View Full Version : Venom Green 10 Theme FOR TH2 AKA 1511 AKA 10586 Only!!!!

April 27th, 2016, 04:32 AM
Venom Green + Aero Version Editeted by me
I found this theme on internet, its very similiar mr grim toxic but little more matte color

its saying made by rbn4u ( I just fixed some things )



Dont forgot to use SiB, OldNewExplorer, AeroGlass and Uxstyle or Uxtheme ^^

(tested on last version TH2 586.218. Sorry for everything if i did wrong was my 1st theme post ^^

April 27th, 2016, 05:40 AM
Venom Green + Aero Version Editeted by me
I found this theme on internet, its very similiar mr grim toxic but little more matte color

its saying made by rbn4u ( I just fixed some things )



Dont forgot to use SiB, OldNewExplorer, AeroGlass and Uxstyle or Uxtheme ^^

(tested on last version TH2 586.218. Sorry for everything if i did wrong was my 1st theme post ^^

Looks really cool. However, judging by how you said you 'found' it on the web, I must ask if you managed to get express permission from it's creator to post it here? Here at VC it's a rule to never post themes we didn't create ourselves unless we have express permission from the theme's original creator. Please don't take this the wrong way, I'm not trying to chew you out, I just don't want to see you get into any trouble for having shred this without the proper permissions.

P.S. - If you have gained permission, then I give you my own permission to vent all ye want for my blunder. I'm sure I may be sounding like a total ass with this, lol.

April 27th, 2016, 05:53 AM
Looks really cool. However, judging by how you said you 'found' it on the web, I must ask if you managed to get express permission from it's creator to post it here? Here at VC it's a rule to never post themes we didn't create ourselves unless we have express permission from the theme's original creator. Please don't take this the wrong way, I'm not trying to chew you out, I just don't want to see you get into any trouble for having shred this without the proper permissions.

P.S. - If you have gained permission, then I give you my own permission to vent all ye want for my blunder. I'm sure I may be sounding like a total ass with this, lol.

i tried to contact him on devianart but seems like he not responding and there no more hes themes to
but i found something interesting in he profile: InterestsFavorite visual artist
bbsa. Mr Grim.....
so i thing maybe he got mr grim toxic or mr grim based hes toxic on venom i dont know
maybe mr grim knows him? ill ask him (sorry my english)

April 27th, 2016, 06:04 AM
i tried to contact him on devianart but seems like he not responding and there no more hes themes to
but i found something interesting in he profile: InterestsFavorite visual artist
bbsa. Mr Grim.....
so i thing maybe he got mr grim toxic or mr grim based hes toxic on venom i dont know
maybe mr grim knows him? ill ask him (sorry my english)

lol, no worries, i understand ya fine. As for the rest, I'd check to see if MrGRiM gave him permission to make this theme. If what you said is true, he may have ripped off MrGRiM's Toxic theme when he made this one. If so, it will be up to MrGRiM to decide what to do with this thread.

April 27th, 2016, 10:29 AM
Decided to test it out anyways, and am having one slight issue. I don't know why mine is like this since your screenshot doesn't have this issue, but here is a screenshot showing the issue I'm having.


Basically, the left panel in PC Properties and the Personalisation Menu isn't showing up properly for some reason. If anyone can figure out what's wrong and fix this, then it would definitely be appreciated.

April 27th, 2016, 01:35 PM
ooooookaaaayyyy.... one heckuva problem with control panel in this theme. I've never seen this kind of issue before and have no idea what could have caused it or even how to fix it. Here is a screenshot.


Lets hope someone here knows what went wrong and can fix this, lol.

April 27th, 2016, 02:02 PM
ooooookaaaayyyy.... one heckuva problem with control panel in this theme. I've never seen this kind of issue before and have no idea what could have caused it or even how to fix it. Here is a screenshot.


Lets hope someone here knows what went wrong and can fix this, lol.

FiXed Control Panel for you, I had forgotten to fix that and automatic its gonna fix the left panel in PC Properties :ashamed:

April 27th, 2016, 02:11 PM
Venom Green + Aero Version Editeted by me
I found this theme on internet, its very similiar mr grim toxic but little more matte color,,,

the main theme color is fantastic, and it is always better to create topics from 0 or at least modify it completely ... to avoid the problems of "Copyright".I had never seen this issue, this is more like the "theme Toxic" by MrGrim.

