View Full Version : All Themes for 10586 AKA TH2 Work on 10240 AKA RTM?

June 27th, 2016, 04:52 PM

I'd been curious for a little while now as to whether or not Windows 10 RTM AKA 10240 would apply themes released for Wintows 10 TH2 AKA 10586, so I installed Windows 10 x64 10240 Pro using official ISO images, installed everything the way I normally do for custom themes, copied all my Windows 10 TH2 AKA 10586 themes into my themes folder inside Windows 10 10240, and the themes all seem to work with little to no problems (found one bug with the desktop immersive rc menu showing the wrong borders).
Here's a screenshot of my desktop:

This changes things for me a bit, as in I might have to prepend "for Windows 10 All Versions Up to and Including RS1 Only!!" to all my theme threads instead of making any new ones. :cheeky:
Can anybody find anything wrong with applying themes for 10586 AKA TH2 on Windows 10 10240 AKA RTM? I have been looking for any problems, but so far it has been relatively bug free experience compared to using the themes for TH2 (sometimes even less buggy) :smile:

June 27th, 2016, 10:48 PM
Didnt think you could do that. Anyways.. that would be going backwards for me. Im on latest pb of rs1...... but good to know for others still on rtm

June 27th, 2016, 10:58 PM
That would make sense as there was nothing really changed with the TH2 themes, it was mostly things removed that my import script added back aside from the addition of the new set of caption buttons, unlike RS1 where a lot of the DWM window frame and caption buttons changed their part numbers.

June 27th, 2016, 11:00 PM
Didnt think you could do that. Anyways.. that would be going backwards for me. Im on latest pb of rs1...... but good to know for others still on rtm

I didn't think of trying to use TH2 themes on the RTM until The Nude Dude was posting about it, but now if someone wants a theme for 10240 just tell them it works to use the TH2 theme. It reminds me a bit of how when 10 first came out we were using Windows 8.1 themes on it, now the cross compatibility is still there, but better with themes from TH2. In fact I have still yet to come across any problems with using the themes. I'm pretty happy about this, because now we can say there are themes for all versions of Windows 10 that can run custom .msstyles for the foreseeable future.

June 27th, 2016, 11:04 PM
I didn't think of trying to use TH2 themes on the RTM until The Nude Dude was posting about it, but now if someone wants a theme for 10240 just tell them it works to use the TH2 theme. It reminds me a bit of how when 10 first came out we were using Windows 8.1 themes on it, now the cross compatibility is still there, but better with themes from TH2. In fact I have still yet to come across any problems with using the themes. I'm pretty happy about this, because now we can say there are themes for all versions of Windows 10 that can run custom .msstyles for the foreseeable future.

Have you tried running TH2 themes on RS1 yet?

June 27th, 2016, 11:11 PM
Have you tried running TH2 themes on RS1 yet?

Oh, I've had all my themes imported for a while now, after I finished updating all my TH2 themes I redid all my RS1 themes and now I am pretty much done.

June 28th, 2016, 06:03 PM
guys please refference the last several post here:


September 3rd, 2016, 07:38 AM
Great Theme

January 12th, 2017, 07:25 AM