the folders loading in the left hand pane still exisits tho, it's a roll of the dice when I right click to save an image, sometimes they will load other times all I get is the "waiting to load" circle but they never load.

I would personally advise against using the Ux Theme Signature bypass reg hack on Windows 10 for now. I tried it on Windows 10 and it messed my laptop up bad. Apparently it has components that don't fully support the official release of Windows 10 atm.

August 4th, 2015, 07:29 PM
Going back a few posts on what Mark said.... I had the same problem with Uxstyle not changing themes after changing a few times.. although i never tried rebooting.. i uninstalled Uxstyle and reinstalled it everytime it messed up.... it was a nuisance but not that bad. I guess my point is since Uxstlye does work without messing things up it may be smart to stick with it for now.

August 4th, 2015, 09:10 PM
o.k. boyz and girlz 10 installed, themed, and looking good. items used in order.

uxstyle win 10 preview
theme signature bypass
startisback cause i decided there was just too much i use missing
classic appearance settings for desktop cascade rightclick
remove all folders in pc reg file
the orginal windows black edition theme / version 2 doesn't want to work
sound packager using the metroid sound pack
clover tabbed explorer

will post a couple of screens later.

Dark Knight
August 5th, 2015, 12:22 PM
I would personally advise against using the Ux Theme Signature bypass reg hack on Windows 10 for now. I tried it on Windows 10 and it messed my laptop up bad. Apparently it has components that don't fully support the official release of Windows 10 atm.

Are you taling about the registry hack for UxThemeSignatureBypass itself or the reg hack to get rid of white areas?

The reg hack for UxThemeSignatureBypass was written for 10 and tested on it so I don't see how it messed anything up for you, as for the reg hack to get rid of the white areas, that was from 8.1 but I have both installed and both work fine for me.

Did you manually insert the code or did you use the .reg files supplied by Grim and if so, you did right click on the .reg files and select "merge" correct?

August 5th, 2015, 04:47 PM
Are you taling about the registry hack for UxThemeSignatureBypass itself or the reg hack to get rid of white areas?

The reg hack for UxThemeSignatureBypass was written for 10 and tested on it so I don't see how it messed anything up for you, as for the res hack to get rid of the white areas, that was from 8.1 but I have both installed and both work fine for me.

Did you manually insert the code or did you use the .reg files supplied by Grim and if so you did right click on the .reg files and selected "merge" correct?

Dark Knight (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/199178-Dark-Knight) what i did in my last post is still working great. the only thing i had to do was uninstall clover. it was causing major problems. if anyone has a app to add tabs to windows explorer that works with 10 please let me know.

Dark Knight
August 5th, 2015, 05:53 PM
Dark Knight (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/199178-Dark-Knight) what i did in my last post is still working great. the only thing i had to do was uninstall clover. it was causing major problems. if anyone has a app to add tabs to windows explorer that works with 10 please let me know.

I wouldn't know bud, I haven't used Clover in quite some time, I tried it way back when it first came out and didn't like it that much so uninstalled it and have been using the native Windows Explorer since.

You might have better luck with the stand alone program Explorer++ (https://explorerplusplus.com/)

August 5th, 2015, 08:13 PM
Can't get this theme to work properly on Surface Pro 3. Used this: Preview: For Windows 10 Technical Preview ( (https://github.com/riverar/uxstyle/releases/tag/ > https://github.com/riverar/uxstyle/releases/download/


August 5th, 2015, 10:15 PM
Can't get this theme to work properly on Surface Pro 3. Used this: Preview: For Windows 10 Technical Preview ( (https://github.com/riverar/uxstyle/releases/tag/ > https://github.com/riverar/uxstyle/releases/download/


You need to go here and download the one that say Preview. http://uxstyle.com/

My bad.. thats the same thing but why are you downloading from Github?

August 5th, 2015, 10:22 PM
Nice theme. Very clean...Thank you.

August 5th, 2015, 11:12 PM
Are you taling about the registry hack for UxThemeSignatureBypass itself or the reg hack to get rid of white areas?

The reg hack for UxThemeSignatureBypass was written for 10 and tested on it so I don't see how it messed anything up for you, as for the reg hack to get rid of the white areas, that was from 8.1 but I have both installed and both work fine for me.

Did you manually insert the code or did you use the .reg files supplied by Grim and if so, you did right click on the .reg files and select "merge" correct?

I used this one. Applied the files in the Windows 10 folder within and ran the .bat file included in it.


August 6th, 2015, 08:12 AM
Looks really good.Thanks for sharing.:givahand:

August 6th, 2015, 01:08 PM
here a couple of screens from my install


August 6th, 2015, 06:35 PM
Not sure where I got that link to Github tbh.

August 6th, 2015, 07:12 PM
Does anyone know where I can find a Windows 8 version of this icon pack! http://alien-byte.deviantart.com/art/W7-Blue-Neon-534799576?q=gallery%3AAlien-byte%2F45320624&qo=6 that looks awesome


August 6th, 2015, 08:35 PM
Not sure where I got that link to Github tbh.

UxStyle Comunity Edition (a.k.a UxStyle for Winds 10 TP) is actually downloaded through github. Even the download link in UxStyle.com is a github link.

August 7th, 2015, 04:50 AM
as usual a great work mate!! thank you for this awesome theme!! I got a little issue, the left pane in some windows is still white, is there a way to change it to black? thank you again!!!:happy:70576

August 7th, 2015, 10:51 AM
as usual a great work mate!! thank you for this awesome theme!! I got a little issue, the left pane in some windows is still white, is there a way to change it to black? thank you again!!!:happy:70576

You have to use old new explorer to have that change.

