View Full Version : Need help with UxThemeSignatureBypass tool

February 17th, 2016, 12:12 AM

I'm having trouble figuring out how to get the UxThemeSignatureBypass tool to work. Can someone please help. I used the auto injector for use with Windows 8.1 and up, but it doesn't seem to have fully worked. Here are some screenshots to show what I'm referring to.









I've tried adding the Jarvis theme into the aerilite.msstyles folder like with the UxStyles method and also into the simple windows\resources\themes folder like with the UxThemePatcher method but neither of them seem to be making any difference. I know it's possible to get it to work properly via the UxSignatureBypass method since it was working fine in a recent post in the Post Your Windows 10 desktop thread, but I can't seem to figure it out. Can somebody please help?

The screenshot of the registry shows the area of which the auto injector effected and what it placed in. I havent really changed it since using it because I'm not sure what to put into it.


Nevermind, I found a post i forgot i made and it has proper instructions, lol.

February 17th, 2016, 12:40 AM
I can confirm that it does work following the same steps Mr GRiM provides in his thread for allowing custom themes in TH2. Second, it has in fact fixed an issue I was experiencing in my VM that was caused by UxStyle.

You need to reference Mr GRiM's thread to make sure you're following all the steps correctly. It looks right in your screenshot, but what about the .theme files? Are they pointing to the correct location of the .msstyles?

Next, it looks to me like you have dhjohns all-in-one still installed. The reason I say this is because of that icon for your hard drive, I recognize the Windows logo from his installer. That patching method replaces system files with patched RTM build files. You may need to run sfc/scannow to remove those first.

Third, revisit Dark Knight's post here:

Okay,I looked through it. There is no way i'll be able to manually apply all of that. It's way too complicated to wrap my head around. Can someone possibly create a auto installer for all of the registry things needed, and put a file with any other things required in e folder as well with instructions on what to do with tem if there are any? Basically like what many of the themers here do with the registry auto applier things they put into the folder with the themes?

Dude ..... it's not that hard, here it is laymen's terms as simply as I can put it .......

Download DLL tool to bypass UXTheme signature verification (UxTheme Signature Bypass) here: http://www.glass8.eu/download.html - you will see the download link towards the bottom of the page (2 links from the bottom)

1.)Copy both dll's from the UxTheme Signature Bypass rar file to your C:\AeroGlass folder

2.) Open start menu, click "Run" , type "regedit" (without quotes) and hit enter

3.) in regedit on the left side tree open the following registry key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows

4.) With the last key (Windows) Highlighted make sure all keys on the right read as so, if not, edit or insert them (WITHOUT QUOTES) :

Make sure all the above is correct before closing registry editor.

5.) Copy the text below, paste to notepad and save the file to the desktop as AG-RegSetup.bat, run it by double clicking on the AG-RegSetup.bat file on your desktop then reboot. After reboot you will be able to run 3rd party themes.

I know the script below says Windows 10 but it works on both 10 and 8.1.

For Windows 8.1 or 10:

@Echo Off
:: AG-RegSetup.bat
:: DosProbie-March 2015
(NET FILE||(Powershell -command Start-Process '%0' -Verb runAs -ArgumentList '%* '&Exit /B))>Nul 2>&1
Reg Add "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows" /F /V "AppInit_DLLs" /T REG_SZ /D "%Systemdrive%\AeroGlass\ModernFrame.dll,%Systemdrive%\AeroGlass\UxThemeSignatureBypass64.dll"
Reg Add "HKLM\Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows" /F /V "AppInit_DLLs" /T REG_SZ /D "%Systemdrive%\AeroGlass\UxThemeSignatureBypass32.dll"
Reg Add "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows" /V "LoadAppInit_DLLs" /T REG_DWORD /D 1 /F
Reg Add "HKLM\Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows" /V "LoadAppInit_DLLs" /T REG_DWORD /D 1 /F
Reg Add "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows" /V "RequireSignedAppInit_DLLs" /T REG_DWORD /D 0 /F
Reg Add "HKLM\Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows" /V "RequireSignedAppInit_DLLs" /T REG_DWORD /D 0 /F
Timeout /t 3 /nobreak>Nul

It's that easy.

