View Full Version : Need help with PaintItBlack installer

October 6th, 2015, 10:34 PM
Hello, I need to undo the PaintItBack installers installation to remove a few of the features it installed, but I don't know how. Simply put, I've been left with only 11gb of HDD space due to my small hard drive and need to remove several things. But many of the things I need to remove were installed via the PaintItBlack installer and don't show up in the Add/Remove programs area. Can someone please show me how to undo the PaintItBlack Installers installation so that I can unninstall the programs that I am needing to remove. (AeroGlass, Taskbar Blur, etc.) I'm really needing help with this. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

October 6th, 2015, 10:53 PM
I haven't used the installer but I know of and have used dhjohn's Taskbar Blur script since he posted it in the MSFN forum. If it's the same as the one I made via his instructions, it's just a file in startup, which you should be able to delete (or rename) by entering shell:startup in the Run dialog. As for Aero Glass, check in Task Scheduler and if you see it there, delete the task. He may be using this method of installation rather than Big Muscle's GUI installer. As far as freeing up space goes, these are only a few megabytes. What I'd suggest is to right click and run as adminstrator "Disc Cleanup", which is a Windows tool, and delete the Windows.old files which contain useless data unless you want to revert to your previous Windows version.

October 6th, 2015, 11:22 PM
I haven't used the installer but I know of and have used dhjohn's Taskbar Blur script since he posted it in the MSFN forum. If it's the same as the one I made via his instructions, it's just a file in startup, which you should be able to delete (or rename) by entering shell:startup in the Run dialog. As for Aero Glass, check in Task Scheduler and if you see it there, delete the task. He may be using this method of installation rather than Big Muscle's GUI installer. As far as freeing up space goes, these are only a few megabytes. What I'd suggest is to right click and run as adminstrator "Disc Cleanup", which is a Windows tool, and delete the Windows.old files which contain useless data unless you want to revert to your previous Windows version.

I was able to remove the run at startup command for aeroglass via your instructions, but the program itself is still installed. I need to uninstall it without removing the UxThemeSignature bypass tool that was installed. I don't seem to have an unninstaller, unless it's hiding somewhere. Also, the AeroGlassGUI tool is in the c:\\AeroGlass folder as well and it continues to apply the custom theme atlas (Not sure if that is due to the theme itself or not but it is applied through the AeroGlassGUI.exe tool). Also my Windows.old folder contains the files from my glitched out version of my Windows 10 Upgrade, so it's possible it might have my activation code in it, and I don't want to risk deleting that since I can't afford to buy a new copy of Windows 10.

October 6th, 2015, 11:34 PM
I was able to remove the run at startup command for aeroglass via your instructions, but the program itself is still installed. I need to uninstall it without removing the UxThemeSignature bypass tool that was installed. I don't seem to have an unninstaller, unless it's hiding somewhere. Also, the AeroGlassGUI tool is in the c:\\AeroGlass folder as well and it continues to apply the custom theme atlas (Not sure if that is due to the theme itself or not but it is applied through the AeroGlassGUI.exe tool)

Once you have removed the Task Scheduler entry for Aero Glass and rebooted, you will be able to delete everything in the AeroGlass folder except for the components of UxTheme Signature Bypass (I have not used this patcher). dhjohns has used the advanced method of installing Aero Glass which requires only the AeroGlass folder and the components of Aero Glass. He has scheduled a task for Aero Glass, and thus there is no entry for it in Add/Remove Programs. As for UxTheme Signature Bypass, be careful as I don't know how the software works exactly or whether it will continue to function once you remove Aero Glass components. Install UxStyle as a backup if you're unsure of how UxTheme Signature Bypass will behave.

October 6th, 2015, 11:40 PM
Also my Windows.old folder contains the files from my glitched out version of my Windows 10 Upgrade, so it's possible it might have my activation code in it, and I don't want to risk deleting that since I can't afford to buy a new copy of Windows 10.

This is an updated post. I would say it's still safe to delete it. I have deleted the folder in an upgraded Windows 7 Premium virtual machine without any activation erros.