August 7th, 2015, 05:03 PM
Windows 10 Black Edition


You will need to use OldNewExplorer (highly recommended), SiB and Aero Glass are supported but the theme looks great without them.

Tools you may need:

ONE (OldNewExplorer) (http://www.msfn.org/board/topic/170375-oldnewexplorer-make-your-8110-explorer-work-like-win78-one/)
Latest Release v1.1.6 (http://tihiy.net/files/OldNewExplorer.rar)
Bug with latest version, renaming or creating new folders returns error "cant find the specified file", "The file or Folder does not exist"
This relates to the option "Use Libraries, Hide the folders in This PC" Disable this option and you can rename folders again.
Use this Reg file instead to remove the extra folders.

SiB (StartIsBack) (http://startisback.com/)
SiB++ Windows 10 v1.0.1 (https://s3.amazonaws.com/startisback/StartIsBackPlusPlus_setup.exe)

UxStyle (http://uxstyle.com/)
For Windows 10 Technical Preview ( (https://github.com/riverar/uxstyle/releases/download/

AeroGlass (http://www.glass8.eu/win_future.html)
Experimental debug version for build 10240 v1.3.2 (http://www.glass8.eu/files/10240.7z)

UxTheme Signature Bypass (Use with caution and also install Uxstyle as a backup)

Use this reg file to get a Personalization Sub Menu to change themes and colors with ease.

Winaero Tweaker - universal tweaker software which supports Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10. (http://winaero.com/comment.php?comment.news.1836)
WinAero Tweaker v3.0.2 (http://winaero.com/request.php?1796)

I take no responsibility for anyone who bricks their system, Use these mods at your own risk!!

Enjoy!! :happy:

I'm loving this theme so far, but I'm having an issue with the reg hack that removes folders from This PC. Basically it applies, but, the moment i reopen This PC (or any explorer window for that matter), the reg hack automatically gets undone. Basically the folders keep reappearing in This PC. Any idea what's causing that, and how to fix that issue?


I figured it out. Apparently it only works properly for me if I use it alongside the OldNewExplorer setting.

August 7th, 2015, 07:20 PM
I wonder if animated lock screens could someday be possible for Windows 10? Now I realize the reason why Dreamscenes are possible is because it was originally a feature of Windows Vista, and the code for it was still in Windows 7 and the Dreamscene activator activates that code, and Dreamscene Video Wallpaper will do the same thing on Windows 8 and Windows 10 (Just expect it to be constantly nagging at you to register) but I wonder if an animated lockscreen wallpaper is possible, or will be possible?

August 7th, 2015, 07:31 PM
Oh hey could someone help me with something? I'm looking for a wallpaper I used to have, it's of a dark sci-fi hangar bay (I think it's a hangar bay) there are some ships flying arounf in the large chamber, it actually fits well with HUD Evolution if you see it, it's cool, and I want that wallpaper again, if someone knows where that is I would appreciate it

August 7th, 2015, 07:50 PM
as usual a great work mate!! thank you for this awesome theme!! I got a little issue, the left pane in some windows is still white, is there a way to change it to black? thank you again!!!:happy:70576

That's exactly the problem I was having. I'll follow Mr GRiM's advice and install old new explorer :)

mike 59
August 7th, 2015, 08:54 PM
hi mr grim can you please help me when installing win areo glass do you olso have to ajust the reg files as iinstuctive in window 8 i tryed to in stall it it an kepted runing in cmd mode tryin to do it in windows 10 any help would be gratefull thanks

August 7th, 2015, 11:25 PM

I installed the HUD theme for 8.1 on windows 10 and it works perfectly. Why now work on HUD theme to perfect it ? "not that i have found any issues yet" I have only used it for 30 mins but damn its sick :cheeky:

August 8th, 2015, 01:06 AM
This theme works great! No additional programs other than bigmuscle's aeroglass. I do not use any start menu mods, or OldNewExplorer. I like Win10 default start menu, and never did like Win 7 startmenu. I can accomplish exactly what I need regarding Windows Explorer with registry edits, and I don't break anything.

August 8th, 2015, 01:33 AM
Some Awesome Work, Thanks for all the Effort.

August 8th, 2015, 02:06 AM
To remove the 6 folders there is a new method from Vishal-Gupta http://www.askvg.com/tip-remove-6-extra-folders-from-windows-10-explorer-this-pc/

August 8th, 2015, 03:05 AM
Would it be possible to include several lighter shades of grey than in version 2? Another idea would be to have a color chooser option to enable different colors instead of black, perhaps with slider bars. Just a thought, but this theme is great none-the-less.

August 8th, 2015, 03:09 AM
hi mr grim can you please help me when installing win areo glass do you olso have to ajust the reg files as iinstuctive in window 8 i tryed to in stall it it an kepted runing in cmd mode tryin to do it in windows 10 any help would be gratefull thanks
First, uninstall what you have already done. Once you have done that then create an EMPTY aeroglass folder on your C drive. Copy the debug files to that. Now install the aeroglass for windows 8.1 making sure to leave options NOT checked. That should take care of it. Please be sure to read what other people have posted in the MSFN forum as it will be extremely beneficial to you.

August 8th, 2015, 06:45 AM
Hi i just got Win10..wanted to install this..i think im half done... :/ like in info system the left panel is white and ThisPC window theres a white bar at top...i installed OldNewexplorer,UxStyle,Uxstyle Bypass..what i am missing? i dont want to change start menu etc i just want bright windows to be black.


nvm i found out with OldNewExplorer...now to get rid of the white bar at the top of windows..

and also i thought this theme would change the all settings background in action center? :(

August 8th, 2015, 07:40 AM
BTW, also something else I found not regarding this post but I am also using a logon image changer I found on Lifehacker that works very well, read about it here:

*snip* (http://lifehacker.com/this-utility-can-change-your-windows-10-login-image-1721713560)

Just so you don't have to stick with the same logon image all the time.

