View Full Version : SIB Supports W10 Taskbar (thanks a million, Mr. Grim and Dark Knight)

December 15th, 2015, 07:28 AM
I don't know if this is the right place ... but I want to thank you Mr Grim (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/1-Mr-GRiM) and Dark Knight (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/199178-Dark-Knight) your efforts to get back on W10 a themeable taskbar, by convincing the SIB's author about it's possible.

I'm just testing SIB ++ 1.1.9, and wow!! ... this a wonderful Christmas gift :loving:!!

I'm very-very-very grateful :love:!!!!

December 15th, 2015, 10:25 AM
I'm very happy as well, I have already updated all my themes to bring back full taskbar skinning but I wont upload them just yet, I am going to give Tihiy a few more days to see what else he might add back in for us and when I am happy with all the testing I will upload the updated themes :smile:

Now all we need is a proper theme patcher or updated uxStyle.

Dark Knight
December 15th, 2015, 11:36 AM
Thanks Erin, I am happy about it myself. Start is back is a MUCH better product than Start 10 and I just didn't want Starbloat taking all the credit for skinning the taskbar when I knew Tihly could do it too. He thought Start 10 was only using textures on the task bar until I showed him that you could use pretty much any image that you wanted in Start 10 which meant you could skin the taskbar, I think it was two days later and we were getting test builds from him.

I was actually getting ready to fork over money to Starbloat just to have a skinned taskbar without having to use twenty different other tools when Tihly decided to do this and I am truly thankful that he did.

It'll be kind of a pain because themers will have to re - release their themes for 10 to include the taskbar but will be much better for it, unlike Start 10 where you must skin the taskbar as an extra step after choosing the type of start menu you want, with StartisBack++ the taskbar will be skinned as soon as you choose the custom start menu for that theme. And just the fact that StartisBack++ is a better product than Start 10, SIB++ doesn't have to run in the system tray as Start 10 does, SIB++ doesn't suck down system resources as Start 10 does, when you uninstall SIB++ it's gone, with Start 10 you'll be picking remnants of Stardock bloat off your system for months to come, but the best yet is that SIB is cheaper than Start 10!

Now all we need is a proper theme patcher or updated uxStyle.

Actually, if Big Muscle put some time into it I think that the SignatureThemeBypass could be the new UXStyle, I think that the patcher needs to run in the registry and memory, it runs smoother and better that way.


December 15th, 2015, 11:57 AM
I don't know if this is the right place ... but I want to thank you Mr Grim (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/1-Mr-GRiM) and Dark Knight (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/199178-Dark-Knight) your efforts to get back on W10 a themeable taskbar, by convincing the SIB's author about it's possible.

I'm just testing SIB ++ 1.1.9, and wow!! ... this a wonderful Christmas gift :loving:!!

I'm very-very-very grateful :love:!!!!

i echo what Erin (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/244469-Erin) said. can't wait to test 1.1.9.

December 15th, 2015, 12:03 PM
I'm very happy as well, I have already updated all my themes to bring back full taskbar skinning but I wont upload them just yet, I am going to give Tihiy a few more days to see what else he might add back in for us and when I am happy with all the testing I will upload the updated themes :smile:

Now all we need is a proper theme patcher or updated uxStyle.

GRiM (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/1-Mr-GRiM) dhjohns auto installer works just fine for patching system files. what we need is a new version of areoglass. lots of peeps including myself are not going to go through the hops to get the current iteration of aeroglass up and running especially since part of the instructions are in a different language.

Dark Knight
December 15th, 2015, 12:50 PM
GRiM (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/1-Mr-GRiM) dhjohns auto installer works just fine for patching system files. what we need is a new version of areoglass. lots of peeps including myself are not going to go through the hops to get the current iteration of aeroglass up and running especially since part of the instructions are in a different language.

Yeah, I'll agree with that, I don't have the current version of aeroglass installed because it doesn't work with TH2 and there are no real good instructions on how to make the beta work.

December 15th, 2015, 01:43 PM
I am more hopeful for UxStyle because I know it's already being worked on, follow the progress here https://github.com/riverar/uxstyle/issues/21

I am still using Aero Glass, in fact I am still using an older build v1.3.1 and it's still working fine for me, it doesn't have any blur effect and the black glass enhanced doesn't work with it but aside from that there are no artefacts and it's just how I like it anyway :smile:

December 15th, 2015, 01:48 PM
this would be like a Christmas present, do themeable again the TaskBar.
thanks Erin (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/244469-Erin) for the info :peace:

Dark Knight
December 15th, 2015, 03:39 PM
All I know is we are getting close now, after this I think I will finally be able to do a clean install of 10, I've been trying to hold out until the dust in the theme community has settled.

December 15th, 2015, 04:00 PM
I am more hopeful for UxStyle because I know it's already being worked on, follow the progress here https://github.com/riverar/uxstyle/issues/21

I am still using Aero Glass, in fact I am still using an older build v1.3.1 and it's still working fine for me, it doesn't have any blur effect and the black glass enhanced doesn't work with it but aside from that there are no artefacts and it's just how I like it anyway :smile:

you got lucky somehow. then again all the hype about 1.3.1 might be just that hype. i might just have to test it to see. is the 1.3.1 version generally available? if not can you upload a copy of it here?

yeah i'm hoping someone updates black glass enhanced. great little program.

