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July 13th, 2016, 05:34 PM

BIG thx Mr. Grim to show me the way files loading

Hello Guys, hope u all like my work (working on it 3 weeks already) im not very expert on c++ etc...
I did 2 tools one modifies the system and one doesnt and now i wil explain the difrence between those 2

the one that modifies the system:
This one on my personal opinion it is better because it will work in any future builds i added new digital signatures with new algoritims and safer
but if u dont fallow the steps you can still crash your system.

The one that doenst modifies:
Its very similiar to the Tihiy Tool (OldNewExplorer)
the only issue its that you need to uptate the tool in some future builds (or in all builds, you never know what the MS people are up to)

The Results on Both tools are identical same.

The reason why i wont share the tools yet
i dont have a full program to compile my tools yet
if you want to help me release the tools dont forget to donate

All the Sugestions and Ideas are Welcome
If someone wants to participate and
Help with some kwnoledge on Visual C#, C++, Basic And Comands Lines Syntaxes
Or even help little with design,such as backgrounds, UI Style and etc...
are welcome to.

Tihiy Updadet ONE, ill take a breake and try to add something new to project

July 13th, 2016, 06:27 PM
Very impressed, this looks like it will be great little tool, I hope you get all the support you need :smile:

July 13th, 2016, 07:31 PM
nicely (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/247088-nicely) 5 things:

1st great if you actually release these peeps will be very grateful.
2nd i would not abandon them just because tihiy decides to update oldnewexplorer. the more tools out there the better. especially since the 1st one ISN'T build specific.
3rd i'd really remove the bit about piracy.
4th i suggest you setup a monterfund or gofundme account and the promote them on facebook, twitter, and in your signature.
5th i'm clicking the share on twitter button.

July 13th, 2016, 09:14 PM
The tool looks very promising at this stage, looks like everything is working well in your videos keep up the good work. I agree you should plan on releasing it or leaving it available for download even if Tihiy does update ONE.

July 13th, 2016, 09:39 PM
nicely (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/247088-nicely) 5 things:

1st great if you actually release these peeps will be very grateful.
2nd i would not abandon them just because tihiy decides to update oldnewexplorer. the more tools out there the better. especially since the 1st one ISN'T build specific.
3rd i'd really remove the bit about piracy.
4th i suggest you setup a monterfund or gofundme account and the promote them on facebook, twitter, and in your signature.
5th i'm clicking the share on twitter button.

thx bro and im sorry about some words, i dont know how it can sound for u about piracy (i removed )
english its my 3th language so, sorry if i said something wrong
and about tihiy thinked about abandon cuz he have name he have support to continue.
but anyway thx

July 13th, 2016, 10:15 PM
and about tihiy thinked about abandon cuz he have name he have support to continue.
but anyway thx

If Tihiy were to abandon ONE, would the reason be because it's free compared to SiB and takes a lot of work to maintain, which he doesn't necessarily get paid to develop for? Only reason I ask is because it sounds like you and him might have discussed the possibility of him abandoning the project.

July 15th, 2016, 10:52 PM
Could you also please look into adding the ability for custom explorerframe.dll images?

July 15th, 2016, 11:37 PM
Could you also please look into adding the ability for custom explorerframe.dll images?
He is, check the first post, it says it will be added on first install.


July 15th, 2016, 11:38 PM
He is, check the first post, it says it will be added on first install.


Whoops, I must have looked just at the check boxes and not read that, plus watched the vid where it didn't appear to be enabled, thanks.

July 15th, 2016, 11:54 PM
nicely (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/247088-nicely) a request, could you make the GUI use the system theme for checkboxes, text colors, buttons, and backgrounds?

July 16th, 2016, 12:33 AM
nicely (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/247088-nicely) a request, could you make the GUI use the system theme for checkboxes, text colors, buttons, and backgrounds?
lol watch the video, it is using the theme GUI :smile:

July 16th, 2016, 12:44 AM
lol watch the video, it is using the theme GUI :smile:

OK that's good, my mistake again. Another request though, could the GUI between options be as small as possible (remove most padding inbetween) :Smile:

July 16th, 2016, 12:59 AM
Also, I'd be interested to know whether or not the open/save dialogs are using the system theme in the navbar, ONE has not been doing this properly since Windows 10 and most of the time it will appear white and not themed.

For Example in Windows 10 RTM:

July 16th, 2016, 01:16 AM
OK that's good, my mistake again. Another request though, could the GUI between options be as small as possible (remove most padding inbetween) :Smile:

sure np

July 16th, 2016, 01:18 AM
Also, I'd be interested to know whether or not the open/save dialogs are using the system theme in the navbar, ONE has not been doing this properly since Windows 10 and most of the time it will appear white and not themed.