Just tried using it and it corrupted my logon screen. At first I tried to browse to upload an image and the program crashed (should have been my first hint it wasn't stable duh) but then I realized I just wanted a black logon screen so I went to colors and selected black and hit apply. When I pressed win + L it just kept flashing at me and doing the loading circle. Tried typing in my password really fast (figured even if it isn't showing the password box it should be selected by default) but no luck. Same thing happened on boot and I ended up needing to boot to recovery mode by pressing f8 as windows loaded and doing a system restore. Everything is back to working fine now but that program is highly unstable (on my win10 pro system at least) and I do not suggest using it.

Also great job Grim! But might I suggest adding:



http://www.7tutorials.com/4-ways-boot-safe-mode-windows-10 (http://www.tenforums.com/tutorials/4571-system-restore-point-create-windows-10-a.html)

To the start of your post and telling people that it is absolutely vital they know that or have a recovery disc ready? But seriously system restore is so much less hassle, especially when it is like the 243rd time you have screwed things up trying to tweak win10 lol.

August 8th, 2015, 09:18 AM
Would it be possible to include several lighter shades of grey than in version 2? Another idea would be to have a color chooser option to enable different colors instead of black, perhaps with slider bars. Just a thought, but this theme is great none-the-less.
I was thinking about making another one with a lighter color scheme, more like the default light UI with the lighter greys and also one with a mix of the 2 with light areas in all the places that matter for 3rd party software and office.

August 8th, 2015, 02:52 PM
To remove the 6 folders there is a new method from Vishal-Gupta http://www.askvg.com/tip-remove-6-extra-folders-from-windows-10-explorer-this-pc/

i'll stick with the reg key. lol

August 8th, 2015, 03:12 PM
GRiM (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/1-Mr-GRiM) is version 2 still like this?


August 8th, 2015, 06:39 PM
I was thinking about making another one with a lighter color scheme, more like the default light UI with the lighter greys and also one with a mix of the 2 with light areas in all the places that matter for 3rd party software and office.

How about one in black? I would love it if a black on black theme with grey text (say d2d2d2) existed <3

August 8th, 2015, 07:15 PM
i tried to do that as well, but here it confused the taskbar of windows 10 (breaking some arranging/formatting of icons)

August 9th, 2015, 03:07 AM
yeah mate I did not use OldNewExplorer file, so once I did everything works like charm, thank you for the advice

August 9th, 2015, 05:34 AM
Im getting "Windows Shell Common Dll stopped working" when opening recording devices.... :(

August 9th, 2015, 04:08 PM
Love it great

August 9th, 2015, 06:08 PM
I used winareo tweaker to change the height of my titlebars and thickness of the windows borders and it disabled my internet causing me to have to do a system restore.

August 10th, 2015, 01:27 AM
...and now when i open "all settings" it close after a while by itself...+ in properties "Compatibility" tab doesnt show up options until i mouse over them?? any help??

August 10th, 2015, 01:50 AM
If you are using OldNewExplorer, there were errors on a previous build. There is a new version out now which you should download that, at least for me, works perfectly. http://www.msfn.org/board/topic/170375-oldnewexplorer-117/?p=1105015

August 10th, 2015, 02:50 AM
Thank you,fixed some crashes..now idk if other users of this theme have the Compatibility screen problem i have :/

August 10th, 2015, 12:36 PM

Can you share how you did that? I was able to get the HUD EVO icon pack to work on 10 but when I install the theme, my start menu gets all tweaked and like you, I want to keep the Win10 start menu

August 10th, 2015, 12:53 PM

Can you share how you did that? I was able to get the HUD EVO icon pack to work on 10 but when I install the theme, my start menu gets all tweaked and like you, I want to keep the Win10 start menu

I use this tool http://www.glass8.eu/files/UxThemeSignatureBypass.7z instead of UXStyle. I inject it with this code
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows]
"RequireSignedAppInit_DLLs"=dword:00000000 assuming you have bigmuscle's Aeroglass installed. I don't have the icon pack installed. Perhaps that is what is giving you trouble. I suppose you have the theme installed in C:\Windows\Resources\Themes?

Dark Knight
August 10th, 2015, 01:19 PM
Just tried using it and it corrupted my logon screen. At first I tried to browse to upload an image and the program crashed (should have been my first hint it wasn't stable duh) but then I realized I just wanted a black logon screen so I went to colors and selected black and hit apply. When I pressed win + L it just kept flashing at me and doing the loading circle. Tried typing in my password really fast (figured even if it isn't showing the password box it should be selected by default) but no luck. Same thing happened on boot and I ended up needing to boot to recovery mode by pressing f8 as windows loaded and doing a system restore. Everything is back to working fine now but that program is highly unstable (on my win10 pro system at least) and I do not suggest using it.

Hmmm, worked fine for me and is still working fine.

To the start of your post and telling people that it is absolutely vital they know that or have a recovery disc ready? But seriously system restore is so much less hassle, especially when it is like the 243rd time you have screwed things up trying to tweak win10 lol.

That one time that you get the message that system restore could not restore your system to the recovery point you made, you'll whish you had an image or recovery disk. System restore is not infallible and has been known not to work.

