View Full Version : Is it possible?

August 25th, 2016, 09:24 PM
I have windows 7 home premium.

This question has been bugging me for some time.Is it possible to have the font that is under the icons on your desktop INSIDE an icon? If i wanted to make an icon for google chrome,i would like to be able to put the font inside the icon.This way i can make my own personal icons and i have it the same way as i do my chrome browser start page.would be awesome,but for some reason i think it is impossible.

August 25th, 2016, 10:22 PM
AlphaOmega (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/295217-AlphaOmega) I just tried out this trick and it works for desktop icons:

Hide Desktop Icon Text on Windows 7 or Vista (http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/windows-vista/hide-desktop-icon-text-on-windows-vista/)

Some icons are just obvious enough that nobody should need text below them to tell them what the icon is for. A good example of this is the icon for Internet Explorer. We’re all really used to it by now, and the text just makes it ugly.

Just right-click on the shortcut, and choose Rename. Now hold down the Alt key and type in 255 on the keypad to the right of the keyboard. You can’t use the number keys right above the keyboard, they won’t work. If you have a laptop, you can turn on numlock and then use the little number keys next to the regular letters. (You know you always wondered what they were for)


For the first shortcut on the desktop, a simple Alt+255 will do. For the next shortcut, you’ll have to enter the combination twice (Alt+255, Alt+255). For the third, 3 times… you get the idea.
The way this works is that the Alt+255 character is blank, so the shortcut filename is actually just named with a character that is completely blank. Since you can’t have two shortcuts or files named the exact same thing, the second shortcut will have to be named with two blank characters.
Now we have a sweet looking icon on the desktop, with no bothersome text beneath it.


August 25th, 2016, 10:35 PM
Shemhamforash (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/280089-Shemhamforash) he's talking about either overlaying the icon image with it's name or replacing the icon image with the name of the icon. i'm assuming the first is what he wants.

August 25th, 2016, 11:20 PM
Shemhamforash (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/280089-Shemhamforash) he's talking about either overlaying the icon image with it's name or replacing the icon image with the name of the icon. i'm assuming the first is what he wants.

Sure, but he could add the text to the icon image using an image editor if the text from the bottom of the icon is removed

August 25th, 2016, 11:39 PM
Sure, but he could add the text to the icon image using an image editor if the text from the bottom of the icon is removed

yea that's all i can think of. i don't know of any icon editors that you can do that with so just a standard image editor.

August 25th, 2016, 11:42 PM
This is what im talking about.I want my desktop to look like my browser page.I have the icon,but i want to beable to insert the text the same way as you see in the screenie.So basically what you see in the screenie is what i want on my desktop.


August 26th, 2016, 12:08 AM
o.k. since you don't want images you might be better off seeing what rainmeter skins will allow for doing that.

August 26th, 2016, 12:09 AM
You could do it as a Rainmeter skin and have it exactly the same

August 26th, 2016, 12:10 AM
o.k. since you don't want images you might be better off seeing what rainmeter skins will allow for doing that.

Thankyou.will give it ah shot.

August 30th, 2016, 02:08 PM
o.k. since you don't want images you might be better off seeing what rainmeter skins will allow for doing that.

Ok.so i have been working on this for a couple of days now.I have it so it can look like my browser start page without the need of rainmeter or any software at all.just a few editing tricks.However,i only have one question left.and im not sure thats even possible..lol..Is there a way to resize the hover effect when hovering over desktop icons? Ive noticed its just a square when hovering over an icon.I kind of wanted to be able to resize it to match the size of my new icons. It this something that needs to be edited in the theme visual style using resource hacker? Or is it possible at all?

August 30th, 2016, 02:57 PM
Ok.so i have been working on this for a couple of days now.I have it so it can look like my browser start page without the need of rainmeter or any software at all.just a few editing tricks.However,i only have one question left.and im not sure thats even possible..lol..Is there a way to resize the hover effect when hovering over desktop icons? Ive noticed its just a square when hovering over an icon.I kind of wanted to be able to resize it to match the size of my new icons. It this something that needs to be edited in the theme visual style using resource hacker? Or is it possible at all?

this is a question better answered by others. i honestly don't know. i suggest you post a scrennshot or two of what you have and give details about what you have done. it'll go a long way in helping others help you with this.

