View Full Version : Microsoft is Killing Control Panel

October 6th, 2015, 09:54 PM
It’s official – Microsoft is killing Control Panel

"We wondered some time ago and concluded that Microsoft might kill the Control Panel completely with future updates to Windows. Today, it became official. Microsoft wants you to learn the new Settings app and forget about other PC management tools ... The Settings app was acceptable for touch devices, but for classic keyboard+mouse users, it is a disaster."

Read more here: http://winaero.com/blog/its-official-microsoft-is-killing-control-panel/
Posted: October 5, 2015

October 6th, 2015, 11:08 PM
Knew it was only a matter of time, I have been reading a lot about this that MS was going to kill this off man I am happy I still prefer Win 7 lol

October 7th, 2015, 12:03 AM
Knew it was only a matter of time, I have been reading a lot about this that MS was going to kill this off man I am happy I still prefer Win 7 lol

What's the point in yearning for the past if you can get all the necessary features and the best VC themes when using Windows 7. When I look back on when I started using a desktop rather than a Macbook (the OS was Snow Leopard back then) and it was the early days of Windows 8, it was terrible for a person who wasn't tech-savvy. I had to do so much tweaking and messing around, breaking systems with patchers and updates, reinstalling (a nightmare). When I started using Windows 7 ($60 on eBay same price as a game), what I felt was relief and the OS felt the way it should be (especially for theming capabilities), and I've used XP or whatever since I was a child. I only started using Windows 7 this year and that's after I had used Linux, I was addicted to the themes from VC lol. The way themes work with ThemeResourceChanger is great so I can respect your choice to stick with Windows 7.

October 7th, 2015, 02:02 AM
What's the point in yearning for the past if you can get all the necessary features and the best VC themes when using Windows 7. When I look back on when I started using a desktop rather than a Macbook (the OS was Snow Leopard back then) and it was the early days of Windows 8, it was terrible for a person who wasn't tech-savvy. I had to do so much tweaking and messing around, breaking systems with patchers and updates, reinstalling (a nightmare). When I started using Windows 7 ($60 on eBay same price as a game), what I felt was relief and the OS felt the way it should be (especially for theming capabilities), and I've used XP or whatever since I was a child. I only started using Windows 7 this year and that's after I had used Linux, I was addicted to the themes from VC lol. The way themes work with ThemeResourceChanger is great so I can respect your choice to stick with Windows 7.

Ya that's it bud there is nothing that I would be doing on Windows 8 or 10 that I cannot do on Windows 7 and much easier lol themeing more so then anything. Back in the day I used to love to rip apart Ms's os's and look for all the little things then make my own custom versions. These days I would rather be using my os then having to fix tweak it all the time. Reinstalls, system restore's and all the repatching just cause you installing some simple updates bleh lol.

I went from XP right to 7 I had to be pulled away from my happy XP days and I was already using 64 bit from the first XP build ms put out for x64 before most knew what 64 bit was. Win 7 was so simple and easy to get used to and it was so easy to do things to it to tweak it just how you want it and with an SSD as my main HDD its fast smooth without errors and never a need for a reinstall it lets me do what I need to do with no fuss or muss she sure is a good one :)

October 24th, 2015, 10:59 AM
I don't believe that they will kill Control Panel but Hide some were on the system, i don't see a App do the same job as Control Panel... Forcing people to use App instead of Control Panel and kill CP it will be the same as you get an old man accustomed to use XP and make him work on W 8 for first time, for millions of normal windows users will be a disaster...:ashamed:

October 24th, 2015, 11:12 AM
I don't believe that they will kill Control Panel but Hide some were on the system, i don't see a App do the same job as Control Panel... Forcing people to use App instead of Control Panel and kill CP it will be the same as you get an old man accustomed to use XP and make him work on W 8 for first time, for millions of normal windows users will be a disaster...:ashamed:

Did you read the article? Gabe Aul, Vice President of Engineering at MS said in a tweet when asked a question:

@brandonleblanc (https://twitter.com/brandonleblanc) @GabeAul (https://twitter.com/GabeAul) For example, why doesn't MSFT make "Settings" the default when you're in tablet mode, but CP when you're not?

