View Full Version : TechShell32Changer 2.4 Modify Shell32 Pane Navigations Windows 10

June 26th, 2016, 03:37 AM
Last Test on 14372 Build


Disable Antivirus (to make sure he not will delete tools)
Install - NetFramework 3.5 or higher
Disable UAC

Donate to Support my Work

Little Update 2.4.1
ChangeLog Inside the Tool now (to not spam the page)
and also i Added Tutorial Inside the Tool, Requested by Shemhamforash who gave me idea

Do not use on future builds before i update it, it can crash your system.

All the Sugestions and Ideas are Welcome
If someone wants to participate and
Help with some kwnoledge on Visual C#, C++, Basic And Comands Lines Syntaxes
Or even help little with design,such as backgrounds, UI Style and etc...
are welcome to.

June 26th, 2016, 08:31 PM
One suggestion I have is for you to include some kind of written instructions for the steps taken to use the app. The videos are ok but I prefer following written steps for something like this. So far this hasn't been working for me on 14372. 1. Wow, Windows Defender just deletes this if it's on the desktop (have to disable Windows Defender using Winaero Tweaker) 2. Install .NET framework 3. Install TakeOwnershipEx and navigate to shell32.dll file in System32 right click and take ownership 4. Click on TSORWW 5. Add .bmp files to app's folder (not sure if .jpg will work anymore) 6. Click Certificate Permission 6. Click TechShell32Changer 7. Reboot 8. Each time you want to change the shell32.dll images make sure to click Restore and reboot

Like I said, it's not currently working for me on 14372, all I get is a black screen but I'd imagine the steps going something like that.

June 26th, 2016, 10:14 PM
One suggestion I have is for you to include some kind of written instructions for the steps taken to use the app. The videos are ok but I prefer following written steps for something like this. So far this hasn't been working for me on 14372. 1. Wow, Windows Defender just deletes this if it's on the desktop (have to disable Windows Defender using Winaero Tweaker) 2. Install .NET framework 3. Install TakeOwnershipEx and navigate to shell32.dll file in System32 right click and take ownership 4. Click on TSORWW 5. Add .bmp files to app's folder (not sure if .jpg will work anymore) 6. Click Certificate Permission 6. Click TechShell32Changer 7. Reboot 8. Each time you want to change the shell32.dll images make sure to click Restore and reboot

Like I said, it's not currently working for me on 14372, all I get is a black screen but I'd imagine the steps going something like that.

ill keep that in mind and will try to post tutorial inside app, but about takeownership its alrdy incluided on codes inside app, and about images shell32 accepts only bmp's,
and about your pc go to black scren its strange. maybe u have some program or uac i dont know, i tested on 5 machines and fixed all errors. and video maded on 14372.

June 26th, 2016, 11:03 PM
ill keep that in mind and will try to post tutorial inside app, but about takeownership its alrdy incluided on codes inside app, and about images shell32 accepts only bmp's,
and about your pc go to black scren its strange. maybe u have some program or uac i dont know, i tested on 5 machines and fixed all errors. and video maded on 14372.

Yeah I'm not sure either why the black screen is occurring, I will try again (I've tried twice).
- I was wondering whether using takeownership would be redundant, good to know
- I did have UAC disabled
- Can the bmps be different sizes?
- When using restorator I used to change the images to .jpg format, not possible with this version?

June 26th, 2016, 11:08 PM
Yeah I'm not sure either why the black screen is occurring, I will try again (I've tried twice).
- I was wondering whether using takeownership would be redundant, good to know
- I did have UAC disabled
- Can the bmps be different sizes?
- When using restorator I used to change the images to .jpg format, not possible with this version?

I tried different sizes u can see in 1st video and on 2nd video its not maked difference, and about bmp i not tried jpg yet, but just tried to maintein format as originals was in BMP

Sorry English;

I have something interesting in mind i cant tell right now, but if it works out we will not need any of that,
and everything will flow like it used to be

June 26th, 2016, 11:23 PM
I tried different sizes u can see in 1st video and on 2nd video its not maked difference, and about bmp i not tried jpg yet, but just tried to maintein format as originals was in BMP

Sorry English;

I have something interesting in mind i cant tell right now, but if it works out we will not need any of that,
and everything will flow like it used to be

OK, sounds good I look forward to that, this tool is coming along well but I like that you might be steering it in a different direction than it's current implementation. btw I just tried again and it's definitely not working for me on this build for some reason. Strangely it's not working for 14371 either. Not sure if I have missed something, but I'll wait for the next build

June 26th, 2016, 11:33 PM
OK, sounds good I look forward to that, this tool is coming along well but I like that you might be steering it in a different direction than it's current implementation. btw I just tried again and it's definitely not working for me on this build for some reason. Strangely it's not working for 14371 either. Not sure if I have missed something, but I'll wait for the next build

i just dont know how to fix it for u, cuz after u said i downloaded from here to see if not crashed or someting like that when i ulpoaded and i got tested on 2 different virtual machines and worked fine :(

June 26th, 2016, 11:36 PM
i just dont know how to fix it for u, cuz after u said i downloaded from here to see if not crashed or someting like that when i ulpoaded and i got tested on 2 different virtual machines and worked fine :(

Am I missing something? Check my first post those steps are the ones I took, Plus Disabling UAC and rebooting.

