View Full Version : SatrtIsBack Causing all sorts of issues

August 24th, 2016, 01:05 PM

I dunno where to post this and since that's a taskbar/tray section here goes. I usually use Start10 which I paid $5 for but it ain't themable by themes here. So I bought StartIsBack. I am starting to regret this purchase however. Yes, coz after installing it I can no longer Right-Click on icons or clock. I tried everything nothing worked. I can right click on blank section of taskbar but not icons. I usually quit apps that way, and pin/unpin or even modify icons there.

Can anyone help ?

August 24th, 2016, 01:27 PM
Are you sure it's SiB causing the problem, I can right click same as I always have, have you tried using the default theme or disabling SiB to see if there is still a problem?

August 24th, 2016, 01:32 PM
Are you sure it's SiB causing the problem, I can right click same as I always have, have you tried using the default theme or disabling SiB to see if there is still a problem?

Well it has happened ever since I installed SiB... Am not using any other tweaks besides SiB + O.N.E....

Dark Knight
August 24th, 2016, 02:18 PM
Have you tried uninstalling SIB to see if the problem still exists? I have used start is back since it's release and have never experienced any problems like the one you are experiencing.

If you can post a screen shot of your SIB settings we may be able to trouble shoot this, it may be something as simple as having a wrong setting.

Click on your start button then in an empty space on the start menu right click and select properties then take a screen shot of each page.

August 24th, 2016, 02:24 PM
Have you tried uninstalling SIB to see if the problem still exists? I have used start is back since it's release and have never experienced any problems like the one you are experiencing.

If you can post a screen shot of your SIB settings we may be able to trouble shoot this, it may be something as simple as having a wrong setting.

Click on your start button then in an empty space on the start menu right click and select properties then take a screen shot of each page.

Now my whole taskbar won't work. Start menu not working. Everything is broken. I removed SiB still same issue. I have no clue what's going on. I am now running Dism commands to figure out issue.

Dark Knight
August 24th, 2016, 02:38 PM
Now my whole taskbar won't work. Start menu not working. Everything is broken. I removed SiB still same issue. I have no clue what's going on. I am now running Dism commands to figure out issue.

Sounds like you have something else going on, when you uninstall SIB your start menu and taskbar should revert back to it's default. Maybe something else you had installed?

August 24th, 2016, 02:40 PM
Sounds like you have something else going on, when you uninstall SIB your start menu and taskbar should revert back to it's default. Maybe something else you had installed?

I swear I have nothing else installed besides ONE and SiB... Had Start10 but I unloaded it before uninstalling. I have TeamViewer if you care to check things out ?

Dark Knight
August 24th, 2016, 02:48 PM
Open ONE and check to make sure your settings are the same..........


What do you mean by you "unloaded" start 10? did you just stop the process or uninstall it completely? you probably need to remove it all together (uninstall it) Stardock products have away of NOT playing nicely with other themeing tools other than their own.

August 24th, 2016, 02:54 PM
Open ONE and check to make sure your settings are the same..........


What do you mean by you "unloaded" start 10? did you just stop the process or uninstall it completely? you probably need to remove it all together (uninstall it) Stardock products have away of NOT playing nicely with other themeing tools other than their own.

Yes my settings are same. What I mean by unloaded is that there's an option called unload. I did that then I uninstalled it completely. Uninstalling SiB doesn't fix anything xD

Time for a Windows fresh install ?


Dark Knight
August 24th, 2016, 03:05 PM
Did you uninstall using control panel or with software like Revo Uninstaller or Geek Uninstaller?
I ask because if you just uninstalled through the control panel then there are probably Stardock remnants left behind (Stardock is good for that) in which case I would download and install one of the two uninstaller programs (Revo has a free version and Geek is just free) reinstall Start 10 then uninstall it using one of those uninstaller programs, they should get rid of whatever the control panel had missed like registry entries and leftover folders from Start 10. After you do that I would reboot, make sure your right click works then reinstall SIB.

I have a feeling it may have been Starbloat 10 that was messing with you.

August 24th, 2016, 03:18 PM
Did you uninstall using control panel or with software like Revo Uninstaller or Geek Uninstaller?
I ask because if you just uninstalled through the control panel then there are probably Stardock remnants left behind (Stardock is good for that) in which case I would download and install one of the two uninstaller programs (Revo has a free version and Geek is just free) reinstall Start 10 then uninstall it using one of those uninstaller programs, they should get rid of whatever the control panel had missed like registry entries and leftover folders from Start 10. After you do that I would reboot, make sure your right click works then reinstall SIB.

I have a feeling it may have been Starbloat 10 that was messing with you.

Just tried that to no avail still dead. I tried some solutions found on TenForums.com ... No go...

Dark Knight
August 24th, 2016, 03:40 PM
You may be better off just doing a system refresh or reset then try to reinstall in this order .......