August 30th, 2016, 03:21 PM
ok.so this is what i did.

The icon that you see in the screenshot is not really an icon.It is a png of photoscape pasted on my wallpaper.
I then made the original icon for photoscape transparent and removed the icon text.
I then disabled "align icons to grid" so that i could move the transparent icon freely over the png with the same name (photscape) so that it would look like and act like a real icon.Only the real icon thats over the png is invisible.But by clicking it still opens up the url or etc...here is an example below in the screenie of what im talking about with the square hover effect.I just wanted to know if there was any way to resize that square to any dimensions,so that when i place it over the fake png icon,it would be the same size and act as if it were a real icon..lol..i know,its messed up.I hope its doable..thanx


August 30th, 2016, 03:45 PM
i don't know what other will think but i don't think it's messed up. personally i think it's pretty damn inventive.

August 30th, 2016, 03:55 PM
i don't know what other will think but i don't think it's messed up. personally i think it's pretty damn inventive.

Thankyou for your comment :) Much appreciated.Im just trying to avoid installing any software to do this and at the same time knowing that if it can be done that i could make any image for the icon/png to match any theme i use.again,thankyou for the comment.

August 30th, 2016, 03:57 PM
or even if i could disable the hover effect all together.that would work too.

August 30th, 2016, 05:52 PM
or even if i could disable the hover effect all together.that would work too.

To delete the desktop hover and click images, remove the images or add completely transparent ones to the visual style using Windows Style Builder in the location Explorer & Shell > Explorer > ListView > ListItem
Tested using HUD Launch on Windows 7

August 30th, 2016, 06:56 PM
To delete the desktop hover and click images, remove the images or add completely transparent ones to the visual style using Windows Style Builder in the location Explorer & Shell > Explorer > ListView > ListItem
Tested using HUD Launch on Windows 7

ok.I have never used stylebuilder before.so im going to give it a try.I brought up the hud launch msstyle.but im not quite exactley sure what to delete or how to go about it.It seems the "remove propery" is greyed out or black under every thing i click on under "ListItem".I think i may not be clicking on the right thing maybe? Just a quick how to and what would be greatly appreciated.Thankyou for this.cant wait to try it once i figure it out.


August 30th, 2016, 07:07 PM
ok.I have never used stylebuilder before.so im going to give it a try.I brought up the hud launch msstyle.but im not quite exactley sure what to delete or how to go about it.It seems the "remove propery" is greyed out or black under every thing i click on under "ListItem".I think i may not be clicking on the right thing maybe? Just a quick how to and what would be greatly appreciated.Thankyou for this.cant wait to try it once i figure it out.


Sure, that version of WSB that you're using is outdated, you can still use it, but you might want to grab a copy of one of Mr GRiM's custom import scripts build here for updated class maps (it works fine on any Windows OS):

http://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/70828-Custom-Class-Maps-and-Import-Scripts-for-Windows-10-TH2-RS1 (http://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/70828-Custom-Class-Maps-and-Import-Scripts-for-Windows-10-TH2-RS1)

What you can do is hit export on one of the list view images, open the image in PS, delete the image itself so it's just a transparent layer with no graphic, and save the image. Now import that transparent image for all of the tree sections under ListItem, enter testing mode and if everything is good than save your theme and replace it in \Resources\Themes and reapply your theme from the personalization pane.

August 30th, 2016, 07:08 PM
thanx.will give it ah try :)

August 30th, 2016, 07:31 PM
Sure, that version of WSB that you're using is outdated, you can still use it, but you might want to grab a copy of one of Mr GRiM's custom import scripts build here for updated class maps (it works fine on any Windows OS):

http://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/70828-Custom-Class-Maps-and-Import-Scripts-for-Windows-10-TH2-RS1 (http://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/70828-Custom-Class-Maps-and-Import-Scripts-for-Windows-10-TH2-RS1)

What you can do is hit export on one of the list view images, open the image in PS, delete the image itself so it's just a transparent layer with no graphic, and save the image. Now import that transparent image for all of the tree sections under ListItem, enter testing mode and if everything is good than save your theme and replace it in \Resources\Themes and reapply your theme from the personalization pane.

