View Full Version : Help with MS Office/HUD Evo

September 30th, 2015, 09:46 PM
hey guys,

i have the HUD evolution theme installed (win7) and everything looks great, but when i go into any word processing app the background color and text color is different. i love the feature for notepad, but not so much for word and excel, etc when i'm doing school work. how can i make only office apps open with default office settings (white background, black text) and not my theme settings (dark grey background, blue text)? thanks!


September 30th, 2015, 11:17 PM
To change this you would have to manually edit the theme and .msstyle. This entails knowing where the exact location the parameter for the background you would like to change is. This is why it's recommended to use a theme from VC that has a "Light" version, such as Annihilator or the HUD Machine series. I'd recommend using the light version of HUD Machine Blue, which will most likely solve the problem you're experiencing.