April 27th, 2016, 02:23 PM
FiXed Control Panel for you, I had forgotten to fix that and automatic its gonna fix the left panel in PC Properties :ashamed:

Awesome! Thanks! I gotta admit I'm really liking this theme. It even looks better than Toxic imo [no offense MrGRiM, lol]. Now I just need to find some decent icons to use with it. :Peace:

April 27th, 2016, 02:35 PM
Awesome! Thanks! I gotta admit I'm really liking this theme. It even looks better than Toxic imo [no offense MrGRiM, lol]. Now I just need to find some decent icons to use with it. :Peace:

Recomend you Cryo64 Colossus 3G , Neon Green Blade or Hud Green from Mr Grim

April 27th, 2016, 02:43 PM
Recomend you Cryo64 Colossus 3G , Neon Green Blade or Hud Green from Mr Grim

Thanks, I was actually planning to use HUd Green but I checked out the Toxic iPack to see what it looked like and wound up choosing it, lol.

Dark Knight
April 27th, 2016, 03:06 PM
Guys ......

It looks to me that this theme was not ported properly, if it was ported at all, this is an old Windows 7 theme. Don't know where it came from or who made it but everytime I try to visit a site that "offers" it or to find out more about this theme, I get an "unsafe" or "malware infected" message pop up on my screen.

I say it wasn't ported properly because of the reasons I seen in the previous screens posted in this thread and I also downloaded the file from this thread an un-packaged it.....

First, @Darkwater , your side images are not showing because the shellstyle.dll images were not ported into the theme or should I say WSB, there is still a shell32.dll folder inside this package, that should not be on a Windows 10 TH2 theme.

Second, if you download the file and un-package it, it still includes an explorerframe.dll folder, this file is no longer needed on a Windows 10 theme, those images are directly input or ported into WSB, they are not called on anymore from a folder within the theme, neither are the shell32.dll folder files either.

IMO .... This is an old Windows 7 theme that was not ported properly or ported at all. Just judging from the sites that make it available, personally I would dump the file and this entire thread to avoid others from downloading and installing this theme, warn the member that uploaded it ( I see he/she is fairly new with only 25 posts) and monitor their future uploads for a while.

As for me, I'm not even going to take the time to try and install it to see what's wrong, it's not worth the heartache.

If you visit rbn4u's profile on DA ( http://rbn4u.deviantart.com/ ), This theme is not even listed, However there is a WMP skin to match this theme available. So I seriously question the validity of this file, because a search for it on DA does not even come up under ANYONE'S profile, and a Google search just leads you to infected websites.

If you ask me, it looks to me like Grim's Toxic red theme only recolored.

I thought you guys knew better than this :sigh:

Just for future reference on Windows 10 TH2 themes that are ported PROPERLY, after unpackaged they will ......
1.) No longer contain a shell32.dll folder
2.) No longer contain an explorerframe.dll folder
Those images are directly input into WSB for Windows 10 ports and new themes.

April 27th, 2016, 03:22 PM
Guys looks to me that is was not ported properly, if it was ported at all, this is an old Windows 7 theme. Don't know where it came from or who made it but everytime I try to visit a site that "offers" it or to find out more about this theme, I get an "unsafe" or "malware infected" message pop up on my screen.

I say it wasn't ported properly because of one of two reasons for the screen posted .....
1.) @Darkwater , your side images are not showing because the shellstyle.dll images were not ported into the theme or should I say WSB, there is still a shell32.dll folder inside this package, that should not be on a Windows 10 TH2 theme..
2.) if you download the file and un-package it, it still includes an explorer.exe file, this file is no longer needed on Windows 10 those images are directly input or ported into WSB they are not called on anymore from a folder within the theme, neither are the shell32.dll folder files either.

IMO .... This is an old Windows 7 theme that was not ported properly or ported at all. Just judging from the sites that make it available, personally I would dump the file and the entire thread, warn the member that uploaded it ( I see he/she is new with only 25 posts) and monitor their future uploads for a while.