June 26th, 2016, 11:48 PM
I have a feature request as well, maybe add the ability for control panel System Branding images and custom explorer background texture. I'm not sure if either of those are possible, but those are the two other ONE settings that are currently missing due to the lack of a fully working update by Tihiy.

June 27th, 2016, 12:33 AM
I have a feature request as well, maybe add the ability for control panel System Branding images and custom explorer background texture. I'm not sure if either of those are possible, but those are the two other ONE settings that are currently missing due to the lack of a fully working update by Tihiy.

u did all right all steps are fine, or something corrupted your system or u tried more then 1 time without restarting system and some files stuck on patch system, ill try to make new option soon for thoose who maked something wrong to fix and reset configurations to start at beggining.

your feature idea sounds good, i can add that all about branding and etc they are easiest then shell, and about ONE's i have something interesting coming. cant tell yet :)

but thats all was too much for me to do in a short period of time.

June 27th, 2016, 12:49 AM
u did all right all steps are fine, or something corrupted your system or u tried more then 1 time without restarting system and some files stuck on patch system, ill try to make new option soon for thoose who maked something wrong to fix and reset configurations to start at beggining.

your feature idea sounds good, i can add that all about branding and etc they are easiest then shell, and about ONE's i have something interesting coming. cant tell yet :)

but thats all was too much for me to do in a short period of time.

Mr GRiM is applying custom UI files the old fashioned way and modifying system files. It would be great to have those features which ONE doesn't have for sure though.

Reference this post for Mr GRiM's Experimental Theme Files (http://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/69794-Post-Your-Windows-10-Desktop/page80?p=314123&viewfull=1#post314123)

June 27th, 2016, 01:03 AM
Shemhamforash (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/280089-Shemhamforash) you may be dealing with something like i'm currently dealing with on 10586. i installed dhjohns all-in-one installer and then to play it safe i did uxtheme and uxstyle. i added grims black themes and your special edition. i switched to grims without an issue, think i switched to yours and got the black screen and had to roll back. luckily i did a snapshot before adding yours and grims themes. still had the patchers in and tried grims themes again and black screen. from what i can see i should have no problems at all. gsw953's themes that are in dhjohns all-in-one installer work just fine.

LOL found another bug. just rightclick in the post box here to correct a word and all the text turned white.

July 11th, 2016, 11:19 PM
I think there's a good probability it was black screening for me because the .bmp's were corrupt. I exported them the way I was supposed to, but I'll have to give it another try using PS. The thumbnails for my .bmps would display correctly and I could open them, however when importing it to a res file restorator did display that it was corrupt.

July 12th, 2016, 02:13 AM
I think there's a good probability it was black screening for me because the .bmp's were corrupt. I exported them the way I was supposed to, but I'll have to give it another try using PS. The thumbnails for my .bmps would display correctly and I could open them, however when importing it to a res file restorator did display that it was corrupt.
if you exported them from dll they must be in Read-only mode, just unmark read mode.

July 12th, 2016, 11:24 PM
if you exported them from dll they must be in Read-only mode, just unmark read mode.

Well I never exported them from the .dll I was just saying I tried importing them to a res file. Anyway to follow up with you, it did black screen for me on 14376 (that was expected though, since it's not been supported yet), the only other earlier snapshot I still had was build 14295, this time I used .pngs exported from a theme, exported them from PS in 32 depth bmp and also double checked if I could add them to a shell32.dll file and this time they did display properly without any corrupt message (I don't recommend ever using gimp to make bmp files it has never worked for me at least). Unfortunately it did black screen for me on 14295 as well, did everything as per usual - Disabled UAC and Defender, installed .NET frameworks and then ran the three sections in your installer. Not sure what it could be, maybe it has something to do with virtualbox even. I wouldn't worry to much about it though, I know your saving up for software to write a replacement for ONE if it comes to that anyways.

