View Full Version : foobar2000 Mobile Edition

June 17th, 2016, 11:56 PM
Peter (http://forum.foobar2000.com/forum/member.php?2-Peter) http://forum.foobar2000.com/forum/images/statusicon/user-offline.png Administrator
Change log
See also: explanation of odd/even version numbers (http://forum.foobar2000.com/forum/showthread.php?174-Versioning-scheme-change-after-1-0-20).

Version 1.0.27/1.0.28, 2016-06-11

Added playback order controls, shuffle and repeat modes
Made the next track visible to the skin
Grid album view is now text+image by default, image-only is opt-in
Made duplicate tracks hidden by default when browsing
Various utility advanced preferences options added
Skin rendering bug fixes

Version 1.0.25/1.0.26, 2016-05-30

Fixed startup crash when moved to external storage on Android 6.x

Version 1.0.23/1.0.24, 2016-05-20

Improved pause performance with formats that are slow to seek
Added filetype registration for various supported media files as well as playlist files
Made possible to browse all found storage devices by folder even if they&*8217;re not music library folders
Support for M3U and PLS playlists
Support for internet radio using M3U and PLS playlists from web browser

Version 1.0.21/1.0.22, 2016-05-13

Various crashes fixed.
Fixed context menu "last active view" regression.
Re-formatted smaller notification layout a bit.
Rewritten skin picker semantics, should have no trouble locating user-made skins now.

Version 1.0.20, 2016-05-09

First public preview version
Tweaked notification layout some more
First run experience media library status display tweaks
Fixed grid view glitches on Android 2.3

Version 1.0.19, 2016-05-05

FFmpeg updated to 3.0.2
Added FFmpeg version info to about box
More crash bug fixes

Version 1.0.18, 2016-05-03

Reworked notification appearance, now with better playback controls and a close button
Crash bug fixes
Major updates to st3play, minor to ft2play, major to playptmod
Inclusion of all the PSF derivatives supported by iOS already
Inclusion of archive support

Version 1.0.16, 2016-04-15

Much more verbose console logging
Fixed playback view incorrectly rendering playback time values longer than 1 hour
Made dragging ReplayGain preamp sliders interrupt playback less

Version 1.0.15, 2016-03-30

Grid view for albums is now enabled by default
Added confirm-before-delete when browsing folders
Better info display when playing module files

Version 1.0.14, 2016-03-17

Fixed "skip silence" DSP crash
Module files are now much faster to open, but non seekable and do not show length
Prettier handling of non-seekable files (seekbar disabled)
Added "Reset" button to settings of individual DSPs
Made changing DSP settings interrupt playback less often
Made album grid view use skin provided images
Improved browse view album header looks on tablet devices

Version 1.0.13, 2016-03-11

Fixed skin element position calculation glitch, was mainly visible on low-DPI devices.
Module playback works again. Got lost with toolchain changes a while ago.
When browsing filesystem folders, last seen folder is now remembered across app instances.

1.0.11 change log

New folder icons in browse view.
Fixed shuffle albums vs shuffle tracks reusing each other's playlist instead of creating new ones.
Made re-opening a shuffle view actually re-shuffle tracks (but not when restarting app / restoring previous view).
Bug-fixed image downscaling code, various visual glitches in skined playback view should be gone.

1.0.8 change log

Fixed crash on skin change (1.0.7 regression)

1.0.7 change log

Fixed indexing of iTunes ID3v2.2 "compilation" tags.
Skins are now loaded off-main-thread with a "loading skin" notice.

1.0.4 change log

New feature: console log saving.
Fixed "sort albums by date" not always having an effect.
Fixed unresponsive "play" button longpress.
Added handler for "audio becoming noisy" event, should now properly pause on headphone unplug.
Various cosmetic fixes, fixed propagation of skin colors other than classic white/black ones.
Added missing "..." button in playback controls screen.

1.0.3 change log

Now a beta version available to all beta testers.
Fixed ugly text rendering in playback view.
Fixed disappearing playlist and app crashing on media library update.
Fixed notification buttons not working on newer Android versions.
Fixed shuffle playlist becoming re-shuffled on app restart.
Fixed DSP settings page not working on Android 2.3.x devices.
Refreshed DSP settings page looks.
Various other fixes.

Last edited by Peter; June 11th, 2016 at 02:31 AM. Reason: 1.0.28

Apple iOS (http://foobar2000.com/get-ios), Windows Universal (http://foobar2000.com/get-windows) (Windows Phone 10), and Android (http://foobar2000.com/get-android).