As for me, I'm not even going to take the time to try and install it to see what's wrong, it's not worth the heartache.

I thought you guys knew better than this :sigh:

lmao. The theme has been fixed. Nicely posted the fix needed to fix the side images and control panel not long after I posted the screenshots. And on that topic, it actually works flawlessly now.

As for your popups claiming malware infected or unsafe, if you're getting those upon clicking the download link then that's a false positive. There's no infected files of any kind in this theme.

Dark Knight
April 27th, 2016, 03:53 PM
lmao. The theme has been fixed. Nicely posted the fix needed to fix the side images and control panel not long after I posted the screenshots. And on that topic, it actually works flawlessly now.

As for your popups claiming malware infected or unsafe, if you're getting those upon clicking the download link then that's a false positive. There's no infected files of any kind in this theme.

I never once said the theme itself was infected .......... the sites offering this theme ARE.

We have gone YEARS in this community without junk like this being posted, I hope I don't have to start scanning my downloads from here now.

And actually, the rule is, if the theme you are posting is not yours you MUST have the artists permission ....... period. If you can't get it, you don't post it.
I just had this argument not long ago with the dweebs that like to steal content and call it theirs over at Ten Forums.

April 27th, 2016, 04:10 PM
I never once said the theme itself was infected .......... the sites offering this theme ARE.

We have gone YEARS in this community without junk like this being posted, I hope I don't have to start scanning my downloads from here now.

awww come one Dark Knight. Go easy on the guy, will ya. It's his first port. And if you ask me, it's damn good for a first port. I don't mean to upset ya, but you're sounding a bit harsh on him. So far the theme is great. The explorer.exe folder holds the start orbs, and despite the files being in folders that don't normally get used in Windows 10, these ones are still working flawlessly. If ya ask me I'd say he did a damn good job on this one. I'm actually really enjoying it to be honest. You think maybe you can go a bit easier on him? He even mentioned in the main post that it's his first theme. I don't mean to sound rude or anything but your comment sounded extremely harsh.

Dark Knight
April 27th, 2016, 04:49 PM
awww come one Dark Knight. Go easy on the guy, will ya. It's his first port. And if you ask me, it's damn good for a first port. I don't mean to upset ya, but you're sounding a bit harsh on him. So far the theme is great. The explorer.exe folder holds the start orbs, and despite the files being in folders that don't normally get used in Windows 10, these ones are still working flawlessly. If ya ask me I'd say he did a damn good job on this one. I'm actually really enjoying it to be honest. You think maybe you can go a bit easier on him? He even mentioned in the main post that it's his first theme. I don't mean to sound rude or anything but your comment sounded extremely harsh.

I don't mean to sound harsh , really, I don't BUT with that being said .......

For years we have all been held to a standard at Virtual Customs, without question, and it has worked. Virtual Customs is a themeing community unlike no other. Everything uploaded here can be trusted without question and none of us, let me repeat, NONE OF US, post anyone else's work without permission, especially when it comes to themes, we all look out for one another whether it be here at Virtual Customs or on other forums.

Understanding that this is his/her first post but they do have a 25 post count and have been a member here since 2013, so with that being said, they should already know the rule(s), not being able to understand or read English is not even an excuse, I visit other non English sites everyday with the help of a translator. The only reason I can see for not knowing the rules is unless for the past three years all they have been doing is coming and taking what is offered for free without bothering to read the rules and leaving. Besides if we let one member get away with it eventually everyone wants the same treatment and what we have thereafter is chaos.

I would never dream of posting someone else's theme work without their permission, and if I could not get it for whatever reason I would just refrain from posting it.

I know my tag shows that I have been a member here not much longer than nicely, don't let that fool you, I have been a member here MUCH, MUCH, longer than that, when Grim switched from the old site to this one I was forced to re-join because for whatever reason my ID did not transfer, and I say this because the rules have always been the same and have never changed.

April 27th, 2016, 04:49 PM
only the menu needs repair ... the rest everything looks great.