Dark Knight
August 10th, 2015, 02:25 PM
If you are using OldNewExplorer, there were errors on a previous build. There is a new version out now which you should download that, at least for me, works perfectly. http://www.msfn.org/board/topic/170375-oldnewexplorer-117/?p=1105015

Ahhh yes, much better than the last build :Peace:

August 10th, 2015, 03:24 PM
I had the same thing happen that dark knight experienced. TG I had a recovery image.

August 10th, 2015, 07:42 PM
That one time that you get the message that system restore could not restore your system to the recovery point you made, you'll whish you had an image or recovery disk. System restore is not infallible and has been known not to work.

I had the same thing happen that dark knight experienced. TG I had a recovery image.

Thanks for the heads up. I will be sure to make one.

August 10th, 2015, 07:46 PM
Brilliant, Now we just need the Token black and white icon packs and the placebo black market theme to be available for Windows 10 :)

August 10th, 2015, 07:51 PM
Brilliant, Now we just need the Token black and white icon packs and the placebo black market theme to be available for Windows 10 :)


August 10th, 2015, 09:17 PM
I guess im alone with the properties issue :/

August 10th, 2015, 10:39 PM
me likey. this combined with the built in dark theme hack and win10 is lookin' kinda nice. thanks for the share as always!

August 11th, 2015, 01:18 AM
Am i the only one stuck with a white context menu ?
I see in Mr Grim's screen shoots that his is black so why cant i get mine black ???

August 11th, 2015, 02:40 AM
I'm not sure if it will solve your problem but do a search for "Windows 10 secret dark theme" you should see a link from Betanewsdotcom. ( I would link but not enough posts -_- ) The site provides a how-to and an option to download a reghack to apply the theme.


August 11th, 2015, 03:21 AM
OOPS double post. gotta love ISP burps -_-

August 11th, 2015, 02:52 PM
Hi Mr Grimm, when will your themes for Win 8.1 will be ported to Win 10 ? I use a couple of your themes on my Win 10 Home, but they dont display right, example is the task bar, doesnt change... Thanks.

August 11th, 2015, 04:37 PM
Hi Mr Grimm, when will your themes for Win 8.1 will be ported to Win 10 ? I use a couple of your themes on my Win 10 Home, but they dont display right, example is the task bar, doesnt change... Thanks.

The taskbar is not themeable on Windows 10 so that can not be fixed, only problem with most 8.1 themes is the taskbar item spacing, 8.1 themes are not really compatible with Windows 10 though and all of them need to be properly imported.

August 11th, 2015, 04:42 PM
GRiM (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/1-Mr-GRiM) is version 2 still like this?


GRiM (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/1-Mr-GRiM) has version 2 been fixed, cause that is what i get when i open your file?

August 11th, 2015, 05:07 PM
Mr. Grim,

I have been able to import HUD Evolution for 8.1 into Windows 10 with a couple of issues. 1 with SIB it will not take the start menu, not an issue as I dont mind the new start menu but it does take away the the Win 10 start button. 2 the notification arrow\button no longer functions. 3 as mentioned earlier the context menu is White. I tried fixing 3 in registry with no luck, any suggestions? I would even offer to pay for the fixes, and if I am having issues, I am sure there are many more

August 11th, 2015, 10:52 PM
The taskbar is not themeable on Windows 10 so that can not be fixed, only problem with most 8.1 themes is the taskbar item spacing, 8.1 themes are not really compatible with Windows 10 though and all of them need to be properly imported.

I actually never have minded using Never Combine for the taskbar, and I find that the colors are somewhat still themed, you get some of the bonus text glow from the theme. The worst thing about trying to use Windows 8.1 VC themes on Windows 10 are the windows control buttons being not the locations or sizes they were designed to be. Next worst thing about trying to use 8.1 themes is the rare ability to use OldNewExplorer. IMO, It should be avoided at all costs, the best bet would be to use Windows 7 or maybe 8 if you want most of the VC themes at this point in time. Or wait and use Mr Grim's Windows 10 Black Edition until they are all available by Lamia and Mr Grim.

August 11th, 2015, 11:53 PM
I really Hate(Strong Word) White Windows, and there are not very many thing that I truly "Hate", but white Back Grounds is one of them.

August 12th, 2015, 12:08 AM
GRiM (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/1-Mr-GRiM) has version 2 been fixed, cause that is what i get when i open your file?
Those files were just meant to be added to first theme, they were not intended as a standalone package, I am working on an update very soon, maybe later today, found a few bugs and bits that needed changing, also going to add a few variations with a bit of color.

August 12th, 2015, 01:56 AM
I'm not sure if it will solve your problem but do a search for "Windows 10 secret dark theme" you should see a link from Betanewsdotcom. ( I would link but not enough posts -_- ) The site provides a how-to and an option to download a reghack to apply the theme.


I already know about the regkey with AppsUseLightTheme which i did 5 mins after installing windows 10.
The above will however not change the color of the context menu while using HUD theme from windows 8.1 by Mr Grim.

August 12th, 2015, 01:57 AM
hey with the god customizer program does that effewctively give us themeable control?

August 12th, 2015, 01:59 AM
Mr. Grim,

I have been able to import HUD Evolution for 8.1 into Windows 10 with a couple of issues. 1 with SIB it will not take the start menu, not an issue as I dont mind the new start menu but it does take away the the Win 10 start button. 2 the notification arrow\button no longer functions. 3 as mentioned earlier the context menu is White. I tried fixing 3 in registry with no luck, any suggestions? I would even offer to pay for the fixes, and if I am having issues, I am sure there are many more

Yes that the same problems i face with HUD theme for 8.1
I hope Mr. Grim will work on it or allow some with the correct skill set to work on it if he dosnt have the time.