For Example in Windows 10 RTM:

ill check it
and maybe im worng but i thing u can fix it on wsb, i had same thing on my own theme and i dont remember where it is (mr.grim must know), but i fixed it

July 16th, 2016, 01:27 AM
ill check it
and maybe im worng but i thing u can fix it on wsb, i had same thing on my own theme and i dont remember where it is (mr.grim must know), but i fixed it

I'm not entirely sure if it can be fixed using WSB. Also, Mr GRiM has said he's not sure if it can be fixed before.
For example, even HUD Evolution for TH2 has this problem:

I've only been able to fix it on one occasion. I unchecked, installed, checked and installed "Enable glass on navigation bar" in OldNewExplorer. Ever since then it has stopped working even with the option checked.

July 16th, 2016, 01:33 AM
A question, could this be compatible with all builds of Windows 10 (RTM, TH2, and RS1)?

July 16th, 2016, 02:12 AM
I'm not entirely sure if it can be fixed using WSB. Also, Mr GRiM has said he's not sure if it can be fixed before.
For example, even HUD Evolution for TH2 has this problem:

I've only been able to fix it on one occasion. I unchecked, installed, checked and installed "Enable glass on navigation bar" in OldNewExplorer. Ever since then it has stopped working even with the option checked.

i have only 2 theme wich i modified by my self and on both i dont have this white think in th2 and rs1
test my venom theme wich i posted for th2 and export to rs1 maybe u can find solution for anothers themes there

July 16th, 2016, 02:48 AM
i have only 2 theme wich i modified by my self and on both i dont have this white think in th2 and rs1
test my venom theme wich i posted for th2 and export to rs1 maybe u can find solution for anothers themes there

Do you remember where the location was in WSB to theme this part?

July 16th, 2016, 05:43 AM
Do you remember where the location was in WSB to theme this part?

nope sorry

July 16th, 2016, 01:29 PM
nope sorry

OK I will have a search through Venom to look for it. I have one other thing that could use an update in my imported themes so it might be worth finding and making some changes. Either way, good to know it is possible, I should be able to find it.

July 16th, 2016, 06:14 PM
OK I will have a search through Venom to look for it. I have one other thing that could use an update in my imported themes so it might be worth finding and making some changes. Either way, good to know it is possible, I should be able to find it.

You can make that image a solid color but then it wont have the aero effect, ONE didn't load it in to memory on the first time you opened it but for me it has always been fine if you reopen the window again, it was definitely a problem with ONE, if you want to use a solid color instead though add an image to all of these locations:

Toolbars, Headers, & Rebar > Rebar > NavBar > Aero > Normal > Active > Background
Toolbars, Headers, & Rebar > Rebar > NavBar > Aero > Normal > Inactive > Background
Toolbars, Headers, & Rebar > Rebar > NavBar > Aero > Max > Active > Background
Toolbars, Headers, & Rebar > Rebar > NavBar > Aero > Max > Inactive > Background

July 16th, 2016, 06:25 PM
You can make that image a solid color but then it wont have the aero effect, ONE didn't load it in to memory on the first time you opened it but for me it has always been fine if you reopen the window again, it was definitely a problem with ONE, if you want to use a solid color instead though add an image to all of these locations:

Toolbars, Headers, & Rebar > Rebar > NavBar > Aero > Normal > Active > Background
Toolbars, Headers, & Rebar > Rebar > NavBar > Aero > Normal > Inactive > Background
Toolbars, Headers, & Rebar > Rebar > NavBar > Aero > Max > Active > Background
Toolbars, Headers, & Rebar > Rebar > NavBar > Aero > Max > Inactive > Background

OK thanks I guess I can try that. But if it's working for you the second time you open a window and it's a problem with ONE do you think it would be possible for nicely (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/247088-nicely) to implement a change so that it essentially fixes this problem by displaying the aero effect and an image, without making any changes to those sections you mentioned?

July 16th, 2016, 06:32 PM
It depends on how his works compared to ONE, it may not be an issue on Nicley's tool, we will have to wait for a beta to test.

