View Full Version : [request] Hud green ported to 10586

December 30th, 2015, 10:27 PM
Can anyone port this please? :)

December 31st, 2015, 12:26 AM
Hunk_4TH (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/225920-Hunk_4TH), you should be asking Mr GRiM directly whether he'd release the theme. He's already ported it as you can see in this screenshot of his it's not a question of whether it can or can't be done it's whether he feels like releasing it. :bored:I'm of the mindset of "since it wasn't released on 8.1 than why should it be released on 10" since honestly caption buttons are crap, it might not ever look as good as on Windows 7. I don't know if you've used Windows 7 before, but there's a lot of themes that weren't ported, and it gives people a reason to try Windows 7. But hey, if he does release it, I know a lot of people would be happy but I never had access to the HUD Machine series on 8.1 and I hate to say it but it made using Windows 7 that much sweeter when I came around to it, plus you support Mark by purchasing it from the VC shop. :Smile:

December 31st, 2015, 11:48 PM
Thanks! Yeah, I thought about asking him I might just do that now that you mentioned it. And yeah, I've used 7 since rc1 way back in 2008 I think it was.

I don't mind purchasing it. I love his work!