July 13th, 2016, 02:29 AM
Well I never exported them from the .dll I was just saying I tried importing them to a res file. Anyway to follow up with you, it did black screen for me on 14376 (that was expected though, since it's not been supported yet), the only other earlier snapshot I still had was build 14295, this time I used .pngs exported from a theme, exported them from PS in 32 depth bmp and also double checked if I could add them to a shell32.dll file and this time they did display properly without any corrupt message (I don't recommend ever using gimp to make bmp files it has never worked for me at least). Unfortunately it did black screen for me on 14295 as well, did everything as per usual - Disabled UAC and Defender, installed .NET frameworks and then ran the three sections in your installer. Not sure what it could be, maybe it has something to do with virtualbox even. I wouldn't worry to much about it though, I know your saving up for software to write a replacement for ONE if it comes to that anyways.
it need to be in BPM format with, Windows 24 bits
so next time use my images as base and just replace with your image ans save over.
(if your ps cant save as windows 24bits)
and this tools still working on last windows buils 14385 gonna test tomorow on newest 14388

July 13th, 2016, 02:48 AM
it need to be in BPM format with, Windows 24 bits
so next time use my images as base and just replace with your image ans save over.
(if your ps cant save as windows 24bits)
and this tools still working on last windows buils 14385 gonna test tomorow on newest 14388

OK tried saving as a bmp 24 bit rather than 32, no luck just the same results. Maybe I'll try later on with your default images, I feel like I tried that already and it didn't work either :evil:

July 13th, 2016, 02:51 AM
OK tried saving as a bmp 24 bit rather than 32, no luck just the same results. Maybe I'll try later on with your default images, I feel like I tried that already and it didn't work either :evil:

maybe cuz of tried to much some files stuck on the system patch im gonna add button with reset setting on tool soon as i can

July 13th, 2016, 10:17 AM
maybe cuz of tried to much some files stuck on the system patch im gonna add button with reset setting on tool soon as i can

I don't think that's the problem since each time I try it's on a new VM.

July 13th, 2016, 02:01 PM
I don't think that's the problem since each time I try it's on a new VM.
then its the image format, cuz everytime time they launch new build im going test on VM to.

July 13th, 2016, 02:18 PM
then its the image format, cuz everytime time they launch new build im going test on VM to.

OK I'll try later on with your images. The ones I exported were different sizes than yours but they were 24 bit Windows BMP created using PS.

July 13th, 2016, 02:40 PM
OK I'll try later on with your images. The ones I exported were different sizes than yours but they were 24 bit Windows BMP created using PS.

its really strange, let me tell you what i made, the BMP's i extracted was original i just unblock (they are incluided with tool), then i imported to ps replaced with mine, pressed merge then CTRL+S thats all.

July 13th, 2016, 03:04 PM
its really strange, let me tell you what i made, the BMP's i extracted was original i just unblock (they are incluided with tool), then i imported to ps replaced with mine, pressed merge then CTRL+S thats all.

Not too sure what you mean by unblock but if I understand correctly it would work to open images included with the tool, resize image , import PNG, merge and hit save in PS. I will try without altering the images next though so we can know for sure if it is the images causing the problem.

July 13th, 2016, 03:20 PM
make sure the images are the same size as the default images, also you can add those images to the shell32.dll.mui file, first create a res file from the shell32.dll with those 2 images and then add that res file to the shell32.dll.mui file, then replace the images after with your custom ones, restart to take effect.

This also has the added benefit of not needing to replace any signatures and it's also allot safer, it should boot no matter what.

July 13th, 2016, 05:31 PM
OK I'll try later on with your images. The ones I exported were different sizes than yours but they were 24 bit Windows BMP created using PS.

Sorry i did a mistake on answering your questions, i though u talking about TechLogoChanger. i did pay attention my mistake

July 13th, 2016, 09:18 PM
Sorry i did a mistake on answering your questions, i though u talking about TechLogoChanger. i did pay attention my mistake

OK just to confirm, it does black screen even when it's your default bmp's included in the download.

July 13th, 2016, 09:33 PM
OK just to confirm, it does black screen even when it's your default bmp's included in the download.
its strange bro, im gonna test it again on 14388 today. to see what's going on.

July 13th, 2016, 10:04 PM
its strange bro, im gonna test it again on 14388 today. to see what's going on.

Yeah no worries, I know with the information I'm providing it's difficult to figure out why this could be happening.

On another note I found a copy of TechSignSystem 1.3.1 I still had, and I'm happy enough with it right now. In my prior experience using this tool, I faced the issue of it no longer working after replacing the shell32.dll file more than once. This time I tried it once and rebooted and it worked, hit the restore function, removed the digital signature and added your bmps to the shell32.dll file from this OP, added digital signature and it worked. Third time did not hit the restore button, removed digital signature and reapplied it after adding new bmps (32 bit depth) and rebooted and it still work, so it seems like the bug for that older tool, which I personally believe still should be available for download, at least TechSignSystem 1.3.1 New UI 3 Steps, Faster and Easier (Updated to RS1 14367) if not Tools Fix Pane Navigations on RS1 (temporarily), because as Mr GRiM and I have both said that one had some good basic functionality. Personally I like the tool/app style of Winaero the best, very straightforward and simple with core functionality. I also like plain colors for buttons and backgrounds. Something like this would be fine with a more basic GUI like OldNewExplorer, this is just my opinion though.

