View Full Version : Need help changing the OneDrive icon in the Desktop area of Windows 10 Nav Pane

June 7th, 2016, 10:06 PM

I'm trying to change the OneDrive icon in the Desktop section of the Windows 10 TH2 File Explorer Navigation Pane, but I can't seem to figure it out. Even the reg file I have for removing OneDrive from the Navigation pane doesn't effect the OneDrive icon in that section [I tried that because I couldn't figure out how to change it, personally I still want to change it].

I have an .ico of the icon I want to use for it [and even a .bmp and .png, though I doubt those will work]. But don't know how to change it. Can someone please create a .reg or .bat file that will change it for me?

Here is a screenshot for reference:


Here is the icon I wish to use:


The image itself is from neiio's Token Etched iPack download file which containes both the iPack and folders with icons in different formats [the one in the .zip file is the .ico version]. Can someone please create a .reg or .bat file that will change the specific OneDrive icon shown in the screenshot?