October 7th, 2015, 12:07 AM
My computer just blew out again. Same thing as last time. Seems it's just going to keep blowing out faster and faster each time I fix it. Going to have to wait until I can get it replaced before I can use a computer again. Must've been some sort of internal damage done that I can't see.

October 7th, 2015, 12:13 AM
My computer just blew out again. Same thing as last time. Seems it's just going to keep blowing out faster and faster each time I fix it. Going to have to wait until I can get it replaced before I can use a computer again. Must've been some sort of internal damage done that I can't see.

Damn, sorry to hear about your hardware troubles Darkwater409. Do you know what components are damaged, maybe people can help you here. You've got the masters at your disposal on VC :amazed:. A laptop may be hard to fix by yourself but maybe if you take some pics or make some detailed posts someone can help.

October 7th, 2015, 12:24 AM
It's an old HP Compaq Ultraslim desktop. Supposedly the best model for beginners to mod, but I searched for mod kits for it and couldn't find anything. Ofc I had no idea what to search for. I'll take a pic of it and post it here. Hopefully someone here will know what to look for.

October 7th, 2015, 12:41 AM
Looks like I can't attach photos from my phone on this website. I may have to email em to someone here and ask them to attach em for me. Sadly I don't know anyone's email :(

October 7th, 2015, 12:56 AM
Looks like I can't attach photos from my phone on this website. I may have to email em to someone here and ask them to attach em for me. Sadly I don't know anyone's email :(

If you are able to post a picture of the guts, here is a image sharing website you should be able to link to with [img] tags: http://postimage.org/
I happened to see dhjohns post it up just the other day. However I've been having some problems with posting from mobile on this site, namely the preview post feature.

October 7th, 2015, 01:01 AM
http://s16.postimg.org/6yl0a5t29/WP_20151006_17_26_09_Pro.jpg (http://postimg.org/image/6yl0a5t29/)

http://s16.postimg.org/h7dhfzh41/WP_20151006_17_26_22_Pro.jpg (http://postimg.org/image/h7dhfzh41/)

http://s16.postimg.org/w75u3ty01/WP_20151006_17_48_58_Pro.jpg (http://postimg.org/image/w75u3ty01/)

http://s16.postimg.org/byigi3yox/WP_20151006_17_49_45_Pro.jpg (http://postimg.org/image/byigi3yox/).

October 7th, 2015, 01:11 AM
Nice, the image sharing site worked!
I tagged razorsedge (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/148478-razorsedge) maybe he can help.
The pics are small thumbnails btw not sure if they can be increased in resolution.

October 7th, 2015, 01:39 AM




Try these links.

October 7th, 2015, 12:57 PM
Hi guy's :)

I saw the tag here from Shemhamforash (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/280089-Shemhamforash) I'll see if I can help. First off the installed apps won't cause you an issue as Shemhamforash (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/280089-Shemhamforash) pointed out they are only a few megs in size so that won't matter as he explained in previous posts on how you can remove them all the info for that is there.

You issue is going to be that you only have 11 gigs left of space on your main HDD with your hard drive almost full like that and the system being old will most likly cause probs once a HDD like that is more then 3/4's full that's when you will usually have issues. Because of the small space left and you keep writing over the same small area of the HDD all the time it ends up causing problems. Not to mention your machine will end up running rather slow no matter what you do.

You need to remove the old windows folder off the drive ( how did you install windows 10 again did you buy it or go the free upgrade route) if bought there is 3rd party apps I can point you to so you can back up the install key. If you went the upgrade route I would suggest backing up the old windows install to a memory stick or burn it to some dvd's using a back up program I can also point you to to give yourself space on that HDD.

October 7th, 2015, 06:50 PM
I posted links to pics of it on imgur. If you can take a look and see if you might know of some decent parts to replace the ones in it with can you please let me know. The built in graphics chipset alone is an old one that isn't even supported anymore. It's an Intel Q35 Express Chipset Family (HP) and I just can't run much with that. I'm hoping to mod it into a decent AMD/NVIDIA based system with at least 16TB HDD/SSD. If I can't do that then I will just have to buy a new 500gb laptop because this thing literally doesn't support most of my PC needs.