View Full Version : time date/calender for rainmeter request.

September 15th, 2016, 09:56 PM
was wondering if someone could make the hud launch clock and a seperate calendar for rainmeter.EXACTLEY like the ones you see in my screenie.Being able to use the clock and calendar seperate or together.Thanyou.would mean alot to me.


Levi Vladimir
September 17th, 2016, 05:08 AM
TD LAUNCH skin for Rainmeter.

September 17th, 2016, 04:05 PM
Wow!! That is perfect! However,and yes there seems to be one issue with it that i dont know how to fix.Once loaded,i can only drag it to the center of my screen and to the right.once in the center,it will not let me drag it left.It also will not drag all the way to the bottom.Can someone help me figure out what settings i need to edit in the skin? Please and ty.And ty again for this! It could not be any more perfect!!

Levi Vladimir
September 17th, 2016, 08:23 PM
Updated (greater freedom of movement).

September 17th, 2016, 09:16 PM
Updated (greater freedom of movement).

Still doing the same thing.will only move to the right and the center :(

September 17th, 2016, 09:37 PM
Still doing the same thing.will only move to the right and the center :(

It does drag all the way to the bottom now.but will not drag to the left from the center.