Edit : BTW , I take no credit whatsoever for the information above, all credit goes to Big Muscle For the UxTheme Signature Bypass dlls and injection code And DosProbie for the registry and bat file info to pull this all together so it works , all of it can be found over at MSFN, I just condensed a 3 page forum thread is all I did.

With the above info you can say goodbye to any UxTheme patcher you may be pulling your hair out with and not have to worry anymore about uninstalling it and switching to the default Windows theme when new Windows Updates come out, Windows updates will not affect what is above, just set it and forget it.

All I did to install Big Muscle's UxTheme Signature Bypass was I uninstalled UxStyle, rebooted, downloaded the two .dlls from his website, dropped those in AeroGlass folder and then created the .bat file with the script that Dark Knight copied and executed it.

EDIT: I see you solved your problem on your own. lol

February 17th, 2016, 01:10 AM
I can confirm that it does work following the same steps Mr GRiM provides in his thread for allowing custom themes in TH2. Second, it has in fact fixed an issue I was experiencing in my VM that was caused by UxStyle.

You need to reference Mr GRiM's thread to make sure you're following all the steps correctly. It looks right in your screenshot, but what about the .theme files? Are they pointing to the correct location of the .msstyles?

Next, it looks to me like you have dhjohns all-in-one still installed. The reason I say this is because of that icon for your hard drive, I recognize the Windows logo from his installer. That patching method replaces system files with patched RTM build files. You may need to run sfc/scannow to remove those first.

Third, revisit Dark Knight's post here:

Dude ..... it's not that hard, here it is laymen's terms as simply as I can put it .......

Download DLL tool to bypass UXTheme signature verification (UxTheme Signature Bypass) here: http://www.glass8.eu/download.html - you will see the download link towards the bottom of the page (2 links from the bottom)

1.)Copy both dll's from the UxTheme Signature Bypass rar file to your C:\AeroGlass folder

2.) Open start menu, click "Run" , type "regedit" (without quotes) and hit enter

3.) in regedit on the left side tree open the following registry key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows

4.) With the last key (Windows) Highlighted make sure all keys on the right read as so, if not, edit or insert them (WITHOUT QUOTES) :

Make sure all the above is correct before closing registry editor.

5.) Copy the text below, paste to notepad and save the file to the desktop as AG-RegSetup.bat, run it by double clicking on the AG-RegSetup.bat file on your desktop then reboot. After reboot you will be able to run 3rd party themes.

I know the script below says Windows 10 but it works on both 10 and 8.1.

For Windows 8.1 or 10:

It's that easy.

Edit : BTW , I take no credit whatsoever for the information above, all credit goes to Big Muscle For the UxTheme Signature Bypass dlls and injection code And DosProbie for the registry and bat file info to pull this all together so it works , all of it can be found over at MSFN, I just condensed a 3 page forum thread is all I did.

With the above info you can say goodbye to any UxTheme patcher you may be pulling your hair out with and not have to worry anymore about uninstalling it and switching to the default Windows theme when new Windows Updates come out, Windows updates will not affect what is above, just set it and forget it.

All I did to install Big Muscle's UxTheme Signature Bypass was I uninstalled UxStyle, rebooted, downloaded the two .dlls from his website, dropped those in AeroGlass folder and then created the .bat file with the script that Dark Knight copied and executed it.

EDIT: I see you solved your problem on your own. lol

Actually the method i found also failed. Same with sfc/scannow. Here's a screenshot of all sfc/scannow got to.


February 17th, 2016, 01:24 AM
Actually the method i found also failed. Same with sfc/scannow.

In explorer, search in C:\Windows\System32\ for themeui.dll, uxinit.dll, uxtheme.dll and see if those files have any backups (with extension like .del, etc.) If they do, the backups are the original unpatched files, so you'd have to rename the patched ones to something like .old and remove the added extensions of the original files. Other than that I don't know how to undo changes made by the all-in-one-installer.

February 17th, 2016, 01:29 AM
In explorer, search in C:\Windows\System32\ for themeui.dll, uxinit.dll, uxtheme.dll and see if those files have any backups (with extension like .del, etc.) If they do, the backups are the original unpatched files, so you'd have to rename the patched ones to something like .old and remove the added extensions of the original files. Other than that I don't know how to undo changes made by the all-in-one-installer.

I had already done that. Oh, well. Currently testing UxStyle to see if it will work this time. If it disables my built in display driver then I'll have to go back to the patched method.