December 15th, 2015, 04:23 PM
you got lucky somehow. then again all the hype about 1.3.1 might be just that hype. i might just have to test it to see. is the 1.3.1 version generally available? if not can you upload a copy of it here?

yeah i'm hoping someone updates black glass enhanced. great little program.

Actually I apologise it wasn't v1.3.1 I am using that version on Windows 8.1, on Windows 10 I am using v1.4

You can try it if you like, this is a custom installer I made some time ago, try it at your own risk.

And on another note, here is a little tease of a theme using proper Taskbar skinning :smile:


December 15th, 2015, 04:32 PM
And on another note, here is a little tease of a theme using proper Taskbar skinning :smile:


sweet looking. both the theme and being able to skin the taskbar again is going to make a lot of peeps very very happy.myself all i ever see it the winstep taskbar. as for your glass installer i'll give it a go. can't hurt since i have rollback rx installed. thanks for sharing it.

December 15th, 2015, 05:00 PM
yeah i'm hoping someone updates black glass enhanced. great little program.

Black glass enhanced is working fine with the Aero Glass beta. I have the current version of Aero Glass on my mediafire if you're interested send me a pm, you'd just have to schedule it in Task Scheduler.

Also Mr GRiM is there any chance of getting rid of the white lines on the taskbar and replacing them with what we used to have around programs (custom made transparent boxes) and is there a possibility of the window caption buttons being their normal size again, thanks.

December 15th, 2015, 05:10 PM
Black glass enhanced is working fine with the Aero Glass beta. I have the current version of Aero Glass on my mediafire if you're interested send me a pm, you'd just have to schedule it in Task Scheduler.

Also Mr GRiM is there any chance of getting rid of the white lines on the taskbar and replacing them with what we used to have around programs (custom made transparent boxes) and is there a possibility of the window caption buttons being their normal size again, thanks.

These are questions you will have to ask Tihiy, I have asked him already about both but we will have to wait and see, I would say it's very possible, it just depends on if it's something he wants to provide, maybe if enough people show interest he will be persuaded.

Head over to MSFN and join the developement http://www.msfn.org/board/topic/174414-possible-to-change-look-of-windows-10-taskbar/#entry1113605

December 15th, 2015, 05:25 PM
Black glass enhanced is working fine with the Aero Glass beta. I have the current version of Aero Glass on my mediafire if you're interested send me a pm, you'd just have to schedule it in Task Scheduler.

Also Mr GRiM is there any chance of getting rid of the white lines on the taskbar and replacing them with what we used to have around programs (custom made transparent boxes) and is there a possibility of the window caption buttons being their normal size again, thanks.

o.k. cool sending pm now. thanks

December 15th, 2015, 07:49 PM
o.k. guys GRiM (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/1-Mr-GRiM) 's aeroglass worked like a charm. Shemhamforash (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/280089-Shemhamforash) the other one no love. no love with blackglass either.


Shemhamforash (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/280089-Shemhamforash) here is the debug info i was given. please give it to whoever needs it to help them.

DBGHELP: Symbol Search Path: .;C:\AeroGlass\symbols
Loading settings (flags = 0x3) from HKEY 0x0000000000000508 for session #2
Settings reloaded
Message 0x15, wparam = 0, lparam = 0
dwmcore.dll version 10.0.10586.0
udwm.dll version 10.0.10586.0
Symbols loaded from patterns: 0xFFF
Allocating class CGlassSafetyZoneLayer for D2D 0x0000029054E5C910
Allocating glass safety zone 1920 x 18 (D2D 0x0000029054E5C910)
Allocating glass safety zone 18 x 1080 (D2D 0x0000029054E5C910)
Allocating glass safety zone 18 x 1080 (D2D 0x0000029054E5C910)
Allocating glass safety zone 1920 x 18 (D2D 0x0000029054E5C910)
Allocating class CBlurEffect for D2D 0x0000029054E5C910
Allocating blur buffer 768 x 384 [pixelFormat: 87, 3] (D2D 0x0000029054E5C910)
Allocating blur buffer 768 x 768 [pixelFormat: 87, 3] (D2D 0x0000029054E5C910)
Allocating blur buffer 576 x 192 [pixelFormat: 87, 1] (D2D 0x0000029054E5C910)
Message 0x31A, wparam = 0, lparam = 0
Loading settings (flags = 0x4) from HKEY 0x0000000000000508 for session #2
Settings reloaded
Delayed hook (UxTheme.dll!GetThemeStream from udwm.dll) installed
Delayed hook (UxTheme.dll!GetThemeRect from udwm.dll) installed
Delayed hook (ext-ms-win-uxtheme-themes-l1-1-0.dll!GetThemeMargins from udwm.dll
) installed
Hook (USER32.dll!SystemParametersInfoW from udwm.dll) installed
Hook (GDI32.dll!ExtCreateRegion from udwm.dll) installed
Atlas resource loading (custom: )
GetThemeStream 0,0,213
GetThemeStream 0,0,213
GetThemeStream 0,0,213
GetThemeStream 0,0,213
Message 0x320, wparam = 723459871, lparam = 1
Loading settings (flags = 0x2) from HKEY 0x0000000000000508 for session #2
Settings reloaded
Message 0x15, wparam = 0, lparam = 0