1.) ONE
2.) Since there is no version of AeroGlass that is compatible with the Anniversary Update yet create a folder on your C:\ drive, name it "AeroGlass" without the quotes.
2.) Download in install ThemeSignatureBypass here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ypfbd57xb8zce9p/Theme%20Signature%20Bypass.exe?dl=0
3.) Install one or two themes to your "C:\Windows\Resources\Themes" directory
4.) Install SIB

After doing that THEN go to your personalization page and select the theme you want, after which you should be able to choose inside SIB which style start menu you want to use (if other that the theme installed one) Start menu Orbs for the theme(s) are located in your themes explorer.exe folder that will need to be applied inside of SIB.

If you want to install a theme patcher like Uxstyle you can, personally I don't because they can be kind of buggy especially when it comes to Windows Updates, others here will tell you to install it as a fallback but the ThemeSignatureBypass tool works just fine by itself as you can do Windows Updates with your custom theme installed, with a patcher like UxStyle you need to revert to the Windows default theme before doing Windows Updates in the event the updates don't agree with the patcher.

If everything works out you can go ahead and install more themes to your themes directory.

In the future if you want to install custom themes whether they be from here or Stardock Windows Blinds themes, you can only run one or the other at any one given time, meaning try not to run Stardock tools with the tools you find here and visa versa, they just don't play well together and more times than none will conflict with each other, if you want my PERSONAL opinion ..... I would stay away from Stardock all together, first being as you will find MUCH better looking themes here and second you can run the themes here without all the system BLOAT you will get from Stardock software.

Let me know how you make out. :no1:

August 24th, 2016, 03:59 PM
You may be better off just doing a system refresh or reset then try to reinstall in this order .......

1.) ONE
2.) Since there is no version of AeroGlass that is compatible with the Anniversary Update yet create a folder on your C:\ drive, name it "AeroGlass" without the quotes.
2.) Download in install ThemeSignatureBypass here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ypfbd57xb8zce9p/Theme%20Signature%20Bypass.exe?dl=0
3.) Install a few themes to your "C:\Windows\Resources\Themes" directory
4.) Install SIB

After doing that THEN go to your personalization page and select the theme you want, after which you should be able to choose inside SIB which style start menu you want to use (if other that the theme installed one) Start menu Orbs for the theme(s) are located in your themes explorer.exe folder that will need to be applied inside of SIB.

If you want to install a theme patcher like Uxstyle you can, personally I don't because they can be kind of buggy especially when it comes to Windows Updates, others here will tell you to install it as a fallback but the ThemeSignatureBypass tool works just fine as you can do Windows Updates with your custom theme installed, with a patcher like UxStyle you need to revert to the Windows default theme before doing Windows Updates in the event the updates don't agree with the patcher.

Let me know how you make out. :no1:

Yeah I figured as much. Funny thing is, Only yesterday I fresh installed Windows and started messing with themes from here. I have to go through everything again xD

Did I mention that I uninstalled all Modern Apps including Store n Edge ? Maybe that's the issue ? Also I recently discovered a method via Dism to move my users folder to D:\ drive... A separate physical drive (For safety and space since my SSD is 120gb and docs > 200gb)

Dark Knight
August 24th, 2016, 04:05 PM
Yeah I figured as much. Funny thing is, Only yesterday I fresh installed Windows and started messing with themes from here. I have to go through everything again xD

Did I mention that I uninstalled all Modern Apps including Store n Edge ? Maybe that's the issue ? Also I recently discovered a method via Dism to move my users folder to D:\ drive... A separate physical drive (For safety and space since my SSD is 120gb and docs > 200gb)

I don't think uninstalling your apps would have anything to do with it, personally IMO I firmly believe it may have been the Stardock software, read my last updated post .
Your better off starting fresh.

When you get back fresh, IF YOUR NOT SURE about anything about reinstalling themes, BEFORE you go and do it, ask here first, there is always someone around here that can help you out, that's what we are here for ;) and to take business away from Starbloat too!

August 24th, 2016, 04:07 PM
I don't think uninstalling your apps would have anything to do with it, personally IMO I firmly believe it may have been the Stardock software, read my last updated post .
Your better off starting fresh.

Yeah I read. Start10 was working before. I never ever had any issues with it. That's why am finding this odd...

Dark Knight
August 24th, 2016, 04:17 PM
Ok, I have some Windows Updates that require a restart, I'll be back around in a little while ...........

August 24th, 2016, 04:31 PM
Did you uninstall using control panel or with software like Revo Uninstaller or Geek Uninstaller?
I ask because if you just uninstalled through the control panel then there are probably Stardock remnants left behind (Stardock is good for that) in which case I would download and install one of the two uninstaller programs (Revo has a free version and Geek is just free) reinstall Start 10 then uninstall it using one of those uninstaller programs, they should get rid of whatever the control panel had missed like registry entries and leftover folders from Start 10. After you do that I would reboot, make sure your right click works then reinstall SIB.

I have a feeling it may have been Starbloat 10 that was messing with you.

i'm with Dark Knight (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/199178-Dark-Knight) on using revo. i just switched from your uninstaller to revo recently and haven't looked back.

