View Full Version : Change default Aero theme topic for another installation of Windows 7

November 29th, 2015, 11:21 AM
Hello everyone can tell me how I can change the default theme for another msstyles Aero theme in the installation of Windows 7?
I am modifying an ISO of Windows 7 with Windows AIK

November 29th, 2015, 01:38 PM
Hello everyone can tell me how I can change the default theme for another msstyles Aero theme in the installation of Windows 7?
I am modifying an ISO of Windows 7 with Windows AIK

To do that on an install of windows 7 so it happens when the os is installed what you would need to do is these steps.

Install universal theme patcher on a current windows setup so you can patch the 2 theme dll's the themeservice.dll & themeui.dll so they are both patched.

Take those 2 dlls and mount your Windows 7 ISO so you are able to edit it and replace the 2 dll's with the patched ones in the ISO

Once done rename the theme you want to use to the Windows Aero theme and replace your theme with the default Winodows Aero One and you are good to go.

Alternatively you could use something such as WPI ( Windows Post Installer ) and create some simple install apps using 7zip or Winrar to have universal theme patcher install during the Windows Install then have another that would add the Theme to the Windows resources folder.

You could then add what's needed to the Windows install script file to select the theme after install.

November 29th, 2015, 02:20 PM
Ok I must rename the Aero theme for the theme that I want to default?

November 29th, 2015, 02:50 PM
Ok I must rename the Aero theme for the theme that I want to default?

You have that backwards lol

rename the theme you want to use to Aero and replace the aero theme with it :)

November 29th, 2015, 02:59 PM
OK thanks

November 29th, 2015, 03:06 PM
I should also mention when you do this do not forget to edit the .theme file you are renaming to Aero.

As shown in the screen below here you need to open your .theme file you renamed to Aero.theme and edit all the spots in the theme file with the old theme name

So as in my screen I have opened the Borg theme I have made if I rename the theme and msstyle to Aero I need to edit all the spots in the theme file that say Borg as shown by the red arrows there are more then what I have shown in the screen you need to reanme all those to Aero as well or the theme will not apply when the OS is installed because the theme file will be looking for a theme with a different name then Aero.


Also you could do a lot of this a bit easier by using RT Se7en Lite to create your windows 7 os as this has these options built into the app plus a ton more.

You can get that app here http://www.rt7lite.com/rt-se7en-lite-downloads/

November 29th, 2015, 03:17 PM
ok thank you very much understood by all:-RE

November 29th, 2015, 03:41 PM
ok thank you very much understood by all:-RE

No problem bud you are most welcome :)

and if you did not know of that Seven Lite app before (maybe you did lol) it's really worth checking out :)