April 27th, 2016, 04:55 PM
only the menu needs repair ... the rest everything looks great.
post print if u can let me see to fix

cuz here all ok for me. and try to download again cuz i alrdy made 5 fix today :)

April 27th, 2016, 05:13 PM
post print if u can let me see to fix

cuz here all ok for me. and try to download again cuz i alrdy made 5 fix today :)


and perhaps (as a suggestion) to change the color of the "accent" of purple or purple to green ... to make it look better.

April 27th, 2016, 05:16 PM

and perhaps (as a suggestion) to change the color of the "accent" of purple or purple to green ... to make it look better.

strange its something on your pc cant fix if not happening on my, im sorry :sad:

see? just printed 73456

April 27th, 2016, 06:52 PM
I don't understand the point in mashing up Mr GRiM's themes together. I would always rather just use his themes. This is some kind of crossover between the Windows 7 themes toxic and poison. I find the diagonal lines distracting on the taskbar and titlebar. A couple other issues I notice with the theme is the look of the minimize button on active windows and also the action of pressing a left or right explorer navigation button.

Please no more of these themes that are "based" on Grim's, on VC we mostly just like official release from the artist. I agree with Dark Knight all in all, but I do disagree with saying it's ported incorrectly for leaving some of the leftover Theme Resource Changer folders, I left them in my 7 ports for no particular reason. I know you didn't make the whole theme nicely, but are you certain the author of this theme got permission from Mr GRiM to modify his work? That maybe why he deleted it from his DA.

April 27th, 2016, 08:38 PM
I don't understand the point in mashing up Mr GRiM's themes together. I would always rather just use his themes. This is some kind of crossover between the Windows 7 themes toxic and poison. I find the diagonal lines distracting on the taskbar and titlebar. A couple other issues I notice with the theme is the look of the minimize button on active windows and also the action of pressing a left or right explorer navigation button.

Please no more of these themes that are "based" on Grim's, on VC we mostly just like official release from the artist. I agree with Dark Knight all in all, but I do disagree with saying it's ported incorrectly for leaving some of the leftover Theme Resource Changer folders, I left them in my 7 ports for no particular reason. I know you didn't make the whole theme nicely, but are you certain the author of this theme got permission from Mr GRiM to modify his work? That maybe why he deleted it from his DA.

ok, i alrdy talked to Mr Grim Waiting on response, (and again im sorry if i did something wrong :crying:)

April 27th, 2016, 08:53 PM
I don't understand the point in mashing up Mr GRiM's themes together. I would always rather just use his themes. This is some kind of crossover between the Windows 7 themes toxic and poison. I find the diagonal lines distracting on the taskbar and titlebar. A couple other issues I notice with the theme is the look of the minimize button on active windows and also the action of pressing a left or right explorer navigation button.

Please no more of these themes that are "based" on Grim's, on VC we mostly just like official release from the artist. I agree with Dark Knight all in all, but I do disagree with saying it's ported incorrectly for leaving some of the leftover Theme Resource Changer folders, I left them in my 7 ports for no particular reason. I know you didn't make the whole theme nicely, but are you certain the author of this theme got permission from Mr GRiM to modify his work? That maybe why he deleted it from his DA.

I modify ppls work all the time. I just dont upload it if they have a problem with it. I remember seeing a post from a long time back where Grim said that he liked seeing how ppl modify his themes to come up with something different. I have a blue version of Poison that i found on the net that i ported to 10.. just not gonna upload it .. unless Grim doesnt care. Anyways i think this theme looks good.. i just dont like green. lol

April 27th, 2016, 08:56 PM

and perhaps (as a suggestion) to change the color of the "accent" of purple or purple to green ... to make it look better.

I used Winaero Tweaker to add a matching shade of green to my color options and then applied that shade from there. Works fine for me.

Also, the menu shows up fine for me, perhaps you might need to use the registry hack for disabling the new context menu thing that Windows 10 uses [sorry can't remember the name at the moment, just woke up].

April 27th, 2016, 08:58 PM
I modify ppls work all the time. I just dont upload it if they have a problem with it. I remember seeing a post from a long time back where Grim said that he liked seeing how ppl modify his themes to come up with something different. I have a blue version of Poison that i found on the net that i ported to 10.. just not gonna upload it .. unless Grim doesnt care. Anyways i think this theme looks good.. i just dont like green. lol

Fair enough I didn't really mean modifying work's not allowed or cool but it's just better to check with the author first. Both Grim and the author of the WIndows 7 theme weren't asked. I also know the post you're talking about and I think I would feel the same way if I had designed graphics and themes like that and people put effort into making something different from it to personalize it in their own way.