Gabriel Aul:
@brandonleblanc (https://twitter.com/brandonleblanc) Having two separate implementations means more code complexity and disk/mem usage. Getting to one is leaner

He's basically saying they're changing everything over to the Settings app here.

October 24th, 2015, 02:33 PM
guys think it's time for everyone to either reinstall 8.1 or 7 depending on preferences and put ubuntu linux or whichever flavor of linux on a secondary partition and slowly build it up to your liking and needs. then once you're comfortable that you can do what you need in linux do away with windows. with the forum now converting themes over to be used on linux i've been seriously thinking of shrinking my win 10 and doing just that. i already ran across a couple of videos for making linux regardless of version look and feel like win 7. with games finally being properly supported in linux now for most peeps there isn't any real reason not to teach yourself what you need to know to have a great looking and working linux desktop. might want to create a section here for linux tips and tricks.

October 24th, 2015, 02:46 PM
Totally agree with the part about installing Linux distributions The Nude Dude (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/177825-The-Nude-Dude).
Honestly, for new users, Linux Mint is where it's at: http://distrowatch.com/table.php?distribution=mint
Better than Ubuntu for the variety of DEs (even though they do put a lot of effort in to look mostly the same as each other).
There's also http://ultimateedition.info/ which is also a beginner-friendly distro.

October 24th, 2015, 05:04 PM
consider changing system only by a "feature" that will disappear ..
is not something drastic? :sad:

October 24th, 2015, 05:44 PM
consider changing system only by a "feature" that will disappear ..
is not something drastic?:sad:

There's also concerns people have about their privacy. Themeing is missing some features now too.
It can't hurt for people to learn a new system if they want to see what other options there are.

October 24th, 2015, 07:25 PM
consider changing system only by a "feature" that will disappear ..
is not something drastic?:sad:

don't make assumptions about why a person wants to switch.

October 25th, 2015, 12:12 AM
don't make assumptions about why a person wants to switch.

Why can't he cause right up here just a few posts above in your comment here

guys think it's time for everyone to either reinstall 8.1 or 7 depending on preferences and put ubuntu linux or whichever flavor of linux on a secondary partition and slowly build it up to your liking and needs. then once you're comfortable that you can do what you need in linux do away with windows. with the forum now converting themes over to be used on linux i've been seriously thinking of shrinking my win 10 and doing just that. i already ran across a couple of videos for making linux regardless of version look and feel like win 7. with games finally being properly supported in linux now for most peeps there isn't any real reason not to teach yourself what you need to know to have a great looking and working linux desktop. might want to create a section here for linux tips and tricks.

you are telling people to switch because of this and other stuff you don't like in the new windows so if your able to tell people to switch for things you don't like then he should be just as able to say not to switch for reasons he does not believe are problems for him.

October 25th, 2015, 12:35 AM
Why can't he cause right up here just a few posts above in your comment here

you are telling people to switch because of this and other stuff you don't like in the new windows so if your able to tell people to switch for things you don't like then he should be just as able to say not to switch for reasons he does not believe are problems for him.

let's get something straight he assumed i want to switch just because of the control panel being removed. second i will not be jumped on for expressing what is obviously an opinion. in plain english i did not tell people to do anything i expressed an opinion.

October 25th, 2015, 01:21 AM
let's get something straight he assumed i want to switch just because of the control panel being removed. second i will not be jumped on for expressing what is obviously an opinion. in plain english i did not tell people to do anything i expressed an opinion.

Which is exactly what he did you said why you did not like it he expressed his opinion to not switch for something like the removal of the control panel as to him that's something small. If you can express your opinion and don't want to be jumped on then why can't he express his without being jumped on. Plus just to be totally correct he was not telling anyone to do anything he was asking a question as his comment states by the question mark at the end.

consider changing system only by a "feature" that will disappear ..
is not something drastic?:sad:

October 25th, 2015, 01:39 AM
once again he ASSUMED i am wanting to change os's because of one change from mickysour. his comment was not an opinion.