August 12th, 2015, 02:06 AM
ah, muh bad. I haven't tried the imported HUD theme yet, I thought you were talking about the Black Edition Theme via this thread title. I'll give HUD a try and see what it does. All I really know ATM is my context menu is dark using the black edition theme. sry mate, hope you can get a resolution.

August 12th, 2015, 02:25 AM
ah, muh bad. I haven't tried the imported HUD theme yet, I thought you were talking about the Black Edition Theme via this thread title. I'll give HUD a try and see what it does. All I really know ATM is my context menu is dark using the black edition theme. sry mate, hope you can get a resolution.

Yes because i installed the reg key for context menu given in this post by Grim and its not working with HUD theme so i am looking for a solution or fix. I just dont understand why the regkey from here dont work with HUD theme. I thought it changes the color to dark while it adds the extra menus.

August 12th, 2015, 03:29 AM
Is anyone else having the issue that click delay is enabled for them? (you can not right or left click while typing or for a few seconds afterwards)? I turned this off in the settings area and merged a reg file designed to turn it off but I'm still having the issue. Could be because I'm running a win8 theme on win10 though...

August 12th, 2015, 03:38 AM
BUMP. last time asking...anyone else with the properties issue?

August 12th, 2015, 03:45 AM
Is anyone else having the issue that click delay is enabled for them? (you can not right or left click while typing or for a few seconds afterwards)? I turned this off in the settings area and merged a reg file designed to turn it off but I'm still having the issue. Could be because I'm running a win8 theme on win10 though...

No i havent even notined that issue. Just tried right clicking while typing this and it worked instantly.

BUMP. last time asking...anyone else with the properties issue?
What issue ?

August 12th, 2015, 03:55 AM
ex: taskbar properties at the bottom of "Multiple displays" i have to mouse over for options to show (same for properties of a shortcut-> compatibility tab :()

August 12th, 2015, 04:06 AM
ex: taskbar properties at the bottom of "Multiple displays" i have to mouse over for options to show (same for properties of a shortcut-> compatibility tab :()

I am sorry but i dont understand what you mean?
I dont have any of them. I only have desktop at the bottom of that list.

Is this the properties you are talking about ?

August 12th, 2015, 04:32 AM
Multiple Display stays blank until i mouse over it then options shows

August 12th, 2015, 04:45 AM
ok now i get you :)
I have not got any displays connected as i am at work sitting in my car doing surveillance but i will check it when i get home later today.


August 12th, 2015, 04:54 AM
You can check on a program properties too in the Compatibility tab it does the same thing

August 12th, 2015, 06:29 AM
ex: taskbar properties at the bottom of "Multiple displays" i have to mouse over for options to show (same for properties of a shortcut-> compatibility tab :()

All themes updated, sorry I didn't respond to your post, I noticed this problem yesterday and have fixed this bug.

August 12th, 2015, 07:15 AM
Thanks, been waiting for something like this.

August 12th, 2015, 07:47 AM
Thank you so much! <3

August 12th, 2015, 10:08 AM
I am running the HUD Theme and the regkey works fine on mine.

August 12th, 2015, 10:09 AM
Thanks Grim

August 12th, 2015, 11:34 AM
GRiM (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/1-Mr-GRiM) thanks for the updated theme will check it out now.

Dark Knight
August 12th, 2015, 01:12 PM
Thanks Grim!

The latest update is really badass! The gold theme really looks great! :Peace:

August 12th, 2015, 03:00 PM
Awesome update Grim.. thanks! :)

August 12th, 2015, 03:08 PM
Thanks MrGrim for your quick response about porting themes for Win 10, just installed this theme on my windows and looks great ! I love it !

August 12th, 2015, 03:47 PM
I love this theme! Great job MrGrim!

August 12th, 2015, 05:03 PM
GRiM (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/1-Mr-GRiM) the new series is beyond fantastic. i have it installed now and am running version2. it's more than what i was hoping for. i'll post a couple of screenshots in a bit. i need to finish installing a few items. i hosed my comp trying to replace the old theme with the new one. it's what oi get for trying to do it before having my coffee. lol

thanks for all the time and effort you put into this, it is very much appreciated.

August 12th, 2015, 05:28 PM
gracias amigooo........!

August 12th, 2015, 07:02 PM
Not really related to this great theme, but as it was mentioned to be compatible with Aero Glass 1.32, i gave that installer a try Mr. Grim supplied with this thread.

As far as i can see both on my PC and my Laptop, Aero glass by Bigmuscle in it's current state interferes with Nvidia display drivers - at least for me. It seems to run at first without a problem, but soon after a reboot i noticed a stuttering display alongside with an exclamation mark at the graphics card in device manager - stating it has stopped "because of a problem". If i go and install drivers again it seems to be fixed again - until next reboot.

Even more interesting: on my laptop i installed win10 alongside another win 8.1 os, so i get a bootmanager display at startup to choose which os to load. Most of the times the Aero Glass popup screen with the machine id already appears in that bootmanager screen! So it looks like Aero Glass already loads up here instead of being started when i login in to windows - maybe that's the problem which causes display driver to fail running as expected.

In short: i would not recommend using aero glass in it's current state when you own a nvidia card.

August 12th, 2015, 07:49 PM
yeah..had the same issue and didnt understand so i renamed the updated theme folder so it does not replace it (cant delete the old theme it gives something about user-mapped something o.O)

August 12th, 2015, 08:29 PM
Fantastic work, thanks a lot Mr GRiM, especially the Blue one is my personal Favourite!:Smile:

August 12th, 2015, 08:44 PM
Is it possible to fix the green submenu arrows on the desktop context menu, the purple checkmarks on the desktop context menu, the white dropdown when you select the searchbox in File Explorer, or the black on black title caption and window controls in Settings when AppsUseLightTheme is disabled?

