View Full Version : How do i edit network system tray icons?

July 20th, 2016, 05:44 PM
I have seen in customizer god the ability to export say network tray icons, and im wondering if i can edit them and other such files or if there is anything specific i need to be aware of.

reason i ask is that i have noticed with red hud theme by Mr Grim that my network status tray icon is unmodified and i would like it to fit in.

there are also some other files i have seen using customizergod that i would like to modify to fit the theme unique to my pc.

perhaps there is an esaier way to do this using Mr Grims install files etc?

July 21st, 2016, 11:01 AM
Figured it out, (partly) can export the file to say desktop and use a icon editing program like IcoFX2 to edit file doing the following.

1) select all and cut image out.
2) create new icon and modify to desired image
3) select menu item IMAGE / Create windows Icon From Image.
4) ensure selection of all icon image sizes which you can take from original file.
5) click ok and this will create icon in different sizes creating a strip like original file
6) save as #123.ico or which ever file you wanted to change
7) in customizer god double clikc icon you wish to change to import new file.

this has worked for me, i have changed and create red hud theme styled Network tray icons and modified the volume icons slightly for personal effect. i will show results later when i have done a few more.

I wonder however, if i wanted to put into the install files for red hud (which i have backed up and saved) coud i add these to it to save me time manually updating my own changes if i us theme on another machine?

Also can anyone tell me the difference between hud red top shell and hud red in theme choices? theres a couple and only thing i noticed so far was that with hud red some of the custom sounds were not included and top shell appears to me more complete....