October 25th, 2015, 02:03 AM
once again he ASSUMED i am wanting to change os's because of one change from mickysour. his comment was not an opinion.

He ASSUMED NOTHING he asked a question in reply to your comment " or opinion as you call it" you said you don't like to be jumped on for your opinion so don't jump on others for theirs!!!

October 28th, 2015, 06:07 AM
Ya that's it bud there is nothing that I would be doing on Windows 8 or 10 that I cannot do on Windows 7 and much easier lol themeing more so then anything. Back in the day I used to love to rip apart Ms's os's and look for all the little things then make my own custom versions. These days I would rather be using my os then having to fix tweak it all the time. Reinstalls, system restore's and all the repatching just cause you installing some simple updates bleh lol.

I went from XP right to 7 I had to be pulled away from my happy XP days and I was already using 64 bit from the first XP build ms put out for x64 before most knew what 64 bit was. Win 7 was so simple and easy to get used to and it was so easy to do things to it to tweak it just how you want it and with an SSD as my main HDD its fast smooth without errors and never a need for a reinstall it lets me do what I need to do with no fuss or muss she sure is a good one :)

I remember some of those Win7 builds :givahand:still have a few on storage drives for just in cases lol. Sucks they wanna convert it over to a more or less mobile OS, I mean it's great for the tablet and phone users out there but I built a computer for a reason and if they start taking away the stuff we all use to push mobile crap on us then yeah, I'll be digging through storage drives for some of those custom builds.

October 28th, 2015, 02:50 PM
I remember some of those Win7 builds :givahand:still have a few on storage drives for just in cases lol. Sucks they wanna convert it over to a more or less mobile OS, I mean it's great for the tablet and phone users out there but I built a computer for a reason and if they start taking away the stuff we all use to push mobile crap on us then yeah, I'll be digging through storage drives for some of those custom builds.

lol ya bud them were the days man, it's the one thing I don't understand with MS at all is why take away the ability to customize your OS for yourself, or why make things harder to customize. If they want to do new things with the OS ok of course right time moves forward stuff can be done different ways, but why do they want everybody's OS to look the same too especially the way they are now with everything all flat and a couple of basic colors it's so bland and so blah looking lol.

It's like they had a box of crayons with white, blue and grey and said to the UI designers go make what you can :laughing:

Also though what you say as well why force people to do things that they really don't need to change and I understand they want to have things to go cross platform between phones, mobile computers and desktops but really would it be that difficult to have one version of the OS for desktops. they talk about how much extra coding and such it would take to do that but that's just smoke and mirrors from them as the code is already in there they are removing that code in the new versions of Windows so it's not going to be extra coding work since it was already there to start with:D\'oh!: :anger:

Dark Knight
October 28th, 2015, 04:08 PM
You would think they would want to make an OS that is easily customizable so that people would actually enjoy using it and that no two Windows 10 OS's would be exactly alike.

It's like they had a box of crayons with white, blue and grey and said to the UI designers go make what you can :laughing:

I wouldn't even give their UI designers that much credit, whomever designed 10 really needs to go back to design school, funny thing is he/she is probably making over six figures a year, all in the name of blinding people!

October 28th, 2015, 05:26 PM
I wouldn't even give their UI designers that much credit, whomever designed 10 really needs to go back to design school, funny thing is he/she is probably making over six figures a year, all in the name of blinding people!

Now that is a perfect comment eh lol

I am sure they do make six figures to make that gui and it's like now they have done it for so long they are so bored with their job they made the win 8 then 10 gui by just mailing it in lol

Saying to themselves lets see how little we can do and they will still pay us :moon:lol

Dark Knight
October 29th, 2015, 03:03 PM
Saying to themselves lets see how little we can do and they will still pay us

Well let's see, I only paid $40 for Windows 8 Pro and I haven't paid a dime for Windows 10, so really I haven't paid full retail price for a Windows OS since Windows 7, So far the ONLY OS worth paying for :tu:

October 10th, 2016, 04:27 PM

In Windows 10 build 14942, Microsoft has secretly updated some of the shortcuts to open the appropriate pages of the Settings app.
The following items now refer to the Settings app:

Programs and Features
Power Options
Network Connections.