Holy Hell!! It worked flawlessly!! exactley what i wanted!! Thankyou so much! You have made my day.Now i can continue making my desktop to match my theme! Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet!

September 1st, 2016, 04:16 PM
AlphaOmega (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/295217-AlphaOmega) I just tried out this trick and it works for desktop icons:

Hide Desktop Icon Text on Windows 7 or Vista (http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/windows-vista/hide-desktop-icon-text-on-windows-vista/)

Some icons are just obvious enough that nobody should need text below them to tell them what the icon is for. A good example of this is the icon for Internet Explorer. We’re all really used to it by now, and the text just makes it ugly.

Just right-click on the shortcut, and choose Rename. Now hold down the Alt key and type in 255 on the keypad to the right of the keyboard. You can’t use the number keys right above the keyboard, they won’t work. If you have a laptop, you can turn on numlock and then use the little number keys next to the regular letters. (You know you always wondered what they were for)


For the first shortcut on the desktop, a simple Alt+255 will do. For the next shortcut, you’ll have to enter the combination twice (Alt+255, Alt+255). For the third, 3 times… you get the idea.
The way this works is that the Alt+255 character is blank, so the shortcut filename is actually just named with a character that is completely blank. Since you can’t have two shortcuts or files named the exact same thing, the second shortcut will have to be named with two blank characters.
Now we have a sweet looking icon on the desktop, with no bothersome text beneath it.


I seem to be having a problem with this method.atleast for the 2nd and 3rd and so on icons.The first one goes fine.after that,well..im stuck..lol.My laptop does not have a num lok key.I have no idea where it is..lol.I have to use the FN+ALT+255..Maybe im doing the rest of them wrong.I cant seem to get the comma in there without having to let go of the keys.And if i let go and hit the commas,then i have commas as an icon..lol Think i may need a little more instruction on this.sorry.

September 1st, 2016, 04:27 PM
I seem to be having a problem with this method.atleast for the 2nd and 3rd and so on icons.The first one goes fine.after that,well..im stuck..lol.My laptop does not have a num lok key.I have no idea where it is..lol.I have to use the FN+ALT+255..Maybe im doing the rest of them wrong.I cant seem to get the comma in there without having to let go of the keys.And if i let go and hit the commas,then i have commas as an icon..lol Think i may need a little more instruction on this.sorry.

I can't really test it same as you since I have a full keyboard, but I can confirm it works. I believe that since you could get it to work for the first one, the second one should work as well. I just got a second one by doing this.

For the first blank icon - ALT keep it held down 255 let go of ALT
For the second blank icon - ALT keep it held down 255 let go of ALT press ALT keep it held down 255 let go of ALT
For the third blank icon - ALT keep it held down 255 let go of ALT press ALT keep it held down 255 let go of ALT press ALT keep it held down 255 let go of ALT

Hopefully that works for you kind of the same way when using the FN key - as you can see there are no commas in the key combination. Hope this helps

September 1st, 2016, 04:37 PM
Thankyou for that.I had to look up my brand of computer.I found that you had to activate num lok by pressing FN+F11 at the same time.after that i did what you just posted.worked great.thanx again my friend.much appreciated.

September 1st, 2016, 07:20 PM
I can't really test it same as you since I have a full keyboard, but I can confirm it works. I believe that since you could get it to work for the first one, the second one should work as well. I just got a second one by doing this.

For the first blank icon - ALT keep it held down 255 let go of ALT
For the second blank icon - ALT keep it held down 255 let go of ALT press ALT keep it held down 255 let go of ALT
For the third blank icon - ALT keep it held down 255 let go of ALT press ALT keep it held down 255 let go of ALT press ALT keep it held down 255 let go of ALT

Hopefully that works for you kind of the same way when using the FN key - as you can see there are no commas in the key combination. Hope this helps

when i did this with my icons once this is the method i used. time consuming but was worth it in the end.

September 1st, 2016, 11:33 PM
time consuming and ah pain..lol.the last icon i had to hit alt+255 18 times..lol.but your right,it was worth it.