July 16th, 2016, 06:55 AM
Yeah no worries, I know with the information I'm providing it's difficult to figure out why this could be happening.

On another note I found a copy of TechSignSystem 1.3.1 I still had, and I'm happy enough with it right now. In my prior experience using this tool, I faced the issue of it no longer working after replacing the shell32.dll file more than once. This time I tried it once and rebooted and it worked, hit the restore function, removed the digital signature and added your bmps to the shell32.dll file from this OP, added digital signature and it worked. Third time did not hit the restore button, removed digital signature and reapplied it after adding new bmps (32 bit depth) and rebooted and it still work, so it seems like the bug for that older tool, which I personally believe still should be available for download, at least TechSignSystem 1.3.1 New UI 3 Steps, Faster and Easier (Updated to RS1 14367) if not Tools Fix Pane Navigations on RS1 (temporarily), because as Mr GRiM and I have both said that one had some good basic functionality. Personally I like the tool/app style of Winaero the best, very straightforward and simple with core functionality. I also like plain colors for buttons and backgrounds. Something like this would be fine with a more basic GUI like OldNewExplorer, this is just my opinion though.

i see, i just installed on VM 14390 and still working fine (TechShell32Changer 2.4) without need to update

July 16th, 2016, 01:26 PM
i see, i just installed on VM 14390 and still working fine (TechShell32Changer 2.4) without need to update

OK thanks, I'm not going to try it though to be honest for some reason the tool in this OP has not worked for me before. As for keeping the older editions available for download, the more I think about it the more I understand why you'd rather have just one, and when the new one comes out you'll probably just have that one. Apparently 14390 could be the RTM.

July 16th, 2016, 02:25 PM
OK thanks, I'm not going to try it though to be honest for some reason the tool in this OP has not worked for me before. As for keeping the older editions available for download, the more I think about it the more I understand why you'd rather have just one, and when the new one comes out you'll probably just have that one. Apparently 14390 could be the RTM.

yeah that the rumors :)

July 16th, 2016, 02:44 PM
yeah that the rumors :)

I'm dealing with a technical issue currently, some problem with a virtualbox update so I'm not able to access any VMs right now.

July 16th, 2016, 02:52 PM
I'm dealing with a technical issue currently, some problem with a virtualbox update so I'm not able to access any VMs right now.

virtual box its not fully compatible with redstone yet use VMW

July 16th, 2016, 03:11 PM
virtual box its not fully compatible with redstone yet use VMW

I've never had problems with using RS1 on virtualbox, the problem I'm currently facing is that I cannot execute virtualbox itself.
Edit: Got it working, was just a qt5 package missing (looks possibly like it's had an optional dependancy change on the wiki).
When Windows 10 RTM/10240 came out there were problems with the guest additions, but since they were updated a long time ago since at least TH2 they have never failed me. Other than that there was one version which was buggy and would freeze up but that was about two versions ago and since then no VM freezes. I can also take full advantage of the native Aero effects in Windows 7 too, just have to make some changes to my powermizer settings for my Nvidia card.

July 16th, 2016, 03:33 PM
I've never had problems with using RS1 on virtualbox, the problem I'm currently facing is that I cannot execute virtualbox itself.
Edit: Got it working, was just a qt5 package missing (looks possibly like it's had an optional dependancy change on the wiki).
When Windows 10 RTM/10240 came out there were problems with the guest additions, but since they were updated a long time ago since at least TH2 they have never failed me. Other than that there was one version which was buggy and would freeze up but that was about two versions ago and since then no VM freezes.

just saying i had a conversation with them few month ago, they like to fix only when final version of windows release

July 16th, 2016, 03:39 PM
just saying i had a conversation with them few month ago, they like to fix only when final version of windows release

Good to know thanks. Unfortunately I'm not in a position to purchase VMWare Workstation, plus there was a few caveats I had when I did install it, couldn't figure everything out as easily. Edit: No luck yet finding the location to change the navbar background for open/save dialogs.

July 16th, 2016, 06:52 PM
just saying i had a conversation with them few month ago, they like to fix only when final version of windows release

They seem to have introduced a lot of new underlying changes with this update to virtualbox, some really strange stuff going on. I hope they make the qt interface themeable again and fix this odd cursor bug
I'm having problems fully copying some files in RS1, too lol. I'm hoping they make some changes again like you said when RS1 comes out.

November 3rd, 2016, 09:53 PM
Will check out, thanks!