View Full Version : Might have discovered a way to change windows 10 notification tray icons [and more]

June 5th, 2016, 10:08 AM

I found out where the the icons for the cortana and task viewer icons are and noticed there are alternate versions of each [also there's icons for other built in windows areas there as well [possibly even notification tray icons, thus the title of this post]. If you open explorer.exe [from the c:\windows folder] in a reshacker program or so forth, you will find that the icons for many of the built in windows 10 things, like cortana and task viewer are in there. I've spotted two choices of colors each with 2 different versions of the icons in the topmost folder. The colors are white and black. Now, I think if possible the icons in that area could possibly be modified. However, I don't have a decent virtual drive program since vmware requires a seperate program [of which requires its user to be part of a friggin business to use] to create virtual clones of the currently installed os, and since the only free programs out there don't work on x64 bit systems [trust me I've tried, they all failed miserably]. I was thinking that if any of the pro themers here would like to give it a go in a virtual clone of their os then this info might come in useful.

Now, I'm not entirely sure if the notification tray cons are in that specific are but, since the others are, then I thought this could eventually come in useful anyways. Either way, I just figured I'd point out this little discovery of mine, lol. I hope it comes in useful.

Also, I didn't know where to actually post this, so I simply posted it here. I hope that's ok.

June 5th, 2016, 11:33 AM
just go to kickass and grab a damn copy of vmware from there geezse. and no one lecture about copyright cause i will cut you off at the knees, and don't give me the bullshit about not being safe.https://kat.cr/vmware-workstation-pro-12-1-1-build-3770994-activation-keys-t12608348.html

June 5th, 2016, 11:36 AM
fyi you don't need to do this in a "clone" of your os. just use the iso of your iso that you should have install in in vmware OR virtualbox(free)and then install the tool or tools you need and hack away.

June 5th, 2016, 12:13 PM
just go to kickass and grab a damn copy of vmware from there geezse. and no one lecture about copyright cause i will cut you off at the knees, and don't give me the bullshit about not being safe.https://kat.cr/vmware-workstation-pro-12-1-1-build-3770994-activation-keys-t12608348.html

That's where I go :smile:

fyi you could also just use their free VM Player that is just as good.

June 5th, 2016, 12:44 PM
lol, virtual box is one of the free ones i tried and for some reason it wouldn't create a working copy of my os [something to do with it being a x64 os]. Also, one of the reasons i suggested for one of the pros here to try it out is due to the fact that I wouldn't know the first thing about how to switch the icons it uses from that file, lol. I figured you guys would know more about that than I do, lol.

As for that copy of vmware I'll look into that. But for the vm player, that one also required the other extra program that vmware needed and I don't meet the requirements to use that [ofc i was trying to create a virtual clone of my os on both of those, lol]

Lastly, i dunno where to get the iso for my os since it was actually pre installed on my laptop when i got it [basically it's an OEM one].

Either way, I'll still look into that vmware link, lol. Also this thing didn't notify me of these replies so I kinda got to em a bit late, lol. [not sure why, lol] As for the notification tray icons, they are in that file as well, i simply forgot that i had seen them in there in a separate folder before finding the cortana and task view icons, lol [nothing new for me, my memory is crap, lol].

June 5th, 2016, 07:22 PM
Darkwater409 (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/280551-Darkwater409) as for an iso just see which version of 10 you have and go straight to microsour and grab a copy. you are entitled to a copy even though your's is oem. you could blow up the tower and you would still be legally entitled to a copy of the version that came with the tower, cause you did purchase that copy regardless of what they may claim. they like to try to tell you different. now make sure you get build 10586 since i'm sure that's what build you're running. need anything else just holler.

June 6th, 2016, 12:41 AM
Ok, got VMware installed, got the Windows.iso installed into the Virtual Drive, and it refuses to activate!!! It won't let me do any customization without activating it and it continues to tell me to change the product key or buy a new one! I'm seriously getting pissed at that issue. I had that same damn issue last time I tried to activate a copy of Windows 10 in a damned virtual drive! I give up on that bs. I'll just wait and see if anyone else figures out if the notification tray icons really can be customized through the explorer.exe program in c:\windows since all of the icons used for it are in there.

Simply stated, I'm done putting up with that virtual drive's bs.

June 6th, 2016, 01:25 AM
Darkwater409 (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/280551-Darkwater409) here

install vmware workstastion
use given key
choose create a new virtual machine
choose custom, next and next again
check / tick installer disc image file (iso):
click browse and navigate to where you stored the iso and select it, next
do not enter a windows product key(may get prompted, just click ignore), next
name your vm and choose the location where you want to save it, next
bios, next
select the number of cores your processor has, next
2048 or 2gigs is what i give in memory, next
use network address translation (nat), next
lsi logic sas, next
scsi (recommended), next
create a virtual machine, next
reduce from 60.0 to 30.0 gigs(you really won't need more than that), store virtual disk as a single file, next
put you .vmdk in the same folder as you did in step 6, next
check / tick power on this virtual machine after creation, finish
i suggest when done playing in it you use suspend, just click to close vmware and it will ask you what you want to do

June 6th, 2016, 02:10 AM
Darkwater409 (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/280551-Darkwater409) here

install vmware workstastion
use given key
choose create a new virtual machine
choose custom, next and next again
check / tick installer disc image file (iso):
click browse and navigate to where you stored the iso and select it, next
do not enter a windows product key(may get prompted, just click ignore), next
name your vm and choose the location where you want to save it, next
bios, next
select the number of cores your processor has, next
2048 or 2gigs is what i give in memory, next
use network address translation (nat), next
lsi logic sas, next
scsi (recommended), next
create a virtual machine, next
reduce from 60.0 to 30.0 gigs(you really won't need more than that), store virtual disk as a single file, next
put you .vmdk in the same folder as you did in step 6, next
check / tick power on this virtual machine after creation, finish
i suggest when done playing in it you use suspend, just click to close vmware and it will ask you what you want to do

I'll try that. One question, though. Will the iso created by media creation tool even activate in vm by signing into it with my microsoft account? or did i get the wrong iso?