Also, the Control panel link has been replaced by Microsoft with the Settings app:

(http://winaero.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/14942WinXMenu.png)According to Inside Windows (http://insidewindows.net/2016/10/10/winx-menu-changes-in-windows-10-build-14942/), who discovered this change, the shortcut target for the mentioned items will be changed only if you install Windows 10 build 14942 from scratch (http://winaero.com/blog/how-to-get-windows-10-build-14942-iso-images/). For users who upgraded from previous builds, Win+X menu items remain the same.

It is still possible to customize Win+X menu items (http://winaero.com/blog/customize-winx-menu-in-windows-10/) and add classic applets and other applications you want. It is still possible to open and use the Control panel app (http://winaero.com/blog/all-ways-to-open-control-panel-in-windows-10/). However, you cannot ignore the fact that the classic Control Panel will be removed completely in the near future.

October 10th, 2016, 06:28 PM
How to Show Control Panel or Settings on Win+X Menu in Windows 10

http://www.tenforums.com/images/infosmall1.png Information:

The Win+X Quick Link menu (http://www.tenforums.com/tutorials/1984-win-x-quick-link-menu-open-windows-10-a.html) is a pop-up menu from the Start button that includes shortcuts of common management, configuration, and other power user Windows tools.

Starting with Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 14942 (http://www.tenforums.com/windows-10-news/66233-announcing-windows-10-insider-preview-build-14942-pc-fast-ring.html), Control Panel (http://www.tenforums.com/tutorials/2691-control-panel-open-windows-10-a.html) was replaced by Settings (http://www.tenforums.com/tutorials/3326-settings-open-windows-10-a.html) in the Win+X menu.

This tutorial will show you how to show Control Panel or Settings on the Win+X Quick Link menu for your account in Windows 10.

EXAMPLE: Win+X menu showing Control Panel or Settings

http://www.tenforums.com/attachments/tutorials/105274d1476117331t-win-x-menu-show-control-panel-settings-windows-10-a-win-x.png (http://www.tenforums.com/attachments/tutorials/105274d1476117331-win-x-menu-show-control-panel-settings-windows-10-a-win-x.png)

Here's How:

1. Click/tap on the Download button below to download a ZIP file for a Control Panel or Settings shortcut depending on what you want to show in your Win+X menu.

http://www.tenforums.com/images/dl2.png (http://www.tenforums.com/attachments/tutorials/105284d1476118660-win-x-menu-show-control-panel-settings-windows-10-a-win-x_control_panel.zip)



http://www.tenforums.com/images/dl2.png (http://www.tenforums.com/attachments/tutorials/105285d1476118660-win-x-menu-show-control-panel-settings-windows-10-a-win-x_settings.zip)

2. Save the .zip file to your desktop.3. Unblock (http://www.tenforums.com/tutorials/5357-unblock-file-windows-10-a.html) the .zip file.4. Open the .zip file. (see screenshots below)

http://www.tenforums.com/attachments/tutorials/105275d1476117331t-win-x-menu-show-control-panel-settings-windows-10-a-control_panel_zip.png (http://www.tenforums.com/attachments/tutorials/105275d1476117331-win-x-menu-show-control-panel-settings-windows-10-a-control_panel_zip.png)
http://www.tenforums.com/attachments/tutorials/105276d1476117331t-win-x-menu-show-control-panel-settings-windows-10-a-settings_zip.png (http://www.tenforums.com/attachments/tutorials/105276d1476117331-win-x-menu-show-control-panel-settings-windows-10-a-settings_zip.png)

