View Full Version : File Explorer to Become a Modern App

March 22nd, 2016, 03:23 PM
File Explorer to Become a Modern App in Redstone

"New information has been revealed on Twitter from a Microsoft employee's account which indicates that with the upcoming Redstone update, Microsoft is going to revamp explorer to make it a Universal Windows Platform (UWP)/Metro app.

Peter Skillman, GM of Core UX for Windows Desktop revealed that they are working on a major update to File Explorer that can be used on touch devices. He has not shared exact dates when we will see these changes in Insider builds, but they will come eventually, sooner or later.

While this is definitely good news for touch screen device users, it is likely that most of Explorer's functionality will be eliminated like what happened to almost all modern apps based on the Universal Windows Platform."

This article was posted on Winaero March 22, 2016 by Sergey Tkachenko.
Link: http://winaero.com/blog/windows-10-redstone-will-get-an-updated-file-explorer/

First the classic time/date pane disappears and now this, things are going downhill fast for the Redstone update. This could mean the end of ONE, themes and customization of Windows explorer :unhappy:

March 22nd, 2016, 03:51 PM
This article was written by Sergey Tkachenko. While I have great respect for this man, and his knowledge, he is very down on Windows 10. I personally do not believe functionality would be removed from Windows Explorer as this would be of no benefit to Microsoft or anyone else. Also, with Explorer as an app, the Dark Theme for Metro Apps could be applied easily, and this is what everyone is hoping for right? I say we not go off our rockers, and judge before investigation. This porting of Explorer to a Metro App could very well be a thing of beauty. We should wait to see what happens.

March 25th, 2016, 09:22 PM
This article was written by Sergey Tkachenko. While I have great respect for this man, and his knowledge, he is very down on Windows 10. I personally do not believe functionality would be removed from Windows Explorer as this would be of no benefit to Microsoft or anyone else. Also, with Explorer as an app, the Dark Theme for Metro Apps could be applied easily, and this is what everyone is hoping for right? I say we not go off our rockers, and judge before investigation. This porting of Explorer to a Metro App could very well be a thing of beauty. We should wait to see what happens.

I agree. If File Explorer does become a Universal App then that would definitely come in very enjoyable for people who like the hidden dark theme. The only downside is that it still wouldn't support full customisation like it currently does. But even so, there's a possibility that Microsoft might find a way around that slight issue.

August 5th, 2016, 06:23 PM
New information about the Universal File Explorer


The application will respect the white or dark theme option depending on your system preferences.
It's not confirmed if it will replace classic explorer
Read more: http://www.neowin.net/news/a-new-file-explorer-app-for-windows-10-could-be-in-the-works

August 5th, 2016, 08:48 PM
I actually have this on my computer. If quick access is disabled it will not work so far, and it does not show the root drive of the computer.

August 5th, 2016, 10:19 PM
New information about the Universal File Explorer


The application will respect the white or dark theme option depending on your system preferences.
It's not confirmed if it will replace classic explorer
Read more: http://www.neowin.net/news/a-new-file-explorer-app-for-windows-10-could-be-in-the-works

This is false, It's not the universal file explorer at all, it's the app from Xbox and put on PC as stated here -- https://twitter.com/mehedih_/status/761526561262698496

August 5th, 2016, 10:22 PM
This is false, It's not the universal file explorer at all, it's the app from Xbox and put on PC as stated here -- https://twitter.com/mehedih_/status/761526561262698496

You might be right about it being false, it's all rumors at this point. I tend to think the file explorer app may be a UWP app by the time Redstone 2 comes out.

August 5th, 2016, 10:45 PM
in plain english like with most metro apps rather it's mickysours or another companies explorer is going to become a pile of.........


i truly hope the image isn't TOO small lol

October 1st, 2016, 06:50 PM
It's here


As you might be already knowing, Windows 10 build 14936 comes with a new Universal app (http://winaero.com/blog/meet-the-universal-file-explorer-in-windows-10/). It is a modern File Explorer, a UWP app which could replace the classic File Explorer in the near future. Many readers ask in comments how to launch the app in Windows 10 build 14936.
http://winaero.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/UWP-FIle-Explorer-600x469.png (http://winaero.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/UWP-FIle-Explorer.png)


October 1st, 2016, 08:09 PM
i must reiterate

in plain english like with most metro apps rather it's mickysours or another companies explorer is going to become a pile of.........


i truly hope the image isn't TOO small lol

October 1st, 2016, 08:30 PM
I understand the app as it stands now is pretty bad. But, I try not to project. I am sure the final product will be reasonably good. It has a long way to go, and is not meant to be used as it stands. Living in the positive is much better than keeping a negative attitude about things. At least that is how I see it.

October 1st, 2016, 10:19 PM
in plain english like with most metro apps rather it's mickysours or another companies explorer is going to become a pile of.........


i truly hope the image isn't TOO small lol

Shouldve been bigger. lol

October 2nd, 2016, 01:13 AM
I understand the app as it stands now is pretty bad. But, I try not to project. I am sure the final product will be reasonably good. It has a long way to go, and is not meant to be used as it stands. Living in the positive is much better than keeping a negative attitude about things. At least that is how I see it.

I think for a standard windows users point of view, this looks like a good thing but from enthusiasts who like to customize their PC's this brings in more limitations and brings us a step closer to loosing complete control over our PC's, without the likes of Tihiy and Big Muscle I would have never used Windows 8 or Windows 10, if they decided to stop supporting future updates then we will have nothing left to theme.

Now if MS was to go in the opposite direction and give us back full control to customize the OS while at the same time modernising the appearance and continuing to improve performance and added features then I am sure everyone here would be very positive towards Windows 10 changes but that is not the case and you can not expect any member of this site to want this future, you may call it living in the positive but I would call it living in denial.

October 2nd, 2016, 01:20 AM
You may call it living in the positive but I would call it living in denial.I am not denying anything. I just choose to be optimistic.

October 2nd, 2016, 01:34 AM
I am not denying anything. I just choose to be optimistic.

I would love to share your optimism but from the introduction of Windows 8 and 10 all I have seen is more and more of the traditional desktop being removed in favour of a more mobile/tablet style interface, all in an attempt to enter a market that sadly they are failing at while at the same time alienating their desktop users.

October 2nd, 2016, 01:41 AM
I have three monitors. On the left I have The Weather Channel app open at all times with my Twitter app. Both are very beautiful, and work well. In the middle is my desktop, and on the right, when I am not working (using both the middle, and the right at the same time) I can play solitaire from the MS Solitaire collection, a truly amazing app which syncs, and never loses my statistics. I could use a fourth monitor, but I must wait. I see no difference in the desktop from any other build, except for the truly amazing new Start Menu 10 has. I am so glad they have rid themselves of the antiquated menu driven one which was horrible to organize, and even worse to use. In 7 I made toolbars, and put them on the right side of the monitor. I would group my apps in it, and after 10 came out I realized it was very much like the new Start Menu! I suppose I was ahead of the curve on that one!