View Full Version : Need A Question Answererd

September 10th, 2015, 09:24 PM

I need to know something real quick before I look into modding my new/refurbished PC. Will I be able to keep my current version of Windows 10 if I transfer everything currently on the Hard Drive I'm using now, or will I need a new copy of of Windows 10 (or a new activation key)? Can someone please answer this? The Hard Drive I have at the moment is only a 62GB Hard Drive and I need to replace it with a better one. Thanks in advance.

A Guy
September 13th, 2015, 06:04 AM
If you are just transfering to a larger HDD, or a SSD then you will not need a new copy. It's actually quite easy, and can be done with free software. For instance:


Choose the FREE version


If you need help, we have many people who can assist you at Ten Forums (I am still on 7 myself)


A Guy