April 27th, 2016, 09:08 PM
I don't mean to sound harsh , really, I don't BUT with that being said .......

For years we have all been held to a standard at Virtual Customs, without question, and it has worked. Virtual Customs is a themeing community unlike no other. Everything uploaded here can be trusted without question and none of us, let me repeat, NONE OF US, post anyone else's work without permission, especially when it comes to themes, we all look out for one another whether it be here at Virtual Customs or on other forums.

Understanding that this is his/her first post but they do have a 25 post count and have been a member here since 2013, so with that being said, they should already know the rule(s), not being able to understand or read English is not even an excuse, I visit other non English sites everyday with the help of a translator. The only reason I can see for not knowing the rules is unless for the past three years all they have been doing is coming and taking what is offered for free without bothering to read the rules and leaving. Besides if we let one member get away with it eventually everyone wants the same treatment and what we have thereafter is chaos.

I would never dream of posting someone else's theme work without their permission, and if I could not get it for whatever reason I would just refrain from posting it.

I know my tag shows that I have been a member here not much longer than nicely, don't let that fool you, I have been a member here MUCH, MUCH, longer than that, when Grim switched from the old site to this one I was forced to re-join because for whatever reason my ID did not transfer, and I say this because the rules have always been the same and have never changed.

I understand what you're saying, and to be honest it was the reason I asked if he had permission to post this. Simply put he seems like a nice guy and I find it hard to believe that he intentionally broke any rules. I don't like to see people get into trouble for breaking such rules, especially when it's unintentional. I'm actually rooting for him getting proper permission to keep this one posted, because he seems to have some damn good talent with this. I can see him making a name for himself here on VC for porting themes over.

Hopefully Mr GRiM will give him permission to keep this one up, because he did a great job on this and I would love to see him being able to post more ports.

Dark Knight
April 28th, 2016, 01:21 AM
I understand what you're saying, and to be honest it was the reason I asked if he had permission to post this. Simply put he seems like a nice guy and I find it hard to believe that he intentionally broke any rules. I don't like to see people get into trouble for breaking such rules, especially when it's unintentional. I'm actually rooting for him getting proper permission to keep this one posted, because he seems to have some damn good talent with this. I can see him making a name for himself here on VC for porting themes over.

Hopefully Mr GRiM will give him permission to keep this one up, because he did a great job on this and I would love to see him being able to post more ports.

I really don't see Grim being a hard nose about it, but on the other side f the coin I doubt he gave permission to the original artist in the first place which is why it was probably removed from the DA site. nicely is just caught in the middle, downloading and offering what he thought was innocently made by someone else.

The talent is there, he just needs to be made aware how to cultivate that talent legally.

April 28th, 2016, 06:27 AM
Hi guys, yes it is a mix of the original Poison style and Toxic that was not my original design anyway, the original design for poison was inspired by a Stardock Window blinds theme called Venom by vStyler (http://www.wincustomize.com/explore/windowblinds/7168/).

I never used any of his resources but I pretty much recreated the style on WSB, mainly because I wanted to see if I could, anyway there was a big fuss about it on DA years ago as I had never asked permission from Vstyler to post it and I changed a few bits to make it a bit more original and that's the Poison theme you guys have today.

We all make mistakes, I was new to the whole themeing stuff and pretty much forums and groups in general, I guess I should of known better but just didn't think much of it at the time.

As for this port, I really don't mind, it's not a problem for me, the only thing it looks like was done to this theme was de-branding it and recoloring Poison or using some of the green images from Toxic, aside from the lighting bolt instead of an arrow on the all programs button.

April 28th, 2016, 10:33 AM
WOW Absolutely beautiful...Any chance you could do a Blue and Pink one as well please? :happy::love:

April 28th, 2016, 12:05 PM
WOW Absolutely beautiful...Any chance you could do a Blue and Pink one as well please? :happy::love:

sure but after May, when I returned from vacation :)

April 16th, 2022, 03:02 AM
thank you