July 19th, 2016, 01:17 AM
OK, now the second rumored RTM build is out (14393) lol
Just a couple of weeks left now til its release

July 19th, 2016, 01:32 AM
OK, now the second rumored RTM build is out (14393) lol
Just a couple of weeks left now til its release
yeah thats what Mary Jo Foley said:
New Windows 10 Insider build for Fast Ring for PCs, mobile (No. 14393) might be 'RTM'
but she said before too
Microsoft's latest Windows 10 Insider preview build 14393 could be RTM

July 19th, 2016, 01:34 AM
yeah thats what Mary Jo Foley said:
New Windows 10 Insider build for Fast Ring for PCs, mobile (No. 14393) might be 'RTM'
but she said before too
Microsoft's latest Windows 10 Insider preview build 14393 could be RTM

Now we should wait for Dona Sarkar "NOT RTM" again lol

July 19th, 2016, 01:36 AM
Now we should wait for Dona Sarkar "NOT RTM" again lol
yay they trolling us

Dark Knight
July 19th, 2016, 11:38 AM
General rule of thumb is, if it still has a watermark on it, it's not the RTM. If the watermark is gone it is the RTM release. I haven't updated my insider machine in a while because I don't have the time but I'm told the most recent release does not have a watermark on it, so that should give you your answer. :Smile:

July 19th, 2016, 01:06 PM
General rul of thumb is, if it still has a watermark on it, it's not the RTM. If the watermark is gone it is the RTM release. I haven't updated my insider machine in a while because I don't have the time but I'm told the most recent release does not have a watermark on it, so that should give you your answer. :Smile:

The whole reason I'm saying that is because the previous insider build did not have the watermark, was rumored to be RTM and it wasn't. So that's not a reliable way of judging it, only means RTM is close.

Dark Knight
July 19th, 2016, 02:29 PM
The whole reason I'm saying that is because the previous insider build did not have the watermark, was rumored to be RTM and it wasn't. So that's not a reliable way of judging it, only means RTM is close.

It's still the RTM release, if you remember last year right before Windows 10 was released when the RTM build came out Microsoft still updated it a couple of times just to tweak and fix a few bugs. The only TRUE RTM will be the one you download on August 2nd.


July 19th, 2016, 02:46 PM
It's still the RTM release, if you remember last year right before Windows 10 was released when the RTM build came out Microsoft still updated it a couple of times just to tweak and fix a few bugs. The only TRUE RTM will be the one you download on August 2nd.

You're right about that. I'm debating posting all my imports soon via updated threads. Now that nicely's tool at least will not require changes to the .msstyles to display what's currently missing - cp images and explorerframe.dll and probably a few other things. The only minor annoyance with importing to RS1 was the taskbar clock, it's hardcoded and in a new location so you need to manually change it, but the details for that can be found in the custom class maps and import scripts thread when I asked Grim about it. :peace:

Dark Knight
July 19th, 2016, 03:17 PM
I would wait for the final release.

Nicely's tool as well as it may work (honestly I haven't tried it) will just add an extra step to customizing your system, if your a Stardock user this will be ok because you'll be used to bloat, but on this end of the customizing community, LESS is more. But in the long run I honestly don't think this tool will be needed.
The cp images and explorerframe issues will have a way of working itself out, these were issues before and right at the release last year when 10 came out. Just because they weren't easily customizable in past builds doesn't mean it won't be in the final release. Give it time, don't force it, it'll all work out and it's pretty safe to say that you probably won't need a third party tool to do it.

I know your eager to get all these themes out ...... just have patience. IMO, I'd rather wait to see where the chips fall rather then to have to download and install a theme twenty times.

July 19th, 2016, 03:38 PM
To be fair, no one has been able to test nicely's tool yet because it isn't finished. He's developing an alternative to ONE as it has been months since any update for it not working properly on RS1. If Tihiy provides an update he might not finish the tool so we'll see.

July 19th, 2016, 03:43 PM
The whole reason I'm saying that is because the previous insider build did not have the watermark, was rumored to be RTM and it wasn't. So that's not a reliable way of judging it, only means RTM is close.

this typically means mickysour was ready to release and just prior found a bug they didn't like, so they fix the bug and did a new build.

You're right about that. I'm debating posting all my imports soon via updated threads. Now that nicely's tool at least will not require changes to the .msstyles to display what's currently missing - cp images and explorerframe.dll and probably a few other things. The only minor annoyance with importing to RS1 was the taskbar clock, it's hardcoded and in a new location so you need to manually change it, but the details for that can be found in the custom class maps and import scripts thread when I asked Grim about it. :peace:

personally i'd wait TILL at least a couple of days after to post anything, cause the second you post anything early mickysour WILL bend you over and BLEEP you silly with a several years old xbox.

To be fair, no one has been able to test nicely's tool yet because it isn't finished. He's developing an alternative to ONE as it has been months since any update for it not working properly on RS1. If Tihiy provides an update he might not finish the tool so we'll see.

to be perfectly frank i do not see tihiy updating ONE since the last update was back in 2013. i STRONGLY vote someone take ONE and update it and then post it. now as for nicely's tool i don't see him getting enough money to pay for the software, so another tool that WON'T be available to peeps.