August 12th, 2015, 09:00 PM
yeah..had the same issue and didnt understand so i renamed the updated theme folder so it does not replace it (cant delete the old theme it gives something about user-mapped something o.O)

You might be able to delete it in Safe Mode. I have several OSes which I can boot to, so I just deleted them from one of those while I was grabbing some updates.

August 12th, 2015, 09:37 PM
No i havent even notined that issue. Just tried right clicking while typing this and it worked instantly.

What issue ?

Evidently the issue was when I updated to win10 my trackpad driver didn't update so I had some feature called "palmcheck" that I needed to disable but it wasn't visible until I uninstalled and reinstalled the driver.

August 12th, 2015, 10:16 PM
Thanks for the update Mr GRiM (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/1-Mr-GRiM) the new styles look really cool.

August 13th, 2015, 02:51 AM
erm...sadly when i go safemode in Win10 its just a black screen with mouse saying safemode :/

August 13th, 2015, 08:10 AM
Firstly a huge thank you to Mr Grimm,,,, awesome theme, love it.
I do have a question though, and I'm sure it's something I've missed or not done.
When I open "file explorer", near the top, the line/bar containing "File, Home, Share and View" (I think it's the top of the ribbon) has stayed with a white background, when I expand it the whole section is white.
I used UX Style, Theme Signature, OldNewExplorer and winaerotweaker.
Any help to fix this will be gratefully received. Thanks in advance.

August 13th, 2015, 12:18 PM
Firstly a huge thank you to Mr Grimm,,,, awesome theme, love it.
I do have a question though, and I'm sure it's something I've missed or not done.
When I open "file explorer", near the top, the line/bar containing "File, Home, Share and View" (I think it's the top of the ribbon) has stayed with a white background, when I expand it the whole section is white.
I used UX Style, Theme Signature, OldNewExplorer and winaerotweaker.
Any help to fix this will be gratefully received. Thanks in advance.

In OldNewExplorer click uninstall, then in the Appearance options click the box Use the command bar instead of Ribbon. Now install again and sign out and see if that fixed the Ribbon being visible.

August 13th, 2015, 01:48 PM
That worked a treat, thank you

August 13th, 2015, 02:21 PM
That worked a treat, thank you

You're welcome. I also check all the boxes under Appearance EXCEPT for
1. Use alternate navigation buttons
2. Show status bar
Just make sure you uninstall first and then install (Shell extension) again once you have made the check box selection you want.

August 13th, 2015, 02:40 PM
Here is a good picture from How to install and setup your customization applications on Windows 8.1.1 (http://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/65613-How-to-install-and-setup-your-customization-applications-on-Windows-8-1-1)
People using Windows 10 may want to reference it in the future.

August 13th, 2015, 08:29 PM
Very nice, but it is very difficultю ))


August 13th, 2015, 11:10 PM
Two more things I'd like to see fixed (if possible): Certain backgrounds remain jet black in v2 (like the left side of Computer Management and the search results in StartIsBack), and selecting an item in certain listviews (like the Processes tab in Task Manager) results in black text on a black background.

August 14th, 2015, 02:47 AM
Does anyone have a step by step instructions they could post. I'm confused, yes total noob here.

Thank you in advance.

August 14th, 2015, 07:38 AM
Does anyone have a step by step instructions they could post. I'm confused, yes total noob here.

Thank you in advance.

Don't understand what you mean with step by step guide. Did you not see the top of page?
Just download the stuff and install the stuff and copy rest to correct locations.

Edit : Have you never installed themes before on win 7 or 8 ?

August 14th, 2015, 12:12 PM
well well well...

its been a long time sense I been on this site.

and then I look and seen email from this site in my spam folder.. yeah I'll correct that.

but damn that once sexy looking windows 10 theme.

August 14th, 2015, 01:00 PM
Does anyone have a step by step instructions they could post. I'm confused, yes total noob here.

Thank you in advance.

sure this is what i did:

startisback to have the items i use on the startmenu back
oldnewexplorer 1.1.7 DON'T use 1.1.6 or older on 10
Theme Signature Bypass
UxStyle Win 10 Preview
Classic Appearance Settings for Desktop Cascade-Right Click
Remove_All_Folders_in_This_PC - not needed because of the latest oldnewexplorer 1.1.7
then open c\windows\resources\themes and drag the files grim included in the "Windows Black Edition Complete Collection" into it.

August 14th, 2015, 04:16 PM
Looks very good Mark :givahand:

August 15th, 2015, 12:07 AM

Much appreciated thank you :)

I have my fingers crossed that someone ports Placebo Black Market over to Windows 10 :)

August 15th, 2015, 02:06 AM
What if the installer for Aero Glass get's stuck on "Finishing Installation"?

August 15th, 2015, 02:24 AM
What if the installer for Aero Glass get's stuck on "Finishing Installation"?

That shouldn't happen if you downloaded the latest installer, the stuck installer still completes the install, you can just kill it with Task manager.

Aero Glass updated to latest version, uninstall old version first, restart will be required.

August 15th, 2015, 03:56 AM
So all I need to do is reboot? Also I was never running Aero Glass before I started installing it

August 15th, 2015, 07:31 AM
thank you !!!