August 24th, 2016, 05:59 PM
My bet is on one of the other tweaks you have done, removing features seems like a good idea but Windows 8 and Windows 10 are pretty unstable and they can be upset very easily and in most cases require you to do a fresh install, I have tried a few scripts and so on to remove the junk in Windows 10 but all came with unwanted side effects, I found it's better just use the windows settings and disable as much as you can from there and be happy with it.

August 24th, 2016, 06:20 PM
sorry GRiM (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/1-Mr-GRiM) but i have to disagree with your assessment. 8 was bad and corrected by 8.1, as for 10 it really has no more problems than 7 did. 8/8.1/10 out of the box is annoying but not that hard to tweak your way WITH 3rd party apps and reg tweaks, this includes adding features back in that have been removed. there are only a few things that i actually adjust using settings, services, or gpedit in 10.

August 24th, 2016, 07:00 PM
sorry GRiM (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/1-Mr-GRiM) but i have to disagree with your assessment. 8 was bad and corrected by 8.1, as for 10 it really has no more problems than 7 did. 8/8.1/10 out of the box is annoying but not that hard to tweak your way WITH 3rd party apps and reg tweaks, this includes adding features back in that have been removed. there are only a few things that i actually adjust using settings, services, or gpedit in 10.

I am not talking about registry tweaks I am talking about actually removing deleting/uninstalling features and built in Apps, in most such cases there is no way to reverse any damage that has been done, as for you saying Windows 7 was just same I completely disagree, that OS was almost indestructible and even with themes it at least had a fallback to the classic theme if for some reason your theme failed to load, unlike Windows 8 and 10 where the classic theme was removed leaving no fallback other then a black and grey flashing screen that in most cases required a fresh install to fix.

August 24th, 2016, 07:19 PM
It was terrible porting themes from 10 TH2-RS1 for me for some reason. Definitely partly because of this new version of VirtualBox. Couldn't say how many machines I lost to the grey blinking screen, but it must have been close to 50. The machine would Abort out of nowhere, reboot would then be impossible.

Chris Massagee
August 24th, 2016, 07:52 PM
only problem im having with SiB isthat my license key doesnt work anymore which i paid for .ice emailed the guy who owns it but no reply yet

August 24th, 2016, 08:18 PM
only problem im having with SiB isthat my license key doesnt work anymore which i paid for .ice emailed the guy who owns it but no reply yet

I just did a search on MSFN as remembered seeing this mentioned, this worked for another user.

Try uninstalling with checkbox 'Remove settings with license data', then actvating new version.

August 24th, 2016, 08:33 PM
Hey guys... Ok, am done restoring after a fresh install. And I must agree with Grim on this one, simply because I have suffered unspeakable side effects due to my excessive registry tweaking. Now I did not touch any of my usual registry tweaks. So far so good. All seems to be working, including the RED restart screen. I am finishing up now. I think something am disabling via registry was causing the issues.

Question, any icons for Black n red themes like HUD Red, ASUS Red, Stealth etc ? And how can I change icons on Windows 10 ? 7tsp still works ?

Will post any updates here...

Chris Massagee
August 24th, 2016, 08:44 PM
I just did a search on MSFN as remembered seeing this mentioned, this worked for another user.

i have already done that with the old and new verisons ans it didnt work

August 24th, 2016, 09:12 PM
Question, any icons for Black n red themes like HUD Red, ASUS Red, Stealth etc ? And how can I change icons on Windows 10 ? 7tsp still works ?


August 24th, 2016, 09:20 PM

Damn thanks... The only Red one was Poison one xD

August 24th, 2016, 09:32 PM
Damn thanks... The only Red one was Poison one xD


August 24th, 2016, 09:38 PM

Awesome... Just wondering... Is it ok or will patching dlls affect updating windows?

Dark Knight
August 24th, 2016, 10:36 PM
Awesome... Just wondering... Is it ok or will patching dlls affect updating windows?

If your talking about 7tsp or iPacks, then no. Personally I think iPacks are better and easier to deal with.

The only thing Windows Updates might or will mess with is if you used a theme patcher like UxStyle, if you used the ThemeSignatureBypass like I suggested you should be fine.

Sorry it took so long to get back, after I rebooted after my Windows updates someone hit a telephone pole around here somewhere and I lost cable, internet and phone for about 4 hours ........ the Looongest four hours of my life. lol

August 24th, 2016, 10:45 PM
If your talking about 7tsp or iPacks, then no. Personally I think iPacks are better and easier to deal with.

The only thing Windows Updates might or will mess with is if you used a theme patcher like UxStyle, if you used the ThemeSignatureBypass like I suggested you should be fine.

Sorry it took so long to get back, after I rebooted after my Windows updates someone hit a telephone pole around here somewhere and I lost cable, internet and phone for about 4 hours ........ the Looongest four hours of my life. lol

Yeah I used ThemeSignatureBypass just as you instructed boss.. And lol... I have been restoring things since we last talked. iPacks patch DLL files that's why I was asking. Aren't those DLL files updated when I update Windows ? BTW I have noticed this...

Monitor # 1 :


Monitor # 2 :


Mis-alignment why ? Can it be fixed ?