5. Open a seperate File Explorer window, copy and paste the location below into the address bar, and press Enter. (see screenshots below)
http://www.tenforums.com/images/smilies/arrow.png %LocalAppdata%\Microsoft\Windows\WinX\Group2

http://www.tenforums.com/attachments/tutorials/105283d1476118521t-win-x-menu-show-control-panel-settings-windows-10-a-file_explorer.png (http://www.tenforums.com/attachments/tutorials/105283d1476118521-win-x-menu-show-control-panel-settings-windows-10-a-file_explorer.png)
http://www.tenforums.com/attachments/tutorials/105278d1476117331t-win-x-menu-show-control-panel-settings-windows-10-a-file_explorer-b.png (http://www.tenforums.com/attachments/tutorials/105278d1476117331-win-x-menu-show-control-panel-settings-windows-10-a-file_explorer-b.png)

6. Drag and drop (copy) the 4 - Control Panel shortcut from the .zip file in step 4 (http://www.tenforums.com/tutorials/66491-win-x-menu-show-control-panel-settings-windows-10-a.html#step4) into the Group2 folder in step 5 (http://www.tenforums.com/tutorials/66491-win-x-menu-show-control-panel-settings-windows-10-a.html#step5).

7. Click/tap on Replace the file in the destination when prompted. (see screenshot below)


8. Restart explorer (http://www.tenforums.com/tutorials/5970-explorer-exe-process-restart-windows-10-a.html) to apply.

Levi Vladimir
October 10th, 2016, 06:29 PM

October 10th, 2016, 06:32 PM

in my opinion the best http://cdn-3.famouslogos.us/images/linux-logo.jpg

October 10th, 2016, 06:46 PM
Without control panel or explorer, no more point of custom themes imo except minimalist ones like Black Edition or gsw953's. So I don't plan on importing themes from RS1 to RS2.

October 10th, 2016, 07:09 PM
don't blame you

October 10th, 2016, 07:11 PM
Without control panel or explorer, no more point of custom themes imo except minimalist ones like Black Edition or gsw953's. So I don't plan on importing themes from RS1 to RS2.The themes do a whole lot more than customizing control panel (which I very rarely use) or explorer. Also, RS1 themes already work on RS2.

October 10th, 2016, 08:21 PM
The themes do a whole lot more than customizing control panel (which I very rarely use) or explorer. Also, RS1 themes already work on RS2.

Themes do work right now, I just installed latest insider build with theme signature bypass, most likely won't once it's RTM. Same went for most other early stage insider buillds. I think you will have a lot less images used in themes, it would be more just changing of background colors.

I do not have high hopes for the uwp explorer app. One thing is I've never been a fan of the way top borders are clipped



On a more positive note, Big Muscle's new GUI tool works fantastic, that would be a nice way imo of keeping the themes alive easily. Here is a screenshot of using the default Windows theme and an atlas file theme layout I generated from a custom .msstyles theme:


October 10th, 2016, 09:22 PM
Here are a few more examples of using an atlas image (these are great):

Grey theme (Black edition)


Black theme (Thin white line)


I think that these two base themes would look good with any custom atlas image. What do you think? It may make more sense using the atlas image with a more minimalist theme, because a lot of images used in themes for older versions of Windows 10 are no longer used now anyways. So as long as there are a couple good base themes by Mr GRiM and gsw953 I think it would be a good solution doing it this way.

Mike Loeven
October 11th, 2016, 05:29 AM
The thing is that replacing the control panel with the settings app will only work if the settings app contains ALL and i mean ALL of the settings available in the control panel.

The problem with the settings app is that it only contains at most 25% of the options a more advanced user actually needs to be able to change and removal of the control panel can only be tolerated once the settings app contains all the required options

already since i installed windows 10 i have spend more time in reg edit and gpedit than i ever needed to before due to this whole thing because honestly it was faster and easier than searching through that disaster of a settings app

March 21st, 2018, 11:38 AM
I happy to join this community Very Interesting and wonderfull information keep sharing