August 15th, 2015, 12:07 PM
Thanks guys you awesome. Now i have a reason to upgrade ☺

August 15th, 2015, 12:41 PM
Rly nice Themes. I love the Green Black Edition :D

August 15th, 2015, 07:05 PM
Great work guy very clean and excelent style Material Design
tyvm Mr.GriM:Peace:

August 16th, 2015, 11:47 AM
Thanks nice postlol

good morning grim i just got the email that this post had been added. i've had to resubscribe to a couple of threads because of this delay in getting email notifications. can you please look into it? thanks

August 16th, 2015, 12:11 PM
It's me again.

Gave the updated version of Aero Glass a try. Looks like it runs smoother & better now, but this time BlackglassEnhanced (v. 0.5) is in trouble with this version, causing graphical glitches. It produces a heavy glow and you'll get a copy of the previous window in the transparent areas.

BTW: found out the old "glass2k" still works :)

August 16th, 2015, 07:22 PM
It's me again.

Gave the updated version of Aero Glass a try. Looks like it runs smoother & better now, but this time BlackglassEnhanced (v. 0.5) is in trouble with this version, causing graphical glitches. It produces a heavy glow and you'll get a copy of the previous window in the transparent areas.

BTW: found out the old "glass2k" still works :)

I use System Transparency
and it works flawlessly

August 17th, 2015, 12:24 PM
I use System Transparency
and it works flawlessly

I also use System Transparency by Prisoner. The only time i get the leftover window showing up when i close a window is if i have the desktop and icons option selected. So i leave that one unselected. Also, by copying the ini into the transparency folder i can get my settings to load at startup.

August 18th, 2015, 02:52 AM
Love the collection you made Mr.Grim :party2: Just one question is there a way to fix the gray box that surrounds the text when the windows is inactive?

August 18th, 2015, 04:36 AM
Love the collection you made Mr.Grim :party2: Just one question is there a way to fix the gray box that surrounds the text when the windows is inactive?

Can you show me a screen of what you mean?

August 18th, 2015, 08:54 AM
Hello. mr.grim.
Thank you for your win10 balck theme.
I will customizing new theme.
The concept is white theme.
but black theme color is all black.
I must change all colors to white.
To change all the colors it takes a long time.
Perhaps. Do you have a white theme or basic theme?

August 18th, 2015, 10:06 AM
Can you show me a screen of what you mean?


August 18th, 2015, 05:10 PM
Nice theme! But what about these? :(

Context menu in Skype

Task Manager (White separator and dark text colour of hovered & selected items)

August 18th, 2015, 05:34 PM
I love you for the black design for 10 :D

But on question, my outlook read background is dark too. Can I change that? Some messages are hard to read

August 18th, 2015, 05:40 PM
Sry for rereply. Any chance to port your Black Glass Icons from 7 to 10?

August 19th, 2015, 07:33 AM
Thank You Mr. Grim..:givahand:

August 19th, 2015, 01:20 PM
Hi Mr.Grim , Thank you for this awesome theme!

quick question , How do i fix the ribbon on explorer?


Dark Knight
August 19th, 2015, 02:19 PM
Hi Mr.Grim , Thank you for this awesome theme!

quick question , How do i fix the ribbon on explorer?


By downloading and installing OldNewExplorer (0NE) located in the very first post by Mr. Grim in this thread.

August 19th, 2015, 02:30 PM
Thank you this skin for Win 10 its great. Straight in and running with no problems or glitches & its my first attempt at changing anything in Windows (bit of a noob at the moment).
Found it simple and will be checking back regularly for other tweaks & skins thanks again, Windows is now mine.

Chris Massagee
August 19th, 2015, 04:08 PM
i cant get this theme to fully work , what else needs to be done

i was able to get it working but now there a white line at the bottom and top of this area, i do have OldNewExplorer running

August 19th, 2015, 06:05 PM
i cant get this theme to fully work , what else needs to be done

i was able to get it working but now there a white line at the bottom and top of this area, i do have OldNewExplorer running

Chris Massagee (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/199689-Chris-Massagee) here follow the instructions here. i'll create a thread for how to install theme in win 10 later.

1. startisback current version for 10 is 1.0.2
2. oldnewexplorer 1.1.7
3. theme signature bypass
4. uxstyle win 10 preview
5. install Classic Appearance Settings for Desktop Cascade-Right Click.reg
6. install Remove_All_Folders_in_This_PC.reg(only if you want the classic drive view)
7. open the Windows Black Edition Complete Colection.7z, click on themes - shortcut.ink, now copy everything
from Windows Black Edition Complete Colection.7z(except themes - shortcut.ink)to
C:\Windows\Resources\Themes folder which xhould already be open

now you should be good to use whichever theme you choose. good luck, enjoy

Chris Massagee
August 19th, 2015, 06:17 PM
Chris Massagee (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/199689-Chris-Massagee) here follow the instructions here. i'll create a thread for how to install theme in win 10 later.

1. startisback current version for 10 is 1.0.2
2. oldnewexplorer 1.1.7
3. theme signature bypass
4. uxstyle win 10 preview
5. install Classic Appearance Settings for Desktop Cascade-Right Click.reg
6. install Remove_All_Folders_in_This_PC.reg(only if you want the classic drive view)
7. open the Windows Black Edition Complete Colection.7z, click on themes - shortcut.ink, now copy everything
from Windows Black Edition Complete Colection.7z(except themes - shortcut.ink)to
C:\Windows\Resources\Themes folder which xhould already be open

now you should be good to use whichever theme you choose. good luck, enjoy

i have already done all that and the themes work great , the only thing that i see thats a bug maybe is that thin white line in my 2nd pic

August 19th, 2015, 06:26 PM
Nice theme! But what about these? :(

Context menu in Skype

Task Manager (White separator and dark text colour of hovered & selected items)
I cant see your images but I found the problem with the skype context menu and a found a fix for it, the task manager separator and black text is not fixable

I love you for the black design for 10 :D

But on question, my outlook read background is dark too. Can I change that? Some messages are hard to read
Sorry not in this theme, I will make another theme with a light and dark mix that will not effect other programs in the future.

i have already done all that and the themes work great , the only thing that i see thats a bug maybe is that thin white line in my 2nd pic

I thought I saw that as well but it only seemed to be for a brief second and then when I went to check again it wouldn't happen, I thought maybe I was seeing things, I will see if there is anything I can do about it, to get the context menu fully colored requires a bit of trickery but I found an alternative way that may have better results.