June 6th, 2016, 02:39 AM
I'll try that. One question, though. Will the iso created by media creation tool even activate in vm by signing into it with my microsoft account? or did i get the wrong iso?

download from here. ignore the tool altogether.


just use a local account. if you're using apps from the app store you can't signin to your microsoft account for each individual store app.

June 6th, 2016, 03:49 AM
download from here. ignore the tool altogether.


just use a local account. if you're using apps from the app store you can't signin to your microsoft account for each individual store app.

ah, enterprise..... i'll pass. probably a stupid fear on my end but my dad fucked up one of my old laptops by installing a copy of windows 8.1 enterprise. I stay miles away from enterprise versions now. again, probably a stupid fear, but i'm not wiling to try any enterprise builds anymore.

plus i mainly posted the info on those icons to give the pros here something to test just in case it actually was the right area to customize the notification tray icons. i personally don't even know how the apply the alternate versions inside of that file. For those who might know how, I would possibly suggest trying to include a explorer.exe file in the theme pack itself with the custom notification tray icons and such and set the .msstyles to direct to that one for those icons [but that's still only if that area is the one that can be altered to customize the notification tray icons].

June 6th, 2016, 02:41 PM
Darkwater409 (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/280551-Darkwater409) you're right whatever went wrong with win 8.1 enterprise would be on your father not enterprise itself. with that said at least with my above post if you ever decide to test thing in vm before installing them in your real os you'll know how to. now as for changing the icons in the system try i know through the current build 10586 the icons can be changed. windowblind and winstep xtreme still have the ability to change the icons and they would be able to unless it was possible to hack the appropriate windows files to do so. now as for what i said about you owning a copy of win 10, regardless of any claims from microsoft about not owning the copy of 10 that comes with a prebuilt you do own it cause you purchased it with the tower and as long as you're not running it on more than one tower you are legally entitled to a copy of the version that came with your prebuilt. lastly if you want a copy of your version try going to mydigitallife, they should have the raw iso's or esd files you can convert into a iso. whatever you decide to do good luck.

June 6th, 2016, 04:27 PM
yeah, my dad likes to claim he knows everything about computers, but there have been many times that I have proven him wrong and yet he still will not admit to it. I've caught him red handed trying to milk it further than ever and he still never gave in, lol. In the end when he messed up that laptop I decided to never let him touch anything of mine ever again, lol. I did figure out why the version he put on there messed it up but after all the computers I've had that he hacked into without my permission and screwed up, I've also become a tad paranoid when it comes to protecting my computers, lol.

Many of the things I refuse to use are mainly because of the extperiences I've had with versions that he screwed up some of my older systems with, lol. Basically, if I remember correctly, the reason that version of Windows 8.1 Enterprise messed my old laptop up was because it was a severely virus infected crack that he got from Pirate Bay before that website got shut down, lol [Also, for some dumb*** reason, from what I've heard that website was recently reopened.... who the hell was dumb enough to let that website back up?!?].

All in all, though. Thanks for all the help. And thanks for the link to the copy of VMware. That will definitely come in useful for testing things out. :peace:

P.S. Also, to MrGRiM, I noticed while typing this that when the side bar on the right is active in the new VC Black theme for this website, the right side of the message box gets cutoff [basically the text inside it doesn't wrap properly and continues going past the right side of the box. It's easy to replicate if you're on the VC Black theme for this website. Just look at one of your posts with it on and click the edit button. You'll see the issue pretty quick.

June 6th, 2016, 04:36 PM
i'll be blunt nothing wrong the torrent sites INCLUDING thepiratebay. the reason you have security software is to scan EVERYTHING you download REGARDLESS of where or who you got it from. then and only then install it / use it. if companies weren't so damn greedy there would be no need for torrent or other "illegal" download sites.

June 6th, 2016, 04:48 PM
That's something I constantly argue with dad about. He always disables security software before downloading everything. He doesn't seem to know what security software is even there for lol. Like I said he put it on my comp WITHOUT my permission. I only found out he did so when I got home from school and got on my comp. That thing was so messed up I never got it working again. In the end I finally found out he had been the one responsible for putting that virus infected crack of Windows 8.1 Enterprise on it and he even told me he got it fro PirateBay. I never used PirateBay myself because everything I've seen him get from it back then was severely virus infested. I've seen him mess so many of his own computers up with crap he got from there, lol. I admit, since PirateBay got allowed back up, it's probably a lot safer than it was before it got shut down, but I'm very paranoid about protecting my laptop so you won't catch me using that website, lol. Simply put though, when he gets outta prison I'm putting one helluva security system up for my room to keep his ass away from my stuff, lol. That guy never learns. He messes with stuff simply because he likes to tinker with things. If it messes up he's all the happier because it gives him more to tinker with. But this is my last computer and I'm not letting him touch it, lol.

June 6th, 2016, 04:59 PM
i have a friend that if it's even remotely possible to mess it up he will find it. i gave up a long time ago on fixing his comp. i literally could write a best seller on his antics and the headaches he's given me because of them. simply put i get you, and feel for you.