View Full Version : Temporary fixes after Nov update

November 17th, 2015, 07:59 PM

For all of you who are like me and can't cope with too much white, here are three things to do whilst the clever folks here find workarounds to get their wonderful themes functional again.

Firstly, and actually this should be a permanent addition for everyone, regardless of sensitivity to glaring white because you'll use less power (white uses most) and also it is most useful in the evening because our brains need dim light at that time in order to produce the chemicals necessary to prepare for sleep. Some of you might already know of this wee tool, f.lux (https://justgetflux.com/), which allows you to dim the white light of the monitor to a calming amber-ish ambiance. There are settings which allow you to keep the screen bright and white-blue during the day (although why anyone would want to is beyond me) and dim it from sunset on. Or you can do as I do, and have it fairly mellow throughout the day, and even more so at night.

Second, you can use https://userstyles.org/ which works on firefox or chrome and has lots of themes which will change all web pages, or just some of them. Because I am so sensitive to white pages, but can't focus that well on the really dark ones either, I go for a soothing beige-grey type colour https://userstyles.org/styles/20521/happy-eyes. There are plenty to choose from, though, including one which will allow you to have a background picture on google again, including one of your own https://userstyles.org/styles/79634/google-custom-background-16-images-or-your-own.

Finally, after much searching around for fixes after this big update, I found, to my surprise, that there is a dark theme built-in to Windows 10, but it's a little difficult to find. I don't mean the accessibility option, which is hideous, but a true dark theme. It only works on some pages, unfortunately, but better than nothing for now. Go to http://www.howtogeek.com/222614/how-to-enable-windows-10%E2%80%99s-hidden-dark-theme/ where you can find a little registry editor, or instructions to do so manually.

This is the first time I've been able to contribute anything to this forum which is a life-saver for me with sensitive eyes and need for aesthetic pleasures :) I really wish I was talented and patient enough to design a theme, and hope that at least something in this post might be useful to someone. Feeling a little bashful in case you all know all the above already. :whistle:

p.s. I can see lots of views but no comments. Maybe my title was a bit misleading and people thought I meant a temporary fix to get custom themes working? Or maybe what I've posted above is already known/not helpful. Would be nice to know :) I won't be offended, honest :p