Chris Massagee
August 19th, 2015, 07:03 PM
I thought I saw that as well but it only seemed to be for a brief second and then when I went to check again it wouldn't happen, I thought maybe I was seeing things, I will see if there is anything I can do about it, to get the context menu fully colored requires a bit of trickery but I found an alternative way that may have better results.

that would be awesome

August 19th, 2015, 07:59 PM
Sorry not in this theme, I will make another theme with a light and dark mix that will not effect other programs in the future.

ah ok thanks, when you need testers especially for the insider builds, I can help you. In the newest preview 10525 your theme will not fully worked

Eon Drache
August 19th, 2015, 09:51 PM
Chris Massagee (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/199689-Chris-Massagee) here follow the instructions here. i'll create a thread for how to install theme in win 10 later.

1. startisback current version for 10 is 1.0.2
2. oldnewexplorer 1.1.7
3. theme signature bypass
4. uxstyle win 10 preview
5. install Classic Appearance Settings for Desktop Cascade-Right Click.reg
6. install Remove_All_Folders_in_This_PC.reg(only if you want the classic drive view)
7. open the Windows Black Edition Complete Colection.7z, click on themes - shortcut.ink, now copy everything
from Windows Black Edition Complete Colection.7z(except themes - shortcut.ink)to
C:\Windows\Resources\Themes folder which xhould already be open

now you should be good to use whichever theme you choose. good luck, enjoy

Thanks a ton for this! Helped me a lot. Still noob at all of this. But I can't get the side windows and such to change to black. They remain the same white, which can be an eyesore. Specially when going through files.


August 19th, 2015, 10:25 PM
Thanks a ton for this! Helped me a lot. Still noob at all of this. But I can't get the side windows and such to change to black. They remain the same white, which can be an eyesore. Specially when going through files.


just do a retart should fix it. that's what i did.

Eon Drache
August 19th, 2015, 10:36 PM
just do a retart should fix it. that's what i did.

Sadly didn't do anything for me :( I didn't install the "Start is back" or "Aeroglass" because I like the start menu and don't want to use the debug version for aeroglass. Do either of those programs affect it?

Edit: Figured it out. Had to change OldNewExplorer to use "Default Windows 7" instead of "Flat White"

August 20th, 2015, 01:45 AM
another noob question... some sites the the input boxes are black.. facebook chat , google plus.. I guess is a input field question

August 20th, 2015, 03:33 AM
ah ok thanks, when you need testers especially for the insider builds, I can help you. In the newest preview 10525 your theme will not fully worked
I am using 10525, and have not had any issues.

Dark Knight
August 20th, 2015, 04:13 PM
another noob question... some sites the the input boxes are black.. facebook chat , google plus.. I guess is a input field question

That is just one of the little things that has to do with the theme itself, as far as I know there is no real work around for it and is something one must have to deal with in running custom themes and is something we have all been dealing with since Windows 7.

August 20th, 2015, 04:22 PM
Thank you for your reply , yeah I just notice MS word changes too...

August 21st, 2015, 05:25 PM
Is there any way I can just get the file explorer from this theme? I just need it dark as it hurts my eyes at night when its white. If anyone could explain I would appreciate it very much :loving:.

August 21st, 2015, 05:34 PM
Hi! Can you tell me how I can get a black file explorer like in this theme? That is all I really need badly.. Don't know how to go about it. Thanks in advance.

Harvey Sewdin
August 21st, 2015, 05:42 PM
Is there any way I can just get the file explorer from this theme? I just need it dark as it hurts my eyes at night when its white. If anyone could explain I would appreciate it very much :loving:.

Just install this theme then, all instructions are in the thread.

August 21st, 2015, 09:00 PM
Mark scores again...........

Awesome work my Man.....THX..........:Smile:

August 22nd, 2015, 04:55 AM
Very cool! Thanks!

August 22nd, 2015, 03:21 PM
Great Work, thanks a lot , Master GRIMM!, ;)

August 22nd, 2015, 04:34 PM
I cant see your images but I found the problem with the skype context menu and a found a fix for it, the task manager separator and black text is not fixable



Just checked and you didn't applied the fix yet,
can I apply it? What do I need to change inside the msstyle? TY!

Chris Massagee
August 23rd, 2015, 02:50 AM
Mr. Grimm i found another bug , i wasnt looking but i was changeing some sounds and i spotted it

August 23rd, 2015, 03:15 AM
I found a mod for Windows Media Player which makes it black like the theme. It works very well. Download zip file from here http://charleston2378.deviantart.com/art/Another-Tavaris-WMP-12-287758730 Follow instructions carefully, it is really quite simple though. Then run this in a .reg file Put Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 at top.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


August 23rd, 2015, 05:21 AM

I can post as a theme here for Windows 10 ????

August 23rd, 2015, 10:04 AM
looks really nice, thx