View Full Version : Strange line under navigation buttons and address bar

January 8th, 2016, 12:05 AM
There is a strange line under the navigation buttons and the address bar and search box and I cannot find the graphic that relates to that. I have edited every single graphic known to appear in that area.

It's not the menu bar and it's not the address bar or breadcrumbs graphics either.


January 8th, 2016, 01:07 AM
There is a strange line under the navigation buttons and the address bar and search box and I cannot find the graphic that relates to that. I have edited every single graphic known to appear in that area.

It's not the menu bar and it's not the address bar or breadcrumbs graphics either.


Looks like it's part of the frame on the top Windows & Caption Buttons > Aero > DWM Window > Frames > Window > Top

January 8th, 2016, 02:23 AM
Mr. Grim thank you unfortunately no that's not it either. I have already checked that area and I have double and triple checked that there is no line there.

This is the window frame top and it has no line at the bottom it's the same color throughout.

I have looked over every graphic and cannot figure it out.

If you would like me to send you the .msstyles file I can. Remember it's for windows 10 build 10586

Thanks for your help.

January 8th, 2016, 02:56 AM
It's likely that it is Toolbars, Headers, & Rebar > Rebar > NavBar states. :D

January 8th, 2016, 03:11 AM
Thanks Neiio. I am using your nome theme to create a MAC OS X theme. I had one created perfectly for Windows 7 that I really liked so I thought I'd do one for Windows 10

It worked. See Below. What do you think?


January 8th, 2016, 03:15 AM
Cool, look forward to the results!

January 8th, 2016, 03:08 PM
Ok New Question.
Mr. Grim or Neiio, how do I change the graphic associated with the up arrow in the navigation? I could remove it with OldNewExplorer but I do not want to I just want to make it more minimal.


January 8th, 2016, 03:18 PM
Ok New Question.
Mr. Grim or Neiio, how do I change the graphic associated with the up arrow in the navigation? I could remove it with OldNewExplorer but I do not want to I just want to make it more minimal.


The up arrow is an icon in the shell32.dll, this dll has a digital signature though so can't be edited, you can however add new icons using the same numbers to the shell32.dll.mui file in the en-us folder or the language of your OS.

I did see on DA that someone made a tool to do this but not sure where it is now.

EDIT: OK I found the one on DA but it was for Windows 10 but should be the same, not tested it and it only gives the option to change to an alternative arrow for dark themes, it doesn't give you a choice to add your own.


January 8th, 2016, 04:22 PM
Thanks Mr. Grim. I got the program and it did fix the arrow so there is no white around it but I wanted to make the arrow smaller. If I add it to the shell32.dll.mui file where do I add it? I assume using Resource Hacker I can add it in the Icons section but which icon do I replace?

January 8th, 2016, 04:34 PM
There will be only one icon to replace in the shell32.dll.mui file 16818 is the icon you are looking for, I checked this tool out and it also added icon 16817 but this icon does not exist on Windows 8 so ignore it.

January 8th, 2016, 05:20 PM
How do I make the png file I have into an ico file for the shell32.dll.mui? I basically want to make the large arrow that is there for the UP alot smaller so it's less noticable

January 8th, 2016, 06:30 PM
How do I make the png file I have into an ico file for the shell32.dll.mui? I basically want to make the large arrow that is there for the UP alot smaller so it's less noticable

You could try one of the online png to ico converters like this one http://convertico.com/ or download a free icon maker like icoFX http://filehippo.com/download_icofx/6890/

January 8th, 2016, 06:51 PM
Thanks but this didn't work. It won't allow me to overwrite the shell32.dll.mui file

Also another issues I found that I have is something got corrupted in my theme because the command bar and all the ok and cancel buttons are corrupted. I've tried resaving the graphics and importing them back in but it won't work.

Is there any way I can correct this problem without having to scrap the whole theme and starting over?

January 8th, 2016, 07:45 PM
Thanks but this didn't work. It won't allow me to overwrite the shell32.dll.mui file

Also another issues I found that I have is something got corrupted in my theme because the command bar and all the ok and cancel buttons are corrupted. I've tried resaving the graphics and importing them back in but it won't work.

Is there any way I can correct this problem without having to scrap the whole theme and starting over?

First copy the file to the desktop then you will need to take ownership of the original file then rename the file to shell32.dll.mui.bak then make the changes to the file you copied to the desktop and then paste it back in the orginal folder when your done.

I made one for you, maybe it will work for you.

Not sure what the problem with your style is, some screens might be useful, also maybe upload your msstyles so I can take a look,, you might also want to check in C:\ProgramData\Windows Style Builder\Testing to see if you have a test msstyles in there that was not messed up, if you find one use the Diff tool (DiffTool.exe) that you got with WSB to see what changes were made to it.

January 8th, 2016, 07:59 PM
Thanks Mr. Grim. I rand the difftool and found the problems and got some of my changes back from yesterday which was the last file in the testing folder. The changes I made today were lost.

If I run into another problem I'll send you the msstyles file for you to review and take a look.

Thank sagian.

January 9th, 2016, 11:48 PM
Mr. Grim I have a question regarding the space between the minimize maximize and close buttons on the file explorer windows and apps.

Is it possible to reduce the space between the buttons?

Also I have an issue every time I tried to update the scrollbar graphics WSB keeps telling me there is an error in compilying the file and won't do it then the Commandbar/Folderband bar styling crashes and goes back to windows 95 look. Any idea why?

If you want a copy of the theme to test it out you can download it here. http://websitesink.com/Mac OS X Ultimate.zip

January 10th, 2016, 07:35 AM
Mr. Grim I have a question regarding the space between the minimize maximize and close buttons on the file explorer windows and apps.

Is it possible to reduce the space between the buttons?

Also I have an issue every time I tried to update the scrollbar graphics WSB keeps telling me there is an error in compilying the file and won't do it then the Commandbar/Folderband bar styling crashes and goes back to windows 95 look. Any idea why?

If you want a copy of the theme to test it out you can download it here. http://websitesink.com/Mac OS X Ultimate.zip

You can adjust the spacing a couple of ways, by either adjust the content margins for the glyph images on the buttons or by changing the cation button size.

Fonts, Colors, & System Metrics > Fonts & System Metrics > CaptionBarWidth
Fonts, Colors, & System Metrics > Fonts & System Metrics > CaptionBarHeight

Not sure why your having problems with the scroll bar though, unless you are adding images that are a different size and you haven't adjusted the sizing margins correctly.

I have included a modified msstyles with smaller caption buttons, I also edited the buttons to bring them closer together so they don't get squashed when a window is maximized like the WSB window for example.

January 10th, 2016, 03:29 PM
Thanks Mr. Grim.

I changed the caption width and caption height to 14 and that created the desired spacing of the buttons but I noticed the green one (the minimize button) has a space that is 3 pixels wider than the space between the other two. Do you know why that is?

I also noticed that while changing the captionwidth and captionheight in fonts and metrics where you said it also changes the size of the icons on the task bar which Is not really desired.

If you look at this screen shot of an ACTUAL MAC COMPUTER the buttons are really super close. That's what I would like to see.


I got the scrollbars edited the way I want without problem now. The only problem I had before is I was trying to make them rounded instead of squared. I had changed the sizingmargin and captionmargin but WSB didn't like it so I left those settings alone and made it square instead.

Here's a look at what I would like the scrollbars to look like but it won't work


Here is what my final skin looks like