View Full Version : My current Vivaldi setup

July 7th, 2016, 08:53 AM
I figured I'd show off my current Vivaldi browser setup. I based the colors for this one off of the ASUS Dark - Red Premium theme for Windows 10 TH2. Personally I think it looks badass. :Smug:


July 7th, 2016, 10:23 AM
Not tried Vivaldi, looks good though.

August 8th, 2016, 04:57 PM
I'm currently trying out Vivaldi

With extensions

Due to Pale Moon not rendering animations very well when scaled down

Unfortunately, just like Google Chrome, there is a problem with my setup and using Chrome/Vivaldi stabally. The problems start happening when minimizing and maximizing the browsers from the panel using Compiz.

August 8th, 2016, 07:39 PM
I'm currently trying out Vivaldi

With extensions

Due to Pale Moon not rendering animations very well when scaled down

Unfortunately, just like Google Chrome, there is a problem with my setup and using Chrome/Vivaldi stabally. The problems start happening when minimizing and maximizing the browsers from the panel using Compiz.

Yeah, Vivaldi is still a fairly new browser, and as such is still in development. The version gained from the actual Vivaldi website is actually an older version. The one I was using was the newer version (although I can't remember where I got it from). I'll post a link to the version I was using if I can find it again. However, I'm not sure if the newer version will work properly with this 'Compiz' thing as I've never heard of it nor tested it before.


Ok, so, the latest version can now be found here (https://vivaldi.net/en-US/teamblog/141-snapshot-1-3-551-21-notes-fixes?utm_content=bufferc58e0&utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook.com&utm_campaign=buffer)

August 8th, 2016, 07:42 PM
Yeah, Vivaldi is still a fairly new browser, and as such is still in development. The version gained from the actual Vivaldi website is actually an older version. The one I was using was the newer version (although I can't remember where I got it from). I'll post a link to the version I was using if I can find it again. However, I'm not sure if the newer version will work properly with this 'Compiz' thing as I've never heard of it nor tested it before.

I was using Vivaldi before it was officially released and when it was still Beta. I was hoping it'd be a lot like Opera since it's made by the same developers. It's pretty keyboard shortcut driven, it's a good browser but I have problems with both it and chrome so I rarely use them, even though they do render certain things better. I also don't really like the look of Vivaldi.

August 8th, 2016, 07:55 PM
I was using Vivaldi before it was officially released and when it was still Beta. I was hoping it'd be a lot like Opera since it's made by the same developers. It's pretty keyboard shortcut driven, it's a good browser but I have problems with both it and chrome so I rarely use them, even though they do render certain things better. I also don't really like the look of Vivaldi.

I like the way it looks and how customizable Vivaldi is, but it is actually driven by the Blink engine of which is used by Google Chrome. So I can see why it would have the same issues that Google Chrome has.

August 11th, 2016, 06:35 PM
A new version is out with lots of changes and now you can make your own custom themes.

Looking really good now, imo:

Themes window:

August 11th, 2016, 09:47 PM
I figured I'd show off my current Vivaldi browser setup. I based the colors for this one off of the ASUS Dark - Red Premium theme for Windows 10 TH2. Personally I think it looks badass. :Smug:


looks great, just waiting to come out version 2.0 (in 2 months) ... will be more customizable.:peace:

August 12th, 2016, 04:45 PM
This is the first time this new version of flash on YouTube has ever worked with my setup for having the ability to play in the HD settings. I'd always been using https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/youtube-flash-video-player/?src=userprofile


Using the old flash plugin does tend to crash the video sometimes and require a full refresh, I'll have to see if it's better using this updated player.

The odd thing is I just disabled and restarted my Pale Moon and it's still using the old player, I don't know why because I used to have to force it to use the old interface using that plugin.

August 28th, 2016, 01:25 AM
Kind of got tired of Vivaldi after a while. All the keyboard shortcuts and advanced functionality just got in the way for me a lot of the time. The crispness and good animations due to the Blink engine are nice, but the drawbacks started becoming noticeable on my end relatively quickly. I'll definitely try it down the line again when there is a new updated version, but for now I'm back to using Pale Moon as my main browser. It kind of sucks that now Google has been entirely removed from Pale Moon, they've instead switched to DuckDuckGo, which I'm not partial to, so everytime I want to search Google from my address bar I have to type !g before it.