Dark Knight
July 19th, 2016, 03:58 PM
To be fair, no one has been able to test nicely's tool yet because it isn't finished. He's developing an alternative to ONE as it has been months since any update for it not working properly on RS1. If Tihiy provides an update he might not finish the tool so we'll see.

Of coarse, but to be fair Tihly is not the type of person to update ONE on premature builds, but I am certain we will see an updated build of ONE not long after the Aug. 2nd update coomes out, if there needs to be one. I mean just look at StartIsBack, we had to provide him with concrete evidence that it could support skinning the taskbar before he would update it. He is very consice when it comes to updating his software, it has to be worth it or something has to be really wrong.
Tihly is a member of the MSFN community so if there needs to be an update to ONE I am sure the demand (for lack of a better word ) will be high. You just have to be patient, he charges nothing for ONE and VERY llittle for StartIsBack (look how much Starbloat charges for Start 10 as compared to StartIsBack) so it's not like he is making a living off these things, I'm sure he has other things going on in his daily life. I mean if he really wanted to he could watermark his work like Big Muscle does with AeroGlass in order to get donations, but he doesn't. He provides us with a free tool so it's not like we can put demands on him, when and if he does start charging for ONE then we can all stamp our feet.

I see no evidence of him dropping ONE in his MSFN thread, just because he does not reply right away doesn't mean he gave up on it.

July 19th, 2016, 04:01 PM
to be perfectly frank i do not see tihiy updating ONE since the last update was back in 2013. i STRONGLY vote someone take ONE and update it and then post it. now as for nicely's tool i don't see him getting enough money to pay for the software, so another tool that WON'T be available to peeps.

I'm not sure why you keep saying it hasn't been updated since 2013. many times we've talked about how it was updated by him just a few months ago but only the details pane was fixed. as for nicelys tool you may be right, personally I think he should collaborate with tihiy and maybe help him with ONE. unless there is an underlying problem where one can't be fixed, I'd say this would be best because everyone is already familiar with one. now as for posting themes I will wait since reading your guys input.

Dark Knight
July 19th, 2016, 04:29 PM
He updates it, I'm using v1.1.7 which was updated for Windows 10, the current version is 1.1.8 on MSFN which from what I am reading may still have some bugs in it so I stick with 1.1.7

July 19th, 2016, 05:19 PM
He updates it, I'm using v1.1.7 which was updated for Windows 10, the current version is 1.1.8 on MSFN which from what I am reading may still have some bugs in it so I stick with 1.1.7

i'm running the 1.1.8 and as long as i don't switch theme i don't break anything. i just tried to switch themes and got the basic white theme and no ability to switch back. luckily i created a restore point cause i thought there might be a problem switching theme on 10586.494. i can't really say if it's a problem with one, uxstyle, uxtheme or a combination of problems frfom all 3 of them.

July 19th, 2016, 06:16 PM
Of coarse, but to be fair Tihly is not the type of person to update ONE on premature builds, but I am certain we will see an updated build of ONE not long after the Aug. 2nd update coomes out, if there needs to be one. I mean just look at StartIsBack, we had to provide him with concrete evidence that it could support skinning the taskbar before he would update it. He is very consice when it comes to updating his software, it has to be worth it or something has to be really wrong.
Tihly is a member of the MSFN community so if there needs to be an update to ONE I am sure the demand (for lack of a better word ) will be high. You just have to be patient, he charges nothing for ONE and VERY llittle for StartIsBack (look how much Starbloat charges for Start 10 as compared to StartIsBack) so it's not like he is making a living off these things, I'm sure he has other things going on in his daily life. I mean if he really wanted to he could watermark his work like Big Muscle does with AeroGlass in order to get donations, but he doesn't. He provides us with a free tool so it's not like we can put demands on him, when and if he does start charging for ONE then we can all stamp our feet.

I see no evidence of him dropping ONE in his MSFN thread, just because he does not reply right away doesn't mean he gave up on it.

I agree.. theres no point in updating ONE when there's a chance for it to possibly break in each build. Im sure it will be updated after Aug 2... and if not.. well.. it's not the end of the world i guess. lol

July 20th, 2016, 03:40 AM
I REALLY wish you would post this!! I would like to use my themes in Redstone!

July 20th, 2016, 09:45 AM
Could it possibly be a hardware issue? I know there are some programs that work better on Windows 10 if the user has a certain brand of hardware than those that have other brands of hardware [UxStyle being one of them]. Maybe it might be worth looking into?

July 20th, 2016, 05:14 PM
Dark Knight (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/199178-Dark-Knight) now you ARE being an ASS and your post have been pulled. fyi i went back through the post and you started the crap over a simple comment i made about doing a system snapshot. i soft deleted the trash post and left that one of mine. fyi with your response to my one post you hijacked the thread.