View Full Version : Windows 10 Open/Save Dialog Box and StartButton Issues

January 10th, 2016, 08:44 PM
I am working on a theme for Windows 10 build 10586 to mimic Mac OS X and I stumbled upon something odd and I need your help.

When I go to upload a graphic to this forum I get the open dialog box below

This dialog box should look like this one that shows up when I try to open or save a file in WSB or any other program

What happened here to the folderband and the propertree background? how can I fix this so it works right?

Also I have a question about skinning the windows 10 start button

I changed the images at Unknown --> TaskbarPearl --> 1 and 2 but when I hover over it or press the button it is a solid color instead of my image. How do I fix this?

Starbutton Normal

Startbutton Hover

Starbutton Pressed

January 11th, 2016, 04:19 PM
I am working on a theme for Windows 10 build 10586 to mimic Mac OS X and I stumbled upon something odd and I need your help.

When I go to upload a graphic to this forum I get the open dialog box below

This dialog box should look like this one that shows up when I try to open or save a file in WSB or any other program

What happened here to the folderband and the propertree background? how can I fix this so it works right?

Also I have a question about skinning the windows 10 start button

I changed the images at Unknown --> TaskbarPearl --> 1 and 2 but when I hover over it or press the button it is a solid color instead of my image. How do I fix this?

Starbutton Normal

Startbutton Hover

Starbutton Pressed

Start button was working fine for me, the only problem you have is the shell folder is missing, the theme needs that or it won't display correctly, command bar will not be themed.

January 11th, 2016, 04:28 PM
Thanks but I have the Shell folder in my theme folder already. The theme displays correctly in the file explorer but the Open and Save dialog boxes do not display the folderband/command bar with the skinned graphics.

Open/Save Dialog Box

File Explorer Folders

Also the start button does work but when you hover over it and press it there should be the apple icon not just a blank square but I cannot find the blank squares in the theme to edit that.

I have attached the theme here again with the Shell folder included in the zip
http://websitesink.com/Mac OS X Ultimate.zip

January 11th, 2016, 09:52 PM
Open/Save Windows look fine for me, no idea what your doing wrong.

The start button works fine when using Sib but it changes the default behaviour, by default Windows uses your accent color to alter the color of the start button, it requires that the image be completely white and will not work with a button image like you have used, you will have to use just the apple logo without the button background as shown in my example.

Open/Save Windows look exactly as they should

This is using just the apple logo with a red accent and the other is how yours looks with SiB installed.

January 11th, 2016, 11:08 PM
So basically you're saying if I used just the white apple and not the grey box around it then it would work fine with the windows defaults? Ok thanks.

As for the other issues with the Open and Close dialog boxes I think it might be just a corrupted shell32 file in my system or a corrupted theme. Sometimes it loads right and sometimes it doesn't.

I have come to the conclusion that I have either a corrupt version of WSB or a corrupt theme.

When I downloaded it from avestylebuilder.com it did not come with an installation program just the exe file and the difftool that's it and every time I make even the slightest changes it crashes on me.

For instance I was trying to change the border sizing for the Taskbar & System Tray > Taskband > Aero > TaskbandExtendedUI > Horizontal > Thumbnails & Controls > Background WSB crashes it won't let me save. When I try to load the program and the theme again This whole section of the theme is missing.

Also when I changed the BtnFace color in Fonts and Metrics only the bottom 1/3 of the dialog box was colored. The rest of the box with the save box and file type box was the default windows color