View Full Version : Need a .bat file to apply this .reg file on startup.

March 22nd, 2016, 01:02 AM

I have a .reg file to hide the dropbox icon from the navigation pane of file explorer, but every time i logon the dropbox icon keeps showing back up in the navigation pane. Simply put, I need someone to create a .bat file t apply the .reg script for me. I'm hoping to set the .bat file to run at startup through taskscheduler, but I simply don't know how to create .bat files. Here is a .zip file containing the .reg file I have managed to create.


Can someone please create a .bat file that will apply the .reg file i placed into the above .zip file.

March 22nd, 2016, 01:50 AM

I have a .reg file to hide the dropbox icon from the navigation pane of file explorer, but every time i logon the dropbox icon keeps showing back up in the navigation pane. Simply put, I need someone to create a .bat file t apply the .reg script for me. I'm hoping to set the .bat file to run at startup through taskscheduler, but I simply don't know how to create .bat files. Here is a .zip file containing the .reg file I have managed to create.


Can someone please create a .bat file that will apply the .reg file i placed into the above .zip file.Open notepad and paste in
regedit.exe /S <path to your regedit file> for example
regedit.exe /S "C:\Hide Dropbox Navigation Pane Icon.reg" You must put in quotations when there are spaces in the path name. Then save your file as whatever.bat or .cmd. Make sure you select Save As from the top menu, and then all files when you name it. Or you can simply put quotations around the name. Such as "regfile.bat"

March 22nd, 2016, 02:36 AM
Sweet! worked perfectly! Thanks! :happy:

April 1st, 2016, 11:47 PM
Hello again,

Is there a way to make the .batch file auto accept the .reg file it applies? Here is the code that the batch file is currently using

regedit.exe /S C:\HideDropbox.reg

December 17th, 2017, 03:38 PM
Wow! I just saw this post. 1½ years late. But here is an excellent set of files which will remove dropbox icon. The xml file imports to task scheduler. You need to check all of the paths before you work with them, even the path in the xml file as I wrote it for me! If you have any questions get back with me.