December 15th, 2015, 07:59 PM
Glad to hear Grim's installer worked. But that's the version I'm using on TH2 and it's working on my end, it's the experimental build and the updated DWM files that BM calls the beta. Don't know what to do with the debug but he does have a thread on MSDN. Black glass fully working no artefacts for me either. It's been out for a while now so he should be making it part of the installer for 8.1+ series in the near future.

Dark Knight
December 16th, 2015, 01:13 PM
Ok, looks like Tihly is done with his work on SIB++, just need someone to post a Windows 10 theme with a taskbar ........... anyone?

December 16th, 2015, 02:51 PM
So I'm trying out 1.19 right now, and it's really awesome what Tihiy's done. While the themes for Windows 10 that I tried don't work with it, drop a Windows 8.1 .msstyle into the Styles folder belonging to StartisBack and the whole taskbar is skinned as the theme, same as the start menu. The only bug I found is that some of those .msstyles will give you the extended height glitch, you just have to disable search in StartisBack preferences. Goodbye Taskbar Color Effects, you won't be too missed! :Smile:Edit: I'd still like to see those white lines replaced with the theme's application boxes though.

December 16th, 2015, 05:40 PM
So I'm trying out 1.19 right now, and it's really awesome what Tihiy's done. While the themes for Windows 10 that I tried don't work with it, drop a Windows 8.1 .msstyle into the Styles folder belonging to StartisBack and the whole taskbar is skinned as the theme, same as the start menu. The only bug I found is that some of those .msstyles will give you the extended height glitch, you just have to disable search in StartisBack preferences. Goodbye Taskbar Color Effects, you won't be too missed! :Smile:Edit: I'd still like to see those white lines replaced with the theme's application boxes though.
Would be pretty cool if you could just drop a theme in SiB and apply the whole theme without needing to worry about patches :smile:

December 16th, 2015, 07:21 PM
Would be pretty cool if you could just drop a theme in SiB and apply the whole theme without needing to worry about patches :smile:

That's a cool idea, especially since there was talk about MS blocking the patchers from running as a background process. I also wish there was a way to apply the orb at the same time the theme selection changes or if you switched between the theme's start menu and one of the generic ones. That was actually the biggest reason I decided to switch to seven, less clicks to get the right orb. Sergey was saying that it should be possible to have an app that assumes the role of the classic personalization options from the classic control panel once MS completely removes it, so it seems like it would be at least possible to make it a part of StartIsBack but he might need to work with Sergey on that one and I'd assume it'd be necessary to do manual patching (the idea of not having to patch is of course appealing though).

December 16th, 2015, 07:44 PM
Would be pretty cool if you could just drop a theme in SiB and apply the whole theme without needing to worry about patches :smile:

HEY! GRiM (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/1-Mr-GRiM) you're not funny. get out of my head. i was just thinking the same thing. lol

December 21st, 2015, 03:08 AM
Actually I apologise it wasn't v1.3.1 I am using that version on Windows 8.1, on Windows 10 I am using v1.4

You can try it if you like, this is a custom installer I made some time ago, try it at your own risk.

Mr GRiM, thank you very much for this installer. This was exactly what I was looking for. I think either I've had enough of Aero Glass or I need a good long break from the blur effect. Like you, I think I'm starting to prefer plain transparency over blur, if any transparency at all. I'd like if you could keep this updated or release them. I like the way it removes blur, and also gets rid of the dreaded blue active window borders some people experience with Aero Glass on W10.

December 21st, 2015, 09:18 PM
Glad to hear SIB supports taskbar themes now. Thanks for posting this! :)

March 19th, 2016, 07:22 PM
About the custom installer MrGRiM made for AeroGlass, should the custom theme atlas thing be installed on systems using 3rd party themes?

March 19th, 2016, 07:26 PM
About the custom installer MrGRiM made for AeroGlass, should the custom theme atlas thing be installed on systems using 3rd party themes?

No, you should disable that like you would on a normal install. Unless you're using the default Windows theme with custom theme atlas. If you do select install custom atlas, you can simply disable the atlas in the AeroGlass GUI, so no worries.

March 19th, 2016, 07:30 PM
ok, thanks :peace:

October 11th, 2017, 08:37 PM
StartisBack has really become awesome on Windows 10 since the last few updates. One of the biggest issues I always had in W10 were the laggy and unreliable jumplists, which are now gone in addition to the full taskbar skinning in the latest version.

Chris Massagee
October 14th, 2017, 04:10 PM
i can never get my start menu and taskbar to match my theme and ive tried every way i can think of to get them to work .
i have version 1